
483 lines
16 KiB

package simulation
import (
abci ""
common ""
tmtypes ""
sdk ""
// Simulate tests application by sending random messages.
func Simulate(t *testing.T, app *baseapp.BaseApp,
appStateFn func(r *rand.Rand, accs []Account) json.RawMessage,
ops []WeightedOperation, setups []RandSetup,
invariants []Invariant, numBlocks int, blockSize int, commit bool) error {
time := time.Now().UnixNano()
return SimulateFromSeed(t, app, appStateFn, time, ops, setups, invariants, numBlocks, blockSize, commit)
func initChain(r *rand.Rand, accounts []Account, setups []RandSetup, app *baseapp.BaseApp,
appStateFn func(r *rand.Rand, accounts []Account) json.RawMessage) (validators map[string]mockValidator) {
res := app.InitChain(abci.RequestInitChain{AppStateBytes: appStateFn(r, accounts)})
validators = make(map[string]mockValidator)
for _, validator := range res.Validators {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%v", validator.PubKey)
validators[str] = mockValidator{validator, GetMemberOfInitialState(r, initialLivenessWeightings)}
for i := 0; i < len(setups); i++ {
setups[i](r, accounts)
func randTimestamp(r *rand.Rand) time.Time {
unixTime := r.Int63n(int64(math.Pow(2, 40)))
return time.Unix(unixTime, 0)
// SimulateFromSeed tests an application by running the provided
// operations, testing the provided invariants, but using the provided seed.
func SimulateFromSeed(tb testing.TB, app *baseapp.BaseApp,
appStateFn func(r *rand.Rand, accs []Account) json.RawMessage,
seed int64, ops []WeightedOperation, setups []RandSetup, invariants []Invariant,
numBlocks int, blockSize int, commit bool) (simError error) {
// in case we have to end early, don't os.Exit so that we can run cleanup code.
stopEarly := false
testingMode, t, b := getTestingMode(tb)
fmt.Printf("Starting SimulateFromSeed with randomness created with seed %d\n", int(seed))
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))
timestamp := randTimestamp(r)
fmt.Printf("Starting the simulation from time %v, unixtime %v\n", timestamp.UTC().Format(time.UnixDate), timestamp.Unix())
timeDiff := maxTimePerBlock - minTimePerBlock
accs := RandomAccounts(r, numKeys)
// Setup event stats
events := make(map[string]uint)
event := func(what string) {
validators := initChain(r, accs, setups, app, appStateFn)
// Second variable to keep pending validator set (delayed one block since TM 0.24)
// Initially this is the same as the initial validator set
nextValidators := validators
header := abci.Header{Height: 1, Time: timestamp, ProposerAddress: randomProposer(r, validators)}
opCount := 0
// Setup code to catch SIGTERM's
c := make(chan os.Signal)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGINT)
go func() {
receivedSignal := <-c
fmt.Printf("Exiting early due to %s, on block %d, operation %d\n", receivedSignal, header.Height, opCount)
simError = fmt.Errorf("Exited due to %s", receivedSignal)
stopEarly = true
var pastTimes []time.Time
var pastVoteInfos [][]abci.VoteInfo
request := RandomRequestBeginBlock(r, validators, livenessTransitionMatrix, evidenceFraction, pastTimes, pastVoteInfos, event, header)
// These are operations which have been queued by previous operations
operationQueue := make(map[int][]Operation)
timeOperationQueue := []FutureOperation{}
var blockLogBuilders []*strings.Builder
if testingMode {
blockLogBuilders = make([]*strings.Builder, numBlocks)
displayLogs := logPrinter(testingMode, blockLogBuilders)
blockSimulator := createBlockSimulator(testingMode, tb, t, event, invariants, ops, operationQueue, timeOperationQueue, numBlocks, blockSize, displayLogs)
if !testingMode {
} else {
// Recover logs in case of panic
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
fmt.Println("Panic with err\n", r)
stackTrace := string(debug.Stack())
simError = fmt.Errorf("Simulation halted due to panic on block %d", header.Height)
for i := 0; i < numBlocks && !stopEarly; i++ {
// Log the header time for future lookup
pastTimes = append(pastTimes, header.Time)
pastVoteInfos = append(pastVoteInfos, request.LastCommitInfo.Votes)
// Construct log writer
logWriter := addLogMessage(testingMode, blockLogBuilders, i)
// Run the BeginBlock handler
if testingMode {
// Make sure invariants hold at beginning of block
assertAllInvariants(t, app, header, invariants, "BeginBlock", displayLogs)
ctx := app.NewContext(false, header)
// Run queued operations. Ignores blocksize if blocksize is too small
logWriter("Queued operations")
numQueuedOpsRan := runQueuedOperations(operationQueue, int(header.Height), tb, r, app, ctx, accs, logWriter, displayLogs, event)
