187 lines
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187 lines
4.8 KiB
package auth
import (
oldwire "github.com/tendermint/go-wire"
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
wire "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/wire"
var _ sdk.AccountMapper = (*accountMapper)(nil)
var _ sdk.AccountMapper = (*sealedAccountMapper)(nil)
// Implements sdk.AccountMapper.
// This AccountMapper encodes/decodes accounts using the
// go-wire (binary) encoding/decoding library.
type accountMapper struct {
// The (unexposed) key used to access the store from the Context.
key sdk.StoreKey
// The prototypical sdk.Account concrete type.
proto sdk.Account
// The wire codec for binary encoding/decoding of accounts.
cdc *wire.Codec
// NewAccountMapper returns a new sdk.AccountMapper that
// uses go-wire to (binary) encode and decode concrete sdk.Accounts.
func NewAccountMapper(key sdk.StoreKey, proto sdk.Account) accountMapper {
cdc := wire.NewCodec()
return accountMapper{
key: key,
proto: proto,
cdc: cdc,
// Create and return a sealed account mapper
func NewAccountMapperSealed(key sdk.StoreKey, proto sdk.Account) sealedAccountMapper {
cdc := wire.NewCodec()
am := accountMapper{
key: key,
proto: proto,
cdc: cdc,
// make accountMapper's WireCodec() inaccessible, return
return am.Seal()
// Returns the go-wire codec. You may need to register interfaces
// and concrete types here, if your app's sdk.Account
// implementation includes interface fields.
// NOTE: It is not secure to expose the codec, so check out
// .Seal().
func (am accountMapper) WireCodec() *wire.Codec {
return am.cdc
// Returns a "sealed" accountMapper.
// The codec is not accessible from a sealedAccountMapper.
func (am accountMapper) Seal() sealedAccountMapper {
return sealedAccountMapper{am}
// Implements sdk.AccountMapper.
func (am accountMapper) NewAccountWithAddress(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.Address) sdk.Account {
acc := am.clonePrototype()
return acc
// Implements sdk.AccountMapper.
func (am accountMapper) GetAccount(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.Address) sdk.Account {
store := ctx.KVStore(am.key)
bz := store.Get(addr)
if bz == nil {
return nil
acc := am.decodeAccount(bz)
return acc
// Implements sdk.AccountMapper.
func (am accountMapper) SetAccount(ctx sdk.Context, acc sdk.Account) {
addr := acc.GetAddress()
store := ctx.KVStore(am.key)
bz := am.encodeAccount(acc)
store.Set(addr, bz)
// sealedAccountMapper
type sealedAccountMapper struct {
// There's no way for external modules to mutate the
// sam.accountMapper.ctx from here, even with reflection.
func (sam sealedAccountMapper) WireCodec() *wire.Codec {
panic("accountMapper is sealed")
// misc.
// NOTE: currently unused
func (am accountMapper) clonePrototypePtr() interface{} {
protoRt := reflect.TypeOf(am.proto)
if protoRt.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
protoErt := protoRt.Elem()
if protoErt.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
panic("accountMapper requires a struct proto sdk.Account, or a pointer to one")
protoRv := reflect.New(protoErt)
return protoRv.Interface()
} else {
protoRv := reflect.New(protoRt)
return protoRv.Interface()
// Creates a new struct (or pointer to struct) from am.proto.
func (am accountMapper) clonePrototype() sdk.Account {
protoRt := reflect.TypeOf(am.proto)
if protoRt.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
protoCrt := protoRt.Elem()
if protoCrt.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
panic("accountMapper requires a struct proto sdk.Account, or a pointer to one")
protoRv := reflect.New(protoCrt)
clone, ok := protoRv.Interface().(sdk.Account)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("accountMapper requires a proto sdk.Account, but %v doesn't implement sdk.Account", protoRt))
return clone
} else {
protoRv := reflect.New(protoRt).Elem()
clone, ok := protoRv.Interface().(sdk.Account)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("accountMapper requires a proto sdk.Account, but %v doesn't implement sdk.Account", protoRt))
return clone
func (am accountMapper) encodeAccount(acc sdk.Account) []byte {
bz, err := am.cdc.MarshalBinary(acc)
if err != nil {
return bz
func (am accountMapper) decodeAccount(bz []byte) sdk.Account {
// ... old go-wire ...
r, n, err := bytes.NewBuffer(bz), new(int), new(error)
accI := oldwire.ReadBinary(struct{ sdk.Account }{}, r, len(bz), n, err)
if *err != nil {
acc := accI.(struct{ sdk.Account }).Account
return acc
accPtr := am.clonePrototypePtr()
err := am.cdc.UnmarshalBinary(bz, accPtr)
if err != nil {
if reflect.ValueOf(am.proto).Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
return reflect.ValueOf(accPtr).Interface().(sdk.Account)
} else {
return reflect.ValueOf(accPtr).Elem().Interface().(sdk.Account)