package middleware_test import ( cryptotypes "" "" sdk "" "" "" ) func (s *MWTestSuite) TestPriority() { ctx := s.SetupTest(true) // setup txBuilder := s.clientCtx.TxConfig.NewTxBuilder() txHandler := middleware.ComposeMiddlewares(noopTxHandler, middleware.TxPriorityMiddleware) // keys and addresses priv1, _, addr1 := testdata.KeyTestPubAddr() // msg and signatures msg := testdata.NewTestMsg(addr1) atomCoin := sdk.NewCoin("atom", sdk.NewInt(150)) apeCoin := sdk.NewInt64Coin("ape", 1500000) feeAmount := sdk.NewCoins(apeCoin, atomCoin) gasLimit := testdata.NewTestGasLimit() s.Require().NoError(txBuilder.SetMsgs(msg)) txBuilder.SetFeeAmount(feeAmount) txBuilder.SetGasLimit(gasLimit) privs, accNums, accSeqs := []cryptotypes.PrivKey{priv1}, []uint64{0}, []uint64{0} testTx, _, err := s.createTestTx(txBuilder, privs, accNums, accSeqs, ctx.ChainID()) s.Require().NoError(err) // txHandler errors with insufficient fees _, checkTxRes, err := txHandler.CheckTx(sdk.WrapSDKContext(ctx), tx.Request{Tx: testTx}, tx.RequestCheckTx{}) s.Require().NoError(err, "Middleware should not have errored on too low fee for local gasPrice") s.Require().Equal(atomCoin.Amount.Int64(), checkTxRes.Priority, "priority should be atom amount") }