# State The internal state of the `x/upgrade` module is relatively minimal and simple. The state contains the currently active upgrade `Plan` (if one exists) by key `0x0` and if a `Plan` is marked as "done" by key `0x1`. The state contains the consensus versions of all app modules in the application. The versions are stored as big endian `uint64`, and can be accessed with prefix `0x2` appended by the corresponding module name of type `string`. The state maintains a `Protocol Version` which can be accessed by key `0x3`. - Plan: `0x0 -> Plan` - Done: `0x1 | byte(plan name) -> BigEndian(Block Height)` - ConsensusVersion: `0x2 | byte(module name) -> BigEndian(Module Consensus Version)` - ProtocolVersion: `0x3 -> BigEndian(Protocol Version)` The `x/upgrade` module contains no genesis state.