numQueuedTimeOpsRan := runQueuedTimeOperations(timeOperationQueue, header.Time, tb, r, app, ctx, accs, logWriter, displayLogs, event)
if testingMode && onOperation {
// Make sure invariants hold at end of queued operations
assertAllInvariants(t, app, header, invariants, "QueuedOperations", displayLogs)
logWriter("Standard operations")
operations := blockSimulator(r, app, ctx, accs, header, logWriter)
opCount += operations + numQueuedOpsRan + numQueuedTimeOpsRan
if testingMode {
// Make sure invariants hold at end of block
assertAllInvariants(t, app, header, invariants, "StandardOperations", displayLogs)
res := app.EndBlock(abci.RequestEndBlock{})
header.Time = header.Time.Add(time.Duration(minTimePerBlock) * time.Second).Add(time.Duration(int64(r.Intn(int(timeDiff)))) * time.Second)
header.ProposerAddress = randomProposer(r, validators)
if testingMode {
// Make sure invariants hold at end of block
assertAllInvariants(t, app, header, invariants, "EndBlock", displayLogs)
if commit {
if header.ProposerAddress == nil {
fmt.Printf("\nSimulation stopped early as all validators have been unbonded, there is nobody left propose a block!\n")
stopEarly = true
// Generate a random RequestBeginBlock with the current validator set for the next block
request = RandomRequestBeginBlock(r, validators, livenessTransitionMatrix, evidenceFraction, pastTimes, pastVoteInfos, event, header)
// Update the validator set, which will be reflected in the application on the next block
validators = nextValidators
nextValidators = updateValidators(tb, r, validators, res.ValidatorUpdates, event)
if stopEarly {
fmt.Printf("\nSimulation complete. Final height (blocks): %d, final time (seconds), : %v, operations ran %d\n", header.Height, header.Time, opCount)
return nil
// Returns a function to simulate blocks. Written like this to avoid constant parameters being passed everytime, to minimize
// memory overhead
func createBlockSimulator(testingMode bool, tb testing.TB, t *testing.T,
event func(string), invariants []Invariant,
ops []WeightedOperation, operationQueue map[int][]Operation, timeOperationQueue []FutureOperation,
totalNumBlocks int, avgBlockSize int, displayLogs func()) func(
r *rand.Rand,
app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context,
accounts []Account, header abci.Header, logWriter func(string)) (opCount int) {
var (
lastBlocksizeState = 0 // state for [4 * uniform distribution]
totalOpWeight = 0
blocksize int
for i := 0; i < len(ops); i++ {
totalOpWeight += ops[i].Weight
selectOp := func(r *rand.Rand) Operation {
x := r.Intn(totalOpWeight)
for i := 0; i < len(ops); i++ {
if x <= ops[i].Weight {
return ops[i].Op
x -= ops[i].Weight
// shouldn't happen
return ops[0].Op
return func(r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context,
accounts []Account, header abci.Header, logWriter func(string)) (opCount int) {
lastBlocksizeState, blocksize = getBlockSize(r, lastBlocksizeState, avgBlockSize)
for j := 0; j < blocksize; j++ {
logUpdate, futureOps, err := selectOp(r)(r, app, ctx, accounts, event)
if err != nil {
tb.Fatalf("error on operation %d within block %d, %v", header.Height, opCount, err)
queueOperations(operationQueue, timeOperationQueue, futureOps)
if testingMode {
if onOperation {
assertAllInvariants(t, app, header, invariants, fmt.Sprintf("operation: %v", logUpdate), displayLogs)
if opCount%50 == 0 {
fmt.Printf("\rSimulating... block %d/%d, operation %d/%d. ", header.Height, totalNumBlocks, opCount, blocksize)
return opCount
func getTestingMode(tb testing.TB) (testingMode bool, t *testing.T, b *testing.B) {
testingMode = false
if _t, ok := tb.(*testing.T); ok {
t = _t
testingMode = true
} else {
b = tb.(*testing.B)
/** getBlockSize returns a block size as determined from the transition matrix.
It targets making average block size the provided parameter.
The three states it moves between are:
* "over stuffed" blocks with average size of 2 * avgblocksize,
* normal sized blocks, hitting avgBlocksize on average,
* and empty blocks, with no txs / only txs scheduled from the past. */
func getBlockSize(r *rand.Rand, lastBlockSizeState, avgBlockSize int) (state, blocksize int) {
// TODO: Make blockSizeTransitionMatrix non-global
// TODO: Make default blocksize transitition matrix actually make the average blocksize equal to avgBlockSize
state = blockSizeTransitionMatrix.NextState(r, lastBlockSizeState)
if state == 0 {
blocksize = r.Intn(avgBlockSize * 4)
} else if state == 1 {
blocksize = r.Intn(avgBlockSize * 2)
} else {
blocksize = 0
// adds all future operations into the operation queue.
