# REST Endpoints Migration Migrate to gRPC-Gateway REST endpoints. Legacy REST endpoints were marked as deprecated in v0.40 and will be removed in v0.45. {synopsis} ::: warning Two Legacy REST endpoints (`POST /txs` and `POST /txs/encode`) were removed ahead of schedule in v0.44 due to a security vulnerability. ::: ## Legacy REST Endpoints Cosmos SDK versions v0.39 and earlier registered REST endpoints using a package called `gorilla/mux`. These REST endpoints were marked as deprecated in v0.40 and have since been referred to as legacy REST endpoints. Legacy REST endpoints will be officially removed in v0.45. ## gRPC-Gateway REST Endpoints Following the Protocol Buffers migration in v0.40, Cosmos SDK has been set to take advantage of a vast number of gRPC tools and solutions. v0.40 introduced new REST endpoints generated from [gRPC `Query` services](../building-modules/query-services.md) using [grpc-gateway](https://grpc-ecosystem.github.io/grpc-gateway/). These new REST endpoints are referred to as gRPC-Gateway REST endpoints. ## Migrating to New REST Endpoints | Legacy REST Endpoint | Description | New gRPC-gateway REST Endpoint | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `GET /txs/{hash}` | Query tx by hash | `GET /cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs/{hash}` | | `GET /txs` | Query tx by events | `GET /cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs` | | `POST /txs` | Broadcast tx | `POST /cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs` | | `POST /txs/encode` | Encodes an Amino JSON tx to an Amino binary tx | N/A, use Protobuf directly | | `POST /txs/decode` | Decodes an Amino binary tx into an Amino JSON tx | N/A, use Protobuf directly | | `POST /bank/*` | Create unsigned `Msg`s for bank tx | N/A, use Protobuf directly | | `GET /bank/balances/{address}` | Get the balance of an address | `GET /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/balances/{address}` | | `GET /bank/total` | Get the total supply of all coins | `GET /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/supply` | | `GET /bank/total/{denom}` | Get the total supply of one coin | `GET /cosmos/bank/v1beta1/supply/{denom}` | | `POST /distribution/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/rewards` | Withdraw all delegator rewards | N/A, use Protobuf directly | | `POST /distribution/*` | Create unsigned `Msg`s for distribution | N/A, use Protobuf directly | | `GET /distribution/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/rewards` | Get the total rewards balance from all delegations | `GET /cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/v1beta1/delegators/{delegator_address}/rewards` | | `GET /distribution/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/rewards/{validatorAddr}` | Query a delegation reward | `GET /cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/rewards/{validatorAddr}` | | `GET /distribution/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/withdraw_address` | Get the rewards withdrawal address | `GET /cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/withdraw_address` | | `GET /distribution/validators/{validatorAddr}` | Validator distribution information | N/A | | `GET /distribution/validators/{validatorAddr}/rewards` | Commission and outstanding rewards of a single a validator | `GET /cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/validators/{validatorAddr}/commission`
`GET /cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/validators/{validatorAddr}/outstanding_rewards` | | `GET /distribution/validators/{validatorAddr}/outstanding_rewards` | Outstanding rewards of a single validator | `GET /cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/validators/{validatorAddr}/outstanding_rewards` | | `GET /distribution/parameters` | Get the current distribution parameter values | `GET /cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/params` | | `GET /distribution/community_pool` | Get the amount held in the community pool | `GET /cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/community_pool` | | `GET /evidence/{evidence-hash}` | Get evidence by hash | `GET /cosmos/evidence/v1beta1/evidence/{evidence_hash}` | | `GET /evidence` | Get all evidence | `GET /cosmos/evidence/v1beta1/evidence` | | `POST /gov/*` | Create unsigned `Msg`s for gov | N/A, use Protobuf directly | | `GET /gov/parameters/{type}` | Get government parameters | `GET /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/params/{type}` | | `GET /gov/proposals` | Get all proposals | `GET /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals` | | `GET /gov/proposals/{proposal-id}` | Get proposal by id | `GET /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/{proposal-id}` | | `GET /gov/proposals/{proposal-id}/proposer` | Get proposer of a proposal | N/A, use Query tx by events endpoint | | `GET /gov/proposals/{proposal-id}/deposits` | Get deposits of a proposal | `GET /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/{proposal-id}/deposits` | | `GET /gov/proposals/{proposal-id}/deposits/{depositor}` | Get