
512 lines
13 KiB

package store
import (
abci ""
dbm ""
sdk ""
const (
latestVersionKey = "s/latest"
commitInfoKeyFmt = "s/%d" // s/<version>
// rootMultiStore is composed of many CommitStores. Name contrasts with
// cacheMultiStore which is for cache-wrapping other MultiStores. It implements
// the CommitMultiStore interface.
type rootMultiStore struct {
db dbm.DB
lastCommitID CommitID
pruning sdk.PruningStrategy
storesParams map[StoreKey]storeParams
stores map[StoreKey]CommitStore
keysByName map[string]StoreKey
traceWriter io.Writer
traceContext TraceContext
var _ CommitMultiStore = (*rootMultiStore)(nil)
var _ Queryable = (*rootMultiStore)(nil)
// nolint
func NewCommitMultiStore(db dbm.DB) *rootMultiStore {
return &rootMultiStore{
db: db,
storesParams: make(map[StoreKey]storeParams),
stores: make(map[StoreKey]CommitStore),
keysByName: make(map[string]StoreKey),
// Implements CommitMultiStore
func (rs *rootMultiStore) SetPruning(pruning sdk.PruningStrategy) {
rs.pruning = pruning
for _, substore := range rs.stores {
// Implements Store.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) GetStoreType() StoreType {
return sdk.StoreTypeMulti
// Implements CommitMultiStore.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) MountStoreWithDB(key StoreKey, typ StoreType, db dbm.DB) {
if key == nil {
panic("MountIAVLStore() key cannot be nil")
if _, ok := rs.storesParams[key]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("rootMultiStore duplicate store key %v", key))
if _, ok := rs.keysByName[key.Name()]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("rootMultiStore duplicate store key name %v", key))
rs.storesParams[key] = storeParams{
key: key,
typ: typ,
db: db,
rs.keysByName[key.Name()] = key
// Implements CommitMultiStore.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) GetCommitStore(key StoreKey) CommitStore {
return rs.stores[key]
// Implements CommitMultiStore.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) GetCommitKVStore(key StoreKey) CommitKVStore {
return rs.stores[key].(CommitKVStore)
// Implements CommitMultiStore.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) LoadLatestVersion() error {
ver := getLatestVersion(rs.db)
return rs.LoadVersion(ver)
// Implements CommitMultiStore.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) LoadVersion(ver int64) error {
// Special logic for version 0
if ver == 0 {
for key, storeParams := range rs.storesParams {
id := CommitID{}
store, err := rs.loadCommitStoreFromParams(key, id, storeParams)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to load rootMultiStore: %v", err)
rs.stores[key] = store
rs.lastCommitID = CommitID{}
return nil
// Otherwise, version is 1 or greater
// Get commitInfo
cInfo, err := getCommitInfo(rs.db, ver)
if err != nil {
return err
// Convert StoreInfos slice to map
infos := make(map[StoreKey]storeInfo)
for _, storeInfo := range cInfo.StoreInfos {
infos[rs.nameToKey(storeInfo.Name)] = storeInfo
// Load each Store
var newStores = make(map[StoreKey]CommitStore)
for key, storeParams := range rs.storesParams {
var id CommitID
info, ok := infos[key]
if ok {
id = info.Core.CommitID
store, err := rs.loadCommitStoreFromParams(key, id, storeParams)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to load rootMultiStore: %v", err)
newStores[key] = store
// Success.
rs.lastCommitID = cInfo.CommitID()
rs.stores = newStores
return nil
// WithTracer sets the tracer for the MultiStore that the underlying
// stores will utilize to trace operations. A MultiStore is returned.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) WithTracer(w io.Writer) MultiStore {
rs.traceWriter = w
return rs
// WithTracingContext updates the tracing context for the MultiStore by merging
// the given context with the existing context by key. Any existing keys will
// be overwritten. It is implied that the caller should update the context when
// necessary between tracing operations. It returns a modified MultiStore.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) WithTracingContext(tc TraceContext) MultiStore {
if rs.traceContext != nil {
for k, v := range tc {
rs.traceContext[k] = v
} else {
rs.traceContext = tc
return rs
// TracingEnabled returns if tracing is enabled for the MultiStore.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) TracingEnabled() bool {
return rs.traceWriter != nil
// ResetTraceContext resets the current tracing context.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) ResetTraceContext() MultiStore {
rs.traceContext = nil
return rs
// +CommitStore
// Implements Committer/CommitStore.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) LastCommitID() CommitID {
return rs.lastCommitID
// Implements Committer/CommitStore.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) Commit() CommitID {
// Commit stores.
