# ADR 020: Protocol Buffer Transaction Encoding ## Changelog - 2020 March 06: Initial Draft - 2020 March 12: API Updates - 2020 April 13: Added details on interface `oneof` handling ## Status Proposed ## Context This ADR is a continuation of the motivation, design, and context established in [ADR 019](./adr-019-protobuf-state-encoding.md), namely, we aim to design the Protocol Buffer migration path for the client-side of the Cosmos SDK. Specifically, the client-side migration path primarily includes tx generation and signing, message construction and routing, in addition to CLI & REST handlers and business logic (i.e. queriers). With this in mind, we will tackle the migration path via two main areas, txs and querying. However, this ADR solely focuses on transactions. Querying should be addressed in a future ADR, but it should build off of these proposals. ## Decision ### Transactions Since the messages that an application is known and allowed to handle are specific to the application itself, so must the transactions be specific to the application itself. Similar to how we described in [ADR 019](./adr-019-protobuf-state-encoding.md), the concrete types will be defined at the application level via Protobuf `oneof`. The application will define a single canonical `Message` Protobuf message with a single `oneof` that implements the SDK's `Msg` interface. Example: ```protobuf // app/codec/codec.proto message Message { option (cosmos_proto.interface_type) = "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types.Msg"; oneof sum { cosmos_sdk.x.bank.v1.MsgSend msg_send = 1; cosmos_sdk.x.bank.v1.MsgMultiSend msg_multi_send = 2; cosmos_sdk.x.crisis.v1.MsgVerifyInvariant msg_verify_invariant = 3; // ... } } ``` Because an application needs to define it's unique `Message` Protobuf message, it will by proxy have to define a `Transaction` Protobuf message that encapsulates this `Message` type. The `Transaction` message type must implement the SDK's `Tx` interface. Example: ```protobuf // app/codec/codec.proto message Transaction { cosmos_sdk.x.auth.v1.StdTxBase base = 1; repeated Message msgs = 2; } ``` Note, the `Transaction` type includes `StdTxBase` which will be defined by the SDK and includes all the core field members that are common across all transaction types. Developers do not have to include `StdTxBase` if they wish, so it is meant to be used as an auxiliary type. ### Signing Signing of a `Transaction` must be canonical across clients and binaries. In order to provide canonical representation of a `Transaction` to sign over, clients must obey the following rules: - Encode `SignDoc` (see below) via [Protobuf's canonical JSON encoding](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#json). - Default must be stripped from the output! - JSON keys adhere to their Proto-defined field names. - Generate canonical JSON to sign via the [JSON Canonical Form Spec](https://gibson042.github.io/canonicaljson-spec/). - This spec should be trivial to interpret and implement in any language. ```Protobuf // app/codec/codec.proto message SignDoc { StdSignDocBase base = 1; repeated Message msgs = 2; } ``` ### CLI & REST Currently, the REST and CLI handlers encode and decode types and txs via Amino JSON encoding using a concrete Amino codec. Being that some of the types dealt with in the client can be interfaces, similar to how we described in [ADR 019](./adr-019-protobuf-state-encoding.md), the client logic will now need to take a codec interface that knows not only how to handle all the types, but also knows how to generate transactions, signatures, and messages. ```go type AccountRetriever interface { EnsureExists(addr sdk.AccAddress) error GetAccountNumberSequence(addr sdk.AccAddress) (uint64, uint64, error) } type Generator interface { NewTx() ClientTx } type ClientTx interface { sdk.Tx codec.ProtoMarshaler SetMsgs(...sdk.Msg) error GetSignatures() []sdk.Signature SetSignatures(...sdk.Signature) GetFee() sdk.Fee SetFee(sdk.Fee) GetMemo() string SetMemo(string) CanonicalSignBytes(cid string, num, seq uint64) ([]byte, error) } ``` We then update `CLIContext` to have a new field: `Marshaler`. Then, each module's client handler will at the minimum accept a `Marshaler` instead of a concrete Amino codec and a `Generator` along with an `AccountRetriever` so that account fields can be retrieved for signing. #### Interface `oneof` Handling If the module needs to work with any `sdk.Msg`s that use interface types, that `sdk.Msg` should be implemented as an interface with getters and setters on the module level and a no-arg constructor function should be passed around to required CLI and REST client commands. For example, in `x/gov`, `Content` is an interface type, so `MsgSubmitProposalI` should also be an interface and implement setter methods: ```go // x/gov/types/msgs.go type MsgSubmitProposalI interface { sdk.Msg GetContent() Content // SetContent returns an error if the underlying oneof does not support // the concrete Content passed in SetContent(Content) error GetInitialDeposit() sdk.Coins SetInitialDeposit(sdk.Coins) GetProposer() sdk.AccAddress SetProposer(sdk.AccAddress) } ``` Note that the implementation of `MsgSubmitProposalI` can be simplified by using an embedded base struct which implements most of that interface - in this case `MsgSubmitProposalBase`. A parameter `ctr func() MsgSubmitProposalI` would then be passed to CLI client methods in order to construct a concrete instance. ## Future Improvements Requiring application developers to have to redefine their `Message` Protobuf types can be extremely tedious and may increase the surface area of bugs by potentially missing one or more messages in the `oneof`. To circumvent this, an optional strategy can be taken that has each module define it's own `oneof` and then the application-level `Message` simply imports each module's `oneof`. However, this requires additional tooling and the use of reflection. Example: ```protobuf // app/codec/codec.proto message Message { option (cosmos_proto.interface_type) = "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types.Msg"; oneof sum { bank.Msg = 1; staking.Msg = 2; // ... } } ``` ## Consequences ### Positive - Significant performance gains. - Supports backward and forward type compatibility. - Better support for cross-language clients. ### Negative - Learning curve required to understand and implement Protobuf messages. - Less flexibility in cross-module type registration. We now need to define types at the application-level. - Client business logic and tx generation become a bit more complex as developers have to define more types and implement more interfaces. ### Neutral ## References