depositor a of deposit | `GET /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/{proposal-id}/deposits/{depositor}` | | `GET /gov/proposals/{proposal-id}/tally` | Get tally of a proposal | `GET /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/{proposal-id}/tally` | | `GET /gov/proposals/{proposal-id}/votes` | Get votes of a proposal | `GET /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/{proposal-id}/votes` | | `GET /gov/proposals/{proposal-id}/votes/{vote}` | Get a particular vote | `GET /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/{proposal-id}/votes/{vote}` | | `GET /minting/parameters` | Get parameters for minting | `GET /cosmos/minting/v1beta1/params` | | `GET /minting/inflation` | Get minting inflation | `GET /cosmos/minting/v1beta1/inflation` | | `GET /minting/annual-provisions` | Get minting annual provisions | `GET /cosmos/minting/v1beta1/annual_provisions` | | `POST /slashing/*` | Create unsigned `Msg`s for slashing | N/A, use Protobuf directly | | `GET /slashing/validators/{validatorPubKey}/signing_info` | Get validator signing info | `GET /cosmos/slashing/v1beta1/signing_infos/{cons_address}` (Use consensus address instead of pubkey) | | `GET /slashing/signing_infos` | Get all signing infos | `GET /cosmos/slashing/v1beta1/signing_infos` | | `GET /slashing/parameters` | Get slashing parameters | `GET /cosmos/slashing/v1beta1/params` | | `POST /staking/*` | Create unsigned `Msg`s for staking | N/A, use Protobuf directly | | `GET /staking/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/delegations` | Get all delegations from a delegator | `GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegations/{delegatorAddr}` | | `GET /staking/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/unbonding_delegations` | Get all unbonding delegations from a delegator | `GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/unbonding_delegations` | | `GET /staking/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/txs` | Get all staking txs (i.e msgs) from a delegator | Removed | | `GET /staking/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/validators` | Query all validators that a delegator is bonded to | `GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/validators` | | `GET /staking/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/validators/{validatorAddr}` | Query a validator that a delegator is bonded to | `GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/validators/{validatorAddr}` | | `GET /staking/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/delegations/{validatorAddr}` | Query a delegation between a delegator and a validator | `GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators/{validatorAddr}/delegations/{delegatorAddr}` | | `GET /staking/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/unbonding_delegations/{validatorAddr}` | Query all unbonding delegations between a delegator and a validator | `GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/unbonding_delegations/{validatorAddr}` | | `GET /staking/redelegations` | Query redelegations | `GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/v1beta1/delegators/{delegator_addr}/redelegations` | | `GET /staking/validators` | Get all validators | `GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators` | | `GET /staking/validators/{validatorAddr}` | Get a single validator info | `GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators/{validatorAddr}` | | `GET /staking/validators/{validatorAddr}/delegations` | Get all delegations to a validator | `GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators/{validatorAddr}/delegations` | | `GET /staking/validators/{validatorAddr}/unbonding_delegations` | Get all unbonding delegations from a validator | `GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators/{validatorAddr}/unbonding_delegations` | | `GET /staking/historical_info/{height}` | Get HistoricalInfo at a given height | `GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/historical_info/{height}` | | `GET /staking/pool` | Get the current state of the staking pool | `GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/pool` | | `GET /staking/parameters` | Get the current staking parameter values | `GET /cosmos/staking/v1beta1/params` | | `POST /upgrade/*` | Create unsigned `Msg`s for upgrade | N/A, use Protobuf directly | | `GET /upgrade/current` | Get the current plan | `GET /cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/current_plan` | | `GET /upgrade/applied_plan/{name}` | Get a previously applied plan | `GET /cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/applied/{name}` | ## Migrating to gRPC Instead of hitting REST endpoints as described above, the Cosmos SDK also exposes a gRPC server. Any client can use gRPC instead of REST to interact with the node. An overview of different ways to communicate with a node can be found [here](../core/grpc_rest.md), and a concrete tutorial for setting up a gRPC client can be found [here](../run-node/txs.md#programmatically-with-go).