282 lines
8.5 KiB
282 lines
8.5 KiB
package init
import (
authtx "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/auth/client/txbuilder"
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
cfg "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/config"
const (
flagWithTxs = "with-txs"
flagOverwrite = "overwrite"
flagClientHome = "home-client"
flagOverwriteKey = "overwrite-key"
flagSkipGenesis = "skip-genesis"
flagMoniker = "moniker"
type initConfig struct {
ChainID string
GenTxsDir string
Name string
NodeID string
ClientHome string
WithTxs bool
Overwrite bool
OverwriteKey bool
ValPubKey crypto.PubKey
type printInfo struct {
Moniker string `json:"moniker"`
ChainID string `json:"chain_id"`
NodeID string `json:"node_id"`
AppMessage json.RawMessage `json:"app_message"`
// nolint: errcheck
func displayInfo(cdc *codec.Codec, info printInfo) error {
out, err := codec.MarshalJSONIndent(cdc, info)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", string(out))
return nil
// get cmd to initialize all files for tendermint and application
// nolint
func InitCmd(ctx *server.Context, cdc *codec.Codec, appInit server.AppInit) *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "init",
Short: "Initialize private validator, p2p, genesis, and application configuration files",
Long: `Initialize validators's and node's configuration files.
Note that only node's configuration files will be written if the flag --skip-genesis is
enabled, and the genesis file will not be generated.
Args: cobra.NoArgs,
RunE: func(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
config := ctx.Config
name := viper.GetString(client.FlagName)
chainID := viper.GetString(client.FlagChainID)
if chainID == "" {
chainID = fmt.Sprintf("test-chain-%v", common.RandStr(6))
nodeID, valPubKey, err := InitializeNodeValidatorFiles(config)
if err != nil {
return err
if viper.GetString(flagMoniker) != "" {
config.Moniker = viper.GetString(flagMoniker)
if config.Moniker == "" && name != "" {
config.Moniker = name
toPrint := printInfo{
ChainID: chainID,
Moniker: config.Moniker,
NodeID: nodeID,
if viper.GetBool(flagSkipGenesis) {
cfg.WriteConfigFile(filepath.Join(config.RootDir, "config", "config.toml"), config)
return displayInfo(cdc, toPrint)
initCfg := initConfig{
ChainID: chainID,
GenTxsDir: filepath.Join(config.RootDir, "config", "gentx"),
Name: name,
NodeID: nodeID,
ClientHome: viper.GetString(flagClientHome),
WithTxs: viper.GetBool(flagWithTxs),
Overwrite: viper.GetBool(flagOverwrite),
OverwriteKey: viper.GetBool(flagOverwriteKey),
ValPubKey: valPubKey,
appMessage, err := initWithConfig(cdc, config, initCfg)
// print out some key information
if err != nil {
return err
toPrint.AppMessage = appMessage
return displayInfo(cdc, toPrint)
cmd.Flags().String(cli.HomeFlag, app.DefaultNodeHome, "node's home directory")
cmd.Flags().BoolP(flagOverwrite, "o", false, "overwrite the genesis.json file")
cmd.Flags().String(client.FlagChainID, "", "genesis file chain-id, if left blank will be randomly created")
cmd.Flags().Bool(flagWithTxs, false, "apply existing genesis transactions from [--home]/config/gentx/")
cmd.Flags().String(client.FlagName, "", "name of private key with which to sign the gentx")
cmd.Flags().String(flagMoniker, "", "overrides --name flag and set the validator's moniker to a different value; ignored if it runs without the --with-txs flag")
cmd.Flags().String(flagClientHome, app.DefaultCLIHome, "client's home directory")
cmd.Flags().Bool(flagOverwriteKey, false, "overwrite client's key")
cmd.Flags().Bool(flagSkipGenesis, false, "do not create genesis.json")
return cmd
// InitializeNodeValidatorFiles creates private validator and p2p configuration files.