version := rs.lastCommitID.Version + 1
commitInfo := commitStores(version, rs.stores)
// Need to update atomically.
batch := rs.db.NewBatch()
setCommitInfo(batch, version, commitInfo)
setLatestVersion(batch, version)
// Prepare for next version.
commitID := CommitID{
Version: version,
Hash: commitInfo.Hash(),
rs.lastCommitID = commitID
return commitID
// Implements CacheWrapper/Store/CommitStore.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) CacheWrap() CacheWrap {
return rs.CacheMultiStore().(CacheWrap)
// CacheWrapWithTrace implements the CacheWrapper interface.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) CacheWrapWithTrace(_ io.Writer, _ TraceContext) CacheWrap {
return rs.CacheWrap()
// +MultiStore
// Implements MultiStore.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) CacheMultiStore() CacheMultiStore {
return newCacheMultiStoreFromRMS(rs)
// Implements MultiStore.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) GetStore(key StoreKey) Store {
return rs.stores[key]
// GetKVStore implements the MultiStore interface. If tracing is enabled on the
// rootMultiStore, a wrapped TraceKVStore will be returned with the given
// tracer, otherwise, the original KVStore will be returned.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) GetKVStore(key StoreKey) KVStore {
store := rs.stores[key].(KVStore)
if rs.TracingEnabled() {
store = NewTraceKVStore(store, rs.traceWriter, rs.traceContext)
return store
// Implements MultiStore
// getStoreByName will first convert the original name to
// a special key, before looking up the CommitStore.
// This is not exposed to the extensions (which will need the
// StoreKey), but is useful in main, and particularly app.Query,
// in order to convert human strings into CommitStores.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) getStoreByName(name string) Store {
key := rs.keysByName[name]
if key == nil {
return nil
return rs.stores[key]
//---------------------- Query ------------------
// Query calls substore.Query with the same `req` where `req.Path` is
// modified to remove the substore prefix.
// Ie. `req.Path` here is `/<substore>/<path>`, and trimmed to `/<path>` for the substore.
// TODO: add proof for `multistore -> substore`.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) Query(req abci.RequestQuery) abci.ResponseQuery {
// Query just routes this to a substore.
path := req.Path
storeName, subpath, err := parsePath(path)
if err != nil {
return err.QueryResult()
store := rs.getStoreByName(storeName)
if store == nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("no such store: %s", storeName)
return sdk.ErrUnknownRequest(msg).QueryResult()
queryable, ok := store.(Queryable)
if !ok {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("store %s doesn't support queries", storeName)
return sdk.ErrUnknownRequest(msg).QueryResult()
// trim the path and make the query
req.Path = subpath
res := queryable.Query(req)
if !req.Prove || !RequireProof(subpath) {
return res
commitInfo, errMsg := getCommitInfo(rs.db, res.Height)
if errMsg != nil {
return sdk.ErrInternal(errMsg.Error()).QueryResult()
res.Proof = buildMultiStoreProof(res.Proof, storeName, commitInfo.StoreInfos)
return res
// parsePath expects a format like /<storeName>[/<subpath>]
// Must start with /, subpath may be empty
// Returns error if it doesn't start with /
func parsePath(path string) (storeName string, subpath string, err sdk.Error) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(path, "/") {
err = sdk.ErrUnknownRequest(fmt.Sprintf("invalid path: %s", path))
paths := strings.SplitN(path[1:], "/", 2)
storeName = paths[0]
if len(paths) == 2 {
subpath = "/" + paths[1]
func (rs *rootMultiStore) loadCommitStoreFromParams(key sdk.StoreKey, id CommitID, params storeParams) (store CommitStore, err error) {
var db dbm.DB
if params.db != nil {
db = dbm.NewPrefixDB(params.db, []byte("s/_/"))
} else {
db = dbm.NewPrefixDB(rs.db, []byte("s/k:"+params.key.Name()+"/"))
switch params.typ {
case sdk.StoreTypeMulti:
panic("recursive MultiStores not yet supported")
// TODO: id?