func queueOperations(queuedOperations map[int][]Operation, queuedTimeOperations []FutureOperation, futureOperations []FutureOperation) {
if futureOperations == nil {
for _, futureOp := range futureOperations {
if futureOp.BlockHeight != 0 {
if val, ok := queuedOperations[futureOp.BlockHeight]; ok {
queuedOperations[futureOp.BlockHeight] = append(val, futureOp.Op)
} else {
queuedOperations[futureOp.BlockHeight] = []Operation{futureOp.Op}
} else {
// TODO: Replace with proper sorted data structure, so don't have the copy entire slice
index := sort.Search(len(queuedTimeOperations), func(i int) bool { return queuedTimeOperations[i].BlockTime.After(futureOp.BlockTime) })
queuedTimeOperations = append(queuedTimeOperations, FutureOperation{})
copy(queuedTimeOperations[index+1:], queuedTimeOperations[index:])
queuedTimeOperations[index] = futureOp
// nolint: errcheck
func runQueuedOperations(queueOperations map[int][]Operation, height int, tb testing.TB, r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context,
accounts []Account, logWriter func(string), displayLogs func(), event func(string)) (numOpsRan int) {
if queuedOps, ok := queueOperations[height]; ok {
numOps := len(queuedOps)
for i := 0; i < numOps; i++ {
// For now, queued operations cannot queue more operations.
// If a need arises for us to support queued messages to queue more messages, this can
// be changed.
logUpdate, _, err := queuedOps[i](r, app, ctx, accounts, event)
if err != nil {
delete(queueOperations, height)
return numOps
return 0
func runQueuedTimeOperations(queueOperations []FutureOperation, currentTime time.Time, tb testing.TB, r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context,
accounts []Account, logWriter func(string), displayLogs func(), event func(string)) (numOpsRan int) {
numOpsRan = 0
for len(queueOperations) > 0 && currentTime.After(queueOperations[0].BlockTime) {
// For now, queued operations cannot queue more operations.
// If a need arises for us to support queued messages to queue more messages, this can
// be changed.
logUpdate, _, err := queueOperations[0].Op(r, app, ctx, accounts, event)
if err != nil {
queueOperations = queueOperations[1:]
return numOpsRan
func getKeys(validators map[string]mockValidator) []string {
keys := make([]string, len(validators))
i := 0
for key := range validators {
keys[i] = key
return keys
// randomProposer picks a random proposer from the current validator set
func randomProposer(r *rand.Rand, validators map[string]mockValidator) common.HexBytes {
keys := getKeys(validators)
if len(keys) == 0 {
return nil
key := keys[r.Intn(len(keys))]
proposer := validators[key].val
pk, err := tmtypes.PB2TM.PubKey(proposer.PubKey)
if err != nil {
return pk.Address()
// RandomRequestBeginBlock generates a list of signing validators according to the provided list of validators, signing fraction, and evidence fraction
// nolint: unparam
func RandomRequestBeginBlock(r *rand.Rand, validators map[string]mockValidator, livenessTransitions TransitionMatrix, evidenceFraction float64,
pastTimes []time.Time, pastVoteInfos [][]abci.VoteInfo, event func(string), header abci.Header) abci.RequestBeginBlock {
if len(validators) == 0 {
return abci.RequestBeginBlock{Header: header}
voteInfos := make([]abci.VoteInfo, len(validators))
i := 0
for _, key := range getKeys(validators) {
mVal := validators[key]
mVal.livenessState = livenessTransitions.NextState(r, mVal.livenessState)
signed := true
if mVal.livenessState == 1 {
// spotty connection, 50% probability of success
// See
// for reasoning behind computing like this
signed = r.Int63()%2 == 0
} else if mVal.livenessState == 2 {
// offline
signed = false
if signed {
} else {
pubkey, err := tmtypes.PB2TM.PubKey(mVal.val.PubKey)
if err != nil {
voteInfos[i] = abci.VoteInfo{
Validator: abci.Validator{
Address: pubkey.Address(),
Power: mVal.val.Power,
SignedLastBlock: signed,
// TODO: Determine capacity before allocation
evidence := make([]abci.Evidence, 0)
// Anything but the first block
if len(pastTimes) > 0 {
for r.Float64() < evidenceFraction {
height := header.Height
time := header.Time
vals := voteInfos
if r.Float64() < pastEvidenceFraction {
height = int64(r.Intn(int(header.Height) - 1))
time = pastTimes[height]
vals = pastVoteInfos[height]
validator := vals[r.Intn(len(vals))].Validator
var totalVotingPower int64
for _, val := range vals {
totalVotingPower += val.Validator.Power
evidence = append(evidence, abci.Evidence{
Type: tmtypes.ABCIEvidenceTypeDuplicateVote,
Validator: validator,
Height: height,
Time: time,
TotalVotingPower: totalVotingPower,
return abci.RequestBeginBlock{
Header: header,
LastCommitInfo: abci.LastCommitInfo{
Votes: voteInfos,
ByzantineValidators: evidence,
// updateValidators mimicks Tendermint's update logic
// nolint: unparam
func updateValidators(tb testing.TB, r *rand.Rand, current map[string]mockValidator, updates []abci.ValidatorUpdate, event func(string)) map[string]mockValidator {
for _, update := range updates {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%v", update.PubKey)
switch {
case update.Power == 0:
if _, ok := current[str]; !ok {
tb.Fatalf("tried to delete a nonexistent validator")
delete(current, str)
// Does validator already exist?
if mVal, ok := current[str]; ok {
mVal.val = update
} else {
// Set this new validator
current[str] = mockValidator{update, GetMemberOfInitialState(r, initialLivenessWeightings)}
return current