# IBC Specification IBC(Inter-Blockchain Communication) protocol is used by multiple zones on Cosmos. Using IBC, the zones can send coins or arbitrary data to other zones. ## MVP Specifications ### [MVP1](./mvp1.md) MVP1 will contain the basic functionalities, including packet generation and packet receivement. There will be no security check for incoming packets. ### [MVP2](./mvp2.md) IBC module will be more modular in MVP2. Indivisual modules can register custom handlers to IBC module. ### [MVP3](./mvp3.md) Light client verification is added to verify the message from the other chain. Registering chains with their ROT(Root Of Trust) is needed. ### [MVP4](./mvp4.md) ACK verification and messaging queue is implemented to make it failsafe. Modules will register callback to handle failure when they register handlers.