
128 lines
4.5 KiB

package middleware_test
import (
cryptotypes ""
sdk ""
sdkerrors ""
// txTest is a dummy tx that doesn't implement GasTx. It should set the GasMeter
// to 0 in this case.
type txTest struct{}
var _ sdk.Tx = txTest{}
func (t txTest) GetMsgs() []sdk.Msg { return []sdk.Msg{} }
func (t txTest) ValidateBasic() error { return nil }
func (s *MWTestSuite) setupGasTx() (signing.Tx, []byte, sdk.Context, uint64) {
ctx := s.SetupTest(true)
txBuilder := s.clientCtx.TxConfig.NewTxBuilder()
// keys and addresses
priv1, _, addr1 := testdata.KeyTestPubAddr()
// msg and signatures
msg := testdata.NewTestMsg(addr1)
feeAmount := testdata.NewTestFeeAmount()
gasLimit := testdata.NewTestGasLimit()
// test tx
privs, accNums, accSeqs := []cryptotypes.PrivKey{priv1}, []uint64{0}, []uint64{0}
tx, txBytes, err := s.createTestTx(txBuilder, privs, accNums, accSeqs, ctx.ChainID())
// Set height to non-zero value for GasMeter to be set
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(1)
return tx, txBytes, ctx, gasLimit
func (s *MWTestSuite) TestSetup() {
testTx, _, ctx, gasLimit := s.setupGasTx()
txHandler := middleware.ComposeMiddlewares(noopTxHandler, middleware.GasTxMiddleware)
testcases := []struct {
name string
tx sdk.Tx
expGasLimit uint64
expErr bool
errorStr string
{"not a gas tx", txTest{}, 0, true, "Tx must be GasTx: tx parse error"},
{"tx with its own gas limit", testTx, gasLimit, false, ""},
for _, tc := range testcases {
s.Run(, func() {
res, _, err := txHandler.CheckTx(sdk.WrapSDKContext(ctx), tx.Request{Tx: tc.tx}, tx.RequestCheckTx{})
_, simErr := txHandler.SimulateTx(sdk.WrapSDKContext(ctx), tx.Request{Tx: tc.tx})
if tc.expErr {
s.Require().EqualError(err, tc.errorStr)
s.Require().EqualError(simErr, tc.errorStr)
} else {
s.Require().Nil(err, "SetUpContextMiddleware returned error")
s.Require().Nil(simErr, "SetUpContextMiddleware returned error")
s.Require().Equal(tc.expGasLimit, uint64(res.GasWanted))
func (s *MWTestSuite) TestRecoverPanic() {
testTx, txBytes, ctx, gasLimit := s.setupGasTx()
txHandler := middleware.ComposeMiddlewares(outOfGasTxHandler, middleware.GasTxMiddleware, middleware.RecoveryTxMiddleware)
res, _, err := txHandler.CheckTx(sdk.WrapSDKContext(ctx), tx.Request{Tx: testTx, TxBytes: txBytes}, tx.RequestCheckTx{})
s.Require().Error(err, "Did not return error on OutOfGas panic")
s.Require().True(errors.Is(sdkerrors.ErrOutOfGas, err), "Returned error is not an out of gas error")
s.Require().Equal(gasLimit, uint64(res.GasWanted))
txHandler = middleware.ComposeMiddlewares(outOfGasTxHandler, middleware.GasTxMiddleware)
s.Require().Panics(func() {
txHandler.CheckTx(sdk.WrapSDKContext(ctx), tx.Request{Tx: testTx, TxBytes: txBytes}, tx.RequestCheckTx{})
}, "Recovered from non-Out-of-Gas panic")
// customTxHandler is a test middleware that will run a custom function.
type customTxHandler struct {
fn func(context.Context, tx.Request) (tx.Response, error)
var _ tx.Handler = customTxHandler{}
func (h customTxHandler) DeliverTx(ctx context.Context, req tx.Request) (tx.Response, error) {
return h.fn(ctx, req)
func (h customTxHandler) CheckTx(ctx context.Context, req tx.Request, _ tx.RequestCheckTx) (tx.Response, tx.ResponseCheckTx, error) {
res, err := h.fn(ctx, req)
return res, tx.ResponseCheckTx{}, err
func (h customTxHandler) SimulateTx(ctx context.Context, req tx.Request) (tx.Response, error) {
return h.fn(ctx, req)
// noopTxHandler is a test middleware that returns an empty response.
var noopTxHandler = customTxHandler{func(_ context.Context, _ tx.Request) (tx.Response, error) {
return tx.Response{}, nil
// outOfGasTxHandler is a test middleware that panics with an outOfGas error.
var outOfGasTxHandler = customTxHandler{func(ctx context.Context, _ tx.Request) (tx.Response, error) {
sdkCtx := sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(ctx)
overLimit := sdkCtx.GasMeter().Limit() + 1
// Should panic with outofgas error
sdkCtx.GasMeter().ConsumeGas(overLimit, "test panic")
panic("not reached")