/* Package feegrant provides functionality for authorizing the payment of transaction fees from one account (key) to another account (key). Effectively, this allows for a user to pay fees using the balance of an account different from their own. Example use cases would be allowing a key on a device to pay for fees using a master wallet, or a third party service allowing users to pay for transactions without ever really holding their own tokens. This package provides ways for specifying fee allowances such that authorizing fee payment to another account can be done with clear and safe restrictions. A user would authorize granting fee payment to another user using MsgGrantAllowance and revoke that delegation using MsgRevokeAllowance. In both cases, Granter is the one who is authorizing fee payment and Grantee is the one who is receiving the fee payment authorization. So grantee would correspond to the one who is signing a transaction and the granter would be the address that pays the fees. The fee allowance that a grantee receives is specified by an implementation of the FeeAllowance interface. Two FeeAllowance implementations are provided in this package: BasicAllowance and PeriodicAllowance. */ package feegrant