
317 lines
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package container
import (
// DebugOption is a functional option for running a container that controls
// debug logging and visualization output.
type DebugOption interface {
applyConfig(*debugConfig) error
// StdoutLogger is a debug option which routes logging output to stdout.
func StdoutLogger() DebugOption {
return Logger(func(s string) {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(os.Stdout, s)
// StderrLogger is a debug option which routes logging output to stderr.
func StderrLogger() DebugOption {
return Logger(func(s string) {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, s)
// Visualizer creates an option which provides a visualizer function which
// will receive a rendering of the container in the Graphiz DOT format
// whenever the container finishes building or fails due to an error. The
// graph is color-coded to aid debugging with black representing success,
// red representing an error, and gray representing unused types or functions.
// Graph rendering should be deterministic for a given version of the container
// module and container options so that graphs can be used in tests.
func Visualizer(visualizer func(dotGraph string)) DebugOption {
return debugOption(func(c *debugConfig) error {
return nil
// LogVisualizer is a debug option which dumps a graphviz DOT rendering of
// the container to the log.
func LogVisualizer() DebugOption {
return debugOption(func(c *debugConfig) error {
return nil
// FileVisualizer is a debug option which dumps a graphviz DOT rendering of
// the container to the specified file.
func FileVisualizer(filename string) DebugOption {
return debugOption(func(c *debugConfig) error {
return nil
// Logger creates an option which provides a logger function which will
// receive all log messages from the container.
func Logger(logger func(string)) DebugOption {
return debugOption(func(c *debugConfig) error {
logger("Initializing logger")
c.loggers = append(c.loggers, logger)
// send conditional log messages batched for onError/onSuccess cases
if c.logBuf != nil {
for _, s := range *c.logBuf {
return nil
const (
debugContainerDot = ""
// Debug is a default debug option which sends log output to stderr, dumps
// the container in the graphviz DOT and SVG formats to
// and debug_container.svg respectively.
func Debug() DebugOption {
return DebugOptions(
func (d *debugConfig) initLogBuf() {
if d.logBuf == nil {
d.logBuf = &[]string{}
d.loggers = append(d.loggers, func(s string) {
*d.logBuf = append(*d.logBuf, s)
// OnError is a debug option that allows setting debug options that are
// conditional on an error happening. Any loggers added error will
// receive the full dump of logs since the start of container processing.
func OnError(option DebugOption) DebugOption {
return debugOption(func(config *debugConfig) error {
config.onError = option
return nil
// OnSuccess is a debug option that allows setting debug options that are
// conditional on successful container resolution. Any loggers added on success
// will receive the full dump of logs since the start of container processing.
func OnSuccess(option DebugOption) DebugOption {
return debugOption(func(config *debugConfig) error {
config.onSuccess = option
return nil
// DebugCleanup specifies a clean-up function to be called at the end of
// processing to clean up any resources that may be used during debugging.
func DebugCleanup(cleanup func()) DebugOption {
return debugOption(func(config *debugConfig) error {
config.cleanup = append(config.cleanup, cleanup)
return nil
// AutoDebug does the same thing as Debug when there is an error and deletes
// the if it exists when there is no error. This is the
// default debug mode of Run.
func AutoDebug() DebugOption {
return DebugOptions(
OnSuccess(DebugCleanup(func() {
func deleteIfExists(filename string) {
if _, err := os.Stat(filename); err == nil {
_ = os.Remove(filename)
// DebugOptions creates a debug option which bundles together other debug options.
func DebugOptions(options ...DebugOption) DebugOption {
return debugOption(func(c *debugConfig) error {
for _, opt := range options {
err := opt.applyConfig(c)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
type debugConfig struct {
// logging
loggers []func(string)
indentStr string
logBuf *[]string // a log buffer for onError/onSuccess processing
// graphing
graph *graphviz.Graph
visualizers []func(string)
logVisualizer bool
// extra processing
onError DebugOption
onSuccess DebugOption
cleanup []func()
type debugOption func(*debugConfig) error
func (c debugOption) applyConfig(ctr *debugConfig) error {
return c(ctr)
var _ DebugOption = (*debugOption)(nil)
func newDebugConfig() (*debugConfig, error) {
return &debugConfig{
graph: graphviz.NewGraph(),
}, nil
func (c *debugConfig) indentLogger() {
c.indentStr = c.indentStr + " "
func (c *debugConfig) dedentLogger() {
if len(c.indentStr) > 0 {
c.indentStr = c.indentStr[1:]
func (c debugConfig) logf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
s := fmt.Sprintf(c.indentStr+format, args...)
for _, logger := range c.loggers {
func (c *debugConfig) generateGraph() {
dotStr := c.graph.String()
if c.logVisualizer {
c.logf("DOT Graph: %s", dotStr)
for _, v := range c.visualizers {
func (c *debugConfig) addFuncVisualizer(f func(string)) {
c.visualizers = append(c.visualizers, func(dot string) {
func (c *debugConfig) enableLogVisualizer() {
c.logVisualizer = true
func (c *debugConfig) addFileVisualizer(filename string) {
c.visualizers = append(c.visualizers, func(_ string) {
dotStr := c.graph.String()
err := os.WriteFile(filename, []byte(dotStr), 0644)
if err != nil {
c.logf("Error saving graphviz file %s: %+v", filename, err)
} else {
path, err := filepath.Abs(filename)
if err == nil {
c.logf("Saved graph of container to %s", path)
func (c *debugConfig) locationGraphNode(location Location, key *moduleKey) *graphviz.Node {
graph := c.moduleSubGraph(key)
name := location.Name()
node, found := graph.FindOrCreateNode(name)
if found {
return node
return node
func (c *debugConfig) typeGraphNode(typ reflect.Type) *graphviz.Node {
name := moreUsefulTypeString(typ)
node, found := c.graph.FindOrCreateNode(name)
if found {
return node
return node
func setUnusedStyle(attr *graphviz.Attributes) {
// moreUsefulTypeString is more useful than reflect.Type.String()
func moreUsefulTypeString(ty reflect.Type) string {
switch ty.Kind() {
case reflect.Struct, reflect.Interface:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", ty.PkgPath(), ty.Name())
case reflect.Pointer:
return fmt.Sprintf("*%s", moreUsefulTypeString(ty.Elem()))
case reflect.Map:
return fmt.Sprintf("map[%s]%s", moreUsefulTypeString(ty.Key()), moreUsefulTypeString(ty.Elem()))
case reflect.Slice:
return fmt.Sprintf("[]%s", moreUsefulTypeString(ty.Elem()))
return ty.String()
func (c *debugConfig) moduleSubGraph(key *moduleKey) *graphviz.Graph {
if key == nil {
// return the root graph
return c.graph
} else {
gname := fmt.Sprintf("cluster_%s",
graph, found := c.graph.FindOrCreateSubGraph(gname)
if !found {
graph.SetLabel(fmt.Sprintf("Module: %s",
return graph
func (c *debugConfig) addGraphEdge(from, to *graphviz.Node) {
_ = c.graph.CreateEdge(from, to)