package types_test import ( "context" "testing" "time" "" "" dbm "" abci "" "" "" "" ) type MockLogger struct { logs *[]string } func NewMockLogger() MockLogger { logs := make([]string, 0) return MockLogger{ &logs, } } func (l MockLogger) Debug(msg string, kvs ...interface{}) { *l.logs = append(*l.logs, msg) } func (l MockLogger) Info(msg string, kvs ...interface{}) { *l.logs = append(*l.logs, msg) } func (l MockLogger) Error(msg string, kvs ...interface{}) { *l.logs = append(*l.logs, msg) } func (l MockLogger) With(kvs ...interface{}) log.Logger { panic("not implemented") } func defaultContext(t *testing.T, key types.StoreKey) types.Context { db := dbm.NewMemDB() cms := store.NewCommitMultiStore(db) cms.MountStoreWithDB(key, types.StoreTypeIAVL, db) err := cms.LoadLatestVersion() require.NoError(t, err) ctx := types.NewContext(cms, abci.Header{}, false, log.NewNopLogger()) return ctx } func TestCacheContext(t *testing.T) { key := types.NewKVStoreKey(t.Name()) k1 := []byte("hello") v1 := []byte("world") k2 := []byte("key") v2 := []byte("value") ctx := defaultContext(t, key) store := ctx.KVStore(key) store.Set(k1, v1) require.Equal(t, v1, store.Get(k1)) require.Nil(t, store.Get(k2)) cctx, write := ctx.CacheContext() cstore := cctx.KVStore(key) require.Equal(t, v1, cstore.Get(k1)) require.Nil(t, cstore.Get(k2)) cstore.Set(k2, v2) require.Equal(t, v2, cstore.Get(k2)) require.Nil(t, store.Get(k2)) write() require.Equal(t, v2, store.Get(k2)) } func TestLogContext(t *testing.T) { key := types.NewKVStoreKey(t.Name()) ctx := defaultContext(t, key) logger := NewMockLogger() ctx = ctx.WithLogger(logger) ctx.Logger().Debug("debug") ctx.Logger().Info("info") ctx.Logger().Error("error") require.Equal(t, *logger.logs, []string{"debug", "info", "error"}) } type dummy int64 //nolint:unused func (d dummy) Clone() interface{} { return d } // Testing saving/loading sdk type values to/from the context func TestContextWithCustom(t *testing.T) { var ctx types.Context require.True(t, ctx.IsZero()) header := abci.Header{} height := int64(1) chainid := "chainid" ischeck := true txbytes := []byte("txbytes") logger := NewMockLogger() voteinfos := []abci.VoteInfo{{}} meter := types.NewGasMeter(10000) blockGasMeter := types.NewGasMeter(20000) minGasPrices := types.DecCoins{types.NewInt64DecCoin("feetoken", 1)} ctx = types.NewContext(nil, header, ischeck, logger) require.Equal(t, header, ctx.BlockHeader()) ctx = ctx. WithBlockHeight(height). WithChainID(chainid). WithTxBytes(txbytes). WithVoteInfos(voteinfos). WithGasMeter(meter). WithMinGasPrices(minGasPrices). WithBlockGasMeter(blockGasMeter) require.Equal(t, height, ctx.BlockHeight()) require.Equal(t, chainid, ctx.ChainID()) require.Equal(t, ischeck, ctx.IsCheckTx()) require.Equal(t, txbytes, ctx.TxBytes()) require.Equal(t, logger, ctx.Logger()) require.Equal(t, voteinfos, ctx.VoteInfos()) require.Equal(t, meter, ctx.GasMeter()) require.Equal(t, minGasPrices, ctx.MinGasPrices()) require.Equal(t, blockGasMeter, ctx.BlockGasMeter()) require.False(t, ctx.WithIsCheckTx(false).IsCheckTx()) // test IsReCheckTx require.False(t, ctx.IsReCheckTx()) ctx = ctx.WithIsCheckTx(false) ctx = ctx.WithIsReCheckTx(true) require.True(t, ctx.IsCheckTx()) require.True(t, ctx.IsReCheckTx()) // test consensus param require.Nil(t, ctx.ConsensusParams()) cp := &abci.ConsensusParams{} require.Equal(t, cp, ctx.WithConsensusParams(cp).ConsensusParams()) // test inner context newContext := context.WithValue(ctx.Context(), "key", "value") require.NotEqual(t, ctx.Context(), ctx.WithContext(newContext).Context()) } // Testing saving/loading of header fields to/from the context func TestContextHeader(t *testing.T) { var ctx types.Context height := int64(5) time := time.Now() addr := secp256k1.GenPrivKey().PubKey().Address() proposer := types.ConsAddress(addr) ctx = types.NewContext(nil, abci.Header{}, false, nil) ctx = ctx. WithBlockHeight(height). WithBlockTime(time). WithProposer(proposer) require.Equal(t, height, ctx.BlockHeight()) require.Equal(t, height, ctx.BlockHeader().Height) require.Equal(t, time.UTC(), ctx.BlockHeader().Time) require.Equal(t, proposer.Bytes(), ctx.BlockHeader().ProposerAddress) } func TestContextHeaderClone(t *testing.T) { cases := map[string]struct { h abci.Header }{ "empty": { h: abci.Header{}, }, "height": { h: abci.Header{ Height: 77, }, }, "time": { h: abci.Header{ Time: time.Unix(12345677, 12345), }, }, "zero time": { h: abci.Header{ Time: time.Unix(0, 0), }, }, "many items": { h: abci.Header{ Height: 823, Time: time.Unix(9999999999, 0), ChainID: "silly-demo", }, }, "many items with hash": { h: abci.Header{ Height: 823, Time: time.Unix(9999999999, 0), ChainID: "silly-demo", AppHash: []byte{5, 34, 11, 3, 23}, ConsensusHash: []byte{11, 3, 23, 87, 3, 1}, }, }, } for name, tc := range cases { tc := tc t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { ctx := types.NewContext(nil, tc.h, false, nil) require.Equal(t, tc.h.Height, ctx.BlockHeight()) require.Equal(t, tc.h.Time.UTC(), ctx.BlockTime()) // update only changes one field var newHeight int64 = 17 ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(newHeight) require.Equal(t, newHeight, ctx.BlockHeight()) require.Equal(t, tc.h.Time.UTC(), ctx.BlockTime()) }) } }