func InitializeNodeValidatorFiles(config *cfg.Config) (nodeID string, valPubKey crypto.PubKey, err error) {
nodeKey, err := p2p.LoadOrGenNodeKey(config.NodeKeyFile())
if err != nil {
nodeID = string(nodeKey.ID())
valPubKey = ReadOrCreatePrivValidator(config.PrivValidatorFile())
func initWithConfig(cdc *codec.Codec, config *cfg.Config, initCfg initConfig) (
appMessage json.RawMessage, err error) {
genFile := config.GenesisFile()
if !initCfg.Overwrite && common.FileExists(genFile) {
err = fmt.Errorf("genesis.json file already exists: %v", genFile)
// process genesis transactions, else create default genesis.json
var appGenTxs []auth.StdTx
var persistentPeers string
var genTxs []json.RawMessage
var appState json.RawMessage
var jsonRawTx json.RawMessage
chainID := initCfg.ChainID
if initCfg.WithTxs {
_, appGenTxs, persistentPeers, err = app.CollectStdTxs(config.Moniker, initCfg.GenTxsDir, cdc)
if err != nil {
genTxs = make([]json.RawMessage, len(appGenTxs))
config.P2P.PersistentPeers = persistentPeers
for i, stdTx := range appGenTxs {
jsonRawTx, err = cdc.MarshalJSON(stdTx)
if err != nil {
genTxs[i] = jsonRawTx
} else {
var ip, keyPass, secret string
var addr sdk.AccAddress
var signedTx auth.StdTx
if initCfg.Name == "" {
err = errors.New("must specify validator's moniker (--name)")
config.Moniker = initCfg.Name
ip, err = server.ExternalIP()
if err != nil {
memo := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s:26656", initCfg.NodeID, ip)
buf := client.BufferStdin()
prompt := fmt.Sprintf("Password for account %q (default: %q):", initCfg.Name, app.DefaultKeyPass)
keyPass, err = client.GetPassword(prompt, buf)
if err != nil && keyPass != "" {
// An error was returned that either failed to read the password from
// STDIN or the given password is not empty but failed to meet minimum
// length requirements.
if keyPass == "" {
keyPass = app.DefaultKeyPass
addr, secret, err = server.GenerateSaveCoinKey(initCfg.ClientHome, initCfg.Name, keyPass, initCfg.OverwriteKey)
if err != nil {
appMessage, err = json.Marshal(map[string]string{"secret": secret})
if err != nil {
msg := stake.NewMsgCreateValidator(
sdk.NewInt64Coin("steak", 100),
stake.NewDescription(config.Moniker, "", "", ""),
stake.NewCommissionMsg(sdk.ZeroDec(), sdk.ZeroDec(), sdk.ZeroDec()),
txBldr := authtx.NewTxBuilderFromCLI().WithCodec(cdc).WithMemo(memo).WithChainID(chainID)
signedTx, err = txBldr.SignStdTx(
initCfg.Name, keyPass, auth.NewStdTx([]sdk.Msg{msg}, auth.StdFee{}, []auth.StdSignature{}, memo), false,
if err != nil {
jsonRawTx, err = cdc.MarshalJSON(signedTx)
if err != nil {
genTxs = []json.RawMessage{jsonRawTx}
cfg.WriteConfigFile(filepath.Join(config.RootDir, "config", "config.toml"), config)
appState, err = app.GaiaAppGenStateJSON(cdc, genTxs)
if err != nil {
err = WriteGenesisFile(genFile, chainID, nil, appState)
// WriteGenesisFile creates and writes the genesis configuration to disk. An
// error is returned if building or writing the configuration to file fails.
// nolint: unparam
func WriteGenesisFile(genesisFile, chainID string, validators []types.GenesisValidator, appState json.RawMessage) error {
genDoc := types.GenesisDoc{
ChainID: chainID,
Validators: validators,
AppState: appState,
if err := genDoc.ValidateAndComplete(); err != nil {
return err
return genDoc.SaveAs(genesisFile)
// read of create the private key file for this config
func ReadOrCreatePrivValidator(privValFile string) crypto.PubKey {
// private validator
var privValidator *privval.FilePV
if common.FileExists(privValFile) {
privValidator = privval.LoadFilePV(privValFile)
} else {
privValidator = privval.GenFilePV(privValFile)
return privValidator.GetPubKey()