# Cosmos SDK Documentation ## Get Started - **[SDK Intro](./intro/overview.md)**: High-level overview of the Cosmos SDK. - **[Starport](https://github.com/tendermint/starport/blob/develop/docs/README.md)**: A developer-friendly interface to the Cosmos SDK to scaffold a standard Cosmos SDK blockchain app. - **[SDK Application Tutorial](https://github.com/cosmos/sdk-application-tutorial)**: A tutorial that showcases how to build a Cosmos SDK-based blockchain from scratch and explains the basic principles of the SDK in the process. ## Reference - **[Basics](./basics/)**: Documentation on the basic concepts of the Cosmos SDK, like the standard anatomy of an application, the transaction lifecycle, and accounts management. - **[Core](./core/)**: Documentation on the core concepts of the Cosmos SDK, like `baseapp`, the `store`, or the `server`. - **[Building Modules](./building-modules/)**: Important concepts for module developers like `message`, `keeper`, `handler`, and `querier`. - **[IBC](./ibc/)**: Documentation for the IBC protocol integration and concepts. - **[Running a Node, API, CLI](./run-node/)**: Documentation on how to run a node and interact with the node using the CLI and the API. - **[Migrations](./migrations/)**: Migration guides for updating to Stargate. ## Other Resources - **[Module Directory](../x/)**: Cosmos SDK module implementations and their respective documentation. - **[Specifications](./spec/)**: Specifications of modules and other parts of the Cosmos SDK. - **[SDK API Reference](https://godoc.org/github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk)**: Godocs of the Cosmos SDK. - **[REST API spec](https://cosmos.network/rpc/)**: List of endpoints to interact with a `gaia` full-node through REST. ## Cosmos Hub The Cosmos Hub (`gaia`) docs have moved to [github.com/cosmos/gaia](https://github.com/cosmos/gaia/tree/master/docs). ## Languages The Cosmos SDK is written in [Golang](https://golang.org/), though the framework could be implemented similarly in other languages. Contact us for information about funding an implementation in another language. ## Contribute See the [DOCS_README.md](https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/master/docs/DOCS_README.md) for details of the build process and considerations when making changes.