// return NewCommitMultiStore(db, id)
case sdk.StoreTypeIAVL:
store, err = LoadIAVLStore(db, id, rs.pruning)
case sdk.StoreTypeDB:
panic("dbm.DB is not a CommitStore")
case sdk.StoreTypeTransient:
_, ok := key.(*sdk.TransientStoreKey)
if !ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid StoreKey for StoreTypeTransient: %s", key.String())
store = newTransientStore()
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized store type %v", params.typ))
func (rs *rootMultiStore) nameToKey(name string) StoreKey {
for key := range rs.storesParams {
if key.Name() == name {
return key
panic("Unknown name " + name)
// storeParams
type storeParams struct {
key StoreKey
db dbm.DB
typ StoreType
// commitInfo
// NOTE: Keep commitInfo a simple immutable struct.
type commitInfo struct {
// Version
Version int64
// Store info for
StoreInfos []storeInfo
// Hash returns the simple merkle root hash of the stores sorted by name.
func (ci commitInfo) Hash() []byte {
// TODO cache to ci.hash []byte
m := make(map[string]merkle.Hasher, len(ci.StoreInfos))
for _, storeInfo := range ci.StoreInfos {
m[storeInfo.Name] = storeInfo
return merkle.SimpleHashFromMap(m)
func (ci commitInfo) CommitID() CommitID {
return CommitID{
Version: ci.Version,
Hash: ci.Hash(),
// storeInfo
// storeInfo contains the name and core reference for an
// underlying store. It is the leaf of the rootMultiStores top
// level simple merkle tree.
type storeInfo struct {
Name string
Core storeCore
type storeCore struct {
// StoreType StoreType
CommitID CommitID
// ... maybe add more state
// Implements merkle.Hasher.
func (si storeInfo) Hash() []byte {
// Doesn't write Name, since merkle.SimpleHashFromMap() will
// include them via the keys.
bz, _ := cdc.MarshalBinary(si.Core) // Does not error
hasher := tmhash.New()
_, err := hasher.Write(bz)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Handle with #870
return hasher.Sum(nil)
// Misc.
func getLatestVersion(db dbm.DB) int64 {
var latest int64
latestBytes := db.Get([]byte(latestVersionKey))
if latestBytes == nil {
return 0
err := cdc.UnmarshalBinary(latestBytes, &latest)
if err != nil {
return latest
// Set the latest version.
func setLatestVersion(batch dbm.Batch, version int64) {
latestBytes, _ := cdc.MarshalBinary(version) // Does not error
batch.Set([]byte(latestVersionKey), latestBytes)
// Commits each store and returns a new commitInfo.
func commitStores(version int64, storeMap map[StoreKey]CommitStore) commitInfo {
storeInfos := make([]storeInfo, 0, len(storeMap))
for key, store := range storeMap {
// Commit
commitID := store.Commit()
if store.GetStoreType() == sdk.StoreTypeTransient {
// Record CommitID
si := storeInfo{}
si.Name = key.Name()
si.Core.CommitID = commitID
// si.Core.StoreType = store.GetStoreType()
storeInfos = append(storeInfos, si)
ci := commitInfo{
Version: version,
StoreInfos: storeInfos,
return ci
// Gets commitInfo from disk.
func getCommitInfo(db dbm.DB, ver int64) (commitInfo, error) {
// Get from DB.
cInfoKey := fmt.Sprintf(commitInfoKeyFmt, ver)
cInfoBytes := db.Get([]byte(cInfoKey))
if cInfoBytes == nil {
return commitInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to get rootMultiStore: no data")
// Parse bytes.
var cInfo commitInfo
err := cdc.UnmarshalBinary(cInfoBytes, &cInfo)
if err != nil {
return commitInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to get rootMultiStore: %v", err)
return cInfo, nil
// Set a commitInfo for given version.
func setCommitInfo(batch dbm.Batch, version int64, cInfo commitInfo) {
cInfoBytes, err := cdc.MarshalBinary(cInfo)
if err != nil {
cInfoKey := fmt.Sprintf(commitInfoKeyFmt, version)
batch.Set([]byte(cInfoKey), cInfoBytes)