
115 lines
3.8 KiB

package gov
import (
sdk ""
// EndBlocker called every block, process inflation, update validator set.
func EndBlocker(ctx sdk.Context, keeper keeper.Keeper) {
defer telemetry.ModuleMeasureSince(types.ModuleName, time.Now(), telemetry.MetricKeyEndBlocker)
logger := keeper.Logger(ctx)
// delete dead proposals from store and burn theirs deposits. A proposal is dead when it's inactive and didn't get enough deposit on time to get into voting phase.
keeper.IterateInactiveProposalsQueue(ctx, ctx.BlockHeader().Time, func(proposal types.Proposal) bool {
keeper.DeleteProposal(ctx, proposal.ProposalId)
keeper.DeleteAndBurnDeposits(ctx, proposal.ProposalId)
// called when proposal become inactive
keeper.AfterProposalFailedMinDeposit(ctx, proposal.ProposalId)
sdk.NewAttribute(types.AttributeKeyProposalID, fmt.Sprintf("%d", proposal.ProposalId)),
sdk.NewAttribute(types.AttributeKeyProposalResult, types.AttributeValueProposalDropped),
"proposal did not meet minimum deposit; deleted",
"proposal", proposal.ProposalId,
"title", proposal.GetTitle(),
"min_deposit", keeper.GetDepositParams(ctx).MinDeposit.String(),
"total_deposit", proposal.TotalDeposit.String(),
return false
// fetch active proposals whose voting periods have ended (are passed the block time)
keeper.IterateActiveProposalsQueue(ctx, ctx.BlockHeader().Time, func(proposal types.Proposal) bool {
var tagValue, logMsg string
passes, burnDeposits, tallyResults := keeper.Tally(ctx, proposal)
if burnDeposits {
keeper.DeleteAndBurnDeposits(ctx, proposal.ProposalId)
} else {
keeper.RefundAndDeleteDeposits(ctx, proposal.ProposalId)
if passes {
handler := keeper.Router().GetRoute(proposal.ProposalRoute())
cacheCtx, writeCache := ctx.CacheContext()
// The proposal handler may execute state mutating logic depending
// on the proposal content. If the handler fails, no state mutation
// is written and the error message is logged.
err := handler(cacheCtx, proposal.GetContent())
if err == nil {
proposal.Status = types.StatusPassed
tagValue = types.AttributeValueProposalPassed
logMsg = "passed"
// The cached context is created with a new EventManager. However, since
// the proposal handler execution was successful, we want to track/keep
// any events emitted, so we re-emit to "merge" the events into the
// original Context's EventManager.
// write state to the underlying multi-store
} else {
proposal.Status = types.StatusFailed
tagValue = types.AttributeValueProposalFailed
logMsg = fmt.Sprintf("passed, but failed on execution: %s", err)
} else {
proposal.Status = types.StatusRejected
tagValue = types.AttributeValueProposalRejected
logMsg = "rejected"
proposal.FinalTallyResult = tallyResults
keeper.SetProposal(ctx, proposal)
keeper.RemoveFromActiveