
294 lines
9.2 KiB

package ormtable
import (
ormv1 ""
const (
primaryKeyId uint32 = 0
indexIdLimit uint32 = 32768
seqId = indexIdLimit
// Options are options for building a Table.
type Options struct {
// Prefix is an optional prefix used to build the table's prefix.
Prefix []byte
// MessageType is the protobuf message type of the table.
MessageType protoreflect.MessageType
// TableDescriptor is an optional table descriptor to be explicitly used
// with the table. Generally this should be nil and the table descriptor
// should be pulled from the table message option. TableDescriptor
// cannot be used together with SingletonDescriptor.
TableDescriptor *ormv1.TableDescriptor
// SingletonDescriptor is an optional singleton descriptor to be explicitly used.
// Generally this should be nil and the table descriptor
// should be pulled from the singleton message option. SingletonDescriptor
// cannot be used together with TableDescriptor.
SingletonDescriptor *ormv1.SingletonDescriptor
// TypeResolver is an optional type resolver to be used when unmarshaling
// protobuf messages.
TypeResolver TypeResolver
// JSONValidator is an optional validator that can be used for validating
// messaging when using ValidateJSON. If it is nil, DefaultJSONValidator
// will be used
JSONValidator func(proto.Message) error
// BackendResolver is an optional function which retrieves a Backend from the context.
// If it is nil, the default behavior will be to attempt to retrieve a
// backend using the method that WrapContextDefault uses. This method
// can be used to implement things like "store keys" which would allow a
// table to only be used with a specific backend and to hide direct
// access to the backend other than through the table interface.
// Mutating operations will attempt to cast ReadBackend to Backend and
// will return an error if that fails.
BackendResolver BackendResolver
// TypeResolver is an interface that can be used for the protoreflect.UnmarshalOptions.Resolver option.
type TypeResolver interface {
// Build builds a Table instance from the provided Options.
func Build(options Options) (Table, error) {
messageDescriptor := options.MessageType.Descriptor()
backendResolver := options.BackendResolver
if backendResolver == nil {
backendResolver = getBackendDefault
table := &tableImpl{
primaryKeyIndex: &primaryKeyIndex{
indexers: []indexer{},
getBackend: backendResolver,
indexes: []Index{},
indexesByFields: map[fieldnames.FieldNames]concreteIndex{},
uniqueIndexesByFields: map[fieldnames.FieldNames]UniqueIndex{},
entryCodecsById: map[uint32]ormkv.EntryCodec{},
indexesById: map[uint32]Index{},
typeResolver: options.TypeResolver,
customJSONValidator: options.JSONValidator,
pkIndex := table.primaryKeyIndex
tableDesc := options.TableDescriptor
if tableDesc == nil {
tableDesc = proto.GetExtension(messageDescriptor.Options(), ormv1.E_Table).(*ormv1.TableDescriptor)
singletonDesc := options.SingletonDescriptor
if singletonDesc == nil {
singletonDesc = proto.GetExtension(messageDescriptor.Options(), ormv1.E_Singleton).(*ormv1.SingletonDescriptor)
switch {
case tableDesc != nil:
if singletonDesc != nil {
return nil, ormerrors.InvalidTableDefinition.Wrapf("message %s cannot be declared as both a table and a singleton", messageDescriptor.FullName())
case singletonDesc != nil:
if singletonDesc.Id == 0 {
return nil, ormerrors.InvalidTableId.Wrapf("%s", messageDescriptor.FullName())
prefix := encodeutil.AppendVarUInt32(options.Prefix, singletonDesc.Id)
pkCodec, err := ormkv.NewPrimaryKeyCodec(
proto.UnmarshalOptions{Resolver: options.TypeResolver},
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkIndex.PrimaryKeyCodec = pkCodec
table.tablePrefix = prefix
table.tableId = singletonDesc.Id
return &singleton{table}, nil
return nil, ormerrors.InvalidTableDefinition.Wrapf("missing table descriptor for %s", messageDescriptor.FullName())
tableId := tableDesc.Id
if tableId == 0 {
return nil, ormerrors.InvalidTableId.Wrapf("table %s", messageDescriptor.FullName())
prefix := options.Prefix
prefix = encodeutil.AppendVarUInt32(prefix, tableId)
table.tablePrefix = prefix
table.tableId = tableId
if tableDesc.PrimaryKey == nil {
return nil, ormerrors.MissingPrimaryKey.Wrap(string(messageDescriptor.FullName()))
pkFields := fieldnames.CommaSeparatedFieldNames(tableDesc.PrimaryKey.Fields)
table.primaryKeyIndex.fields = pkFields
pkFieldNames := pkFields.Names()
if len(pkFieldNames) == 0 {
return nil, ormerrors.InvalidTableDefinition.Wrapf("empty primary key fields for %s", messageDescriptor.FullName())
pkPrefix := encodeutil.AppendVarUInt32(prefix, primaryKeyId)
pkCodec, err := ormkv.NewPrimaryKeyCodec(
proto.UnmarshalOptions{Resolver: options.TypeResolver},
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkIndex.PrimaryKeyCodec = pkCodec
table.indexesByFields[pkFields] = pkIndex
table.uniqueIndexesByFields[pkFields] = pkIndex
table.entryCodecsById[primaryKeyId] = pkIndex
table.indexesById[primaryKeyId] = pkIndex
table.indexes = append(table.indexes, pkIndex)
for _, idxDesc := range tableDesc.Index {
id := idxDesc.Id
if id == 0 || id >= indexIdLimit {
return nil, ormerrors.InvalidIndexId.Wrapf("index on table %s with fields %s, invalid id %d", messageDescriptor.FullName(), idxDesc.Fields, id)
if _, ok := table.entryCodecsById[id]; ok {
return nil, ormerrors.DuplicateIndexId.Wrapf("id %d on table %s", id, messageDescriptor.FullName())
idxFields := fieldnames.CommaSeparatedFieldNames(idxDesc.Fields)
idxPrefix := encodeutil.AppendVarUInt32(prefix, id)
var index concreteIndex
// altNames contains all the alternative "names" of this index
altNames := map[fieldnames.FieldNames]bool{idxFields: true}
if idxDesc.Unique && isNonTrivialUniqueKey(idxFields.Names(), pkFieldNames) {
uniqCdc, err := ormkv.NewUniqueKeyCodec(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
uniqIdx := &uniqueKeyIndex{
UniqueKeyCodec: uniqCdc,
fields: idxFields,
primaryKey: pkIndex,
getReadBackend: backendResolver,
table.uniqueIndexesByFields[idxFields] = uniqIdx
index = uniqIdx
} else {
idxCdc, err := ormkv.NewIndexKeyCodec(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
index = &indexKeyIndex{
IndexKeyCodec: idxCdc,
fields: idxFields,
primaryKey: pkIndex,
getReadBackend: backendResolver,
// non-unique indexes can sometimes be named by several sub-lists of
// fields and we need to handle all of them. For example consider,
// a primary key for fields "a,b,c" and an index on field "c". Because the
// rest of the primary key gets appended to the index key, the index for "c"
// is actually stored as "c,a,b". So this index can be referred to
// by the fields "c", "c,a", or "c,a,b".
allFields := index.GetFieldNames()
allFieldNames := fieldnames.FieldsFromNames(allFields)
altNames[allFieldNames] = true
for i := 1; i < len(allFields); i++ {
altName := fieldnames.FieldsFromNames(allFields[:i])
if altNames[altName] {
// we check by generating a codec for each sub-list of fields,
// then we see if the full list of fields matches.
altIdxCdc, err := ormkv.NewIndexKeyCodec(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if fieldnames.FieldsFromNames(altIdxCdc.GetFieldNames()) == allFieldNames {
altNames[altName] = true
for name := range altNames {
if _, ok := table.indexesByFields[name]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate index for fields %s", name)
table.indexesByFields[name] = index
table.entryCodecsById[id] = index
table.indexesById[id] = index
table.indexes = append(table.indexes, index)
table.indexers = append(table.indexers, index.(indexer))
if tableDesc.PrimaryKey.AutoIncrement {
autoIncField := pkCodec.GetFieldDescriptors()[0]
if len(pkFieldNames) != 1 && autoIncField.Kind() != protoreflect.Uint64Kind {
return nil, ormerrors.InvalidAutoIncrementKey.Wrapf("field %s", autoIncField.FullName())
seqPrefix := encodeutil.AppendVarUInt32(prefix, seqId)
seqCodec := ormkv.NewSeqCodec(options.MessageType, seqPrefix)
table.entryCodecsById[seqId] = seqCodec
return &autoIncrementTable{
tableImpl: table,
autoIncField: autoIncField,
seqCodec: seqCodec,
}, nil
return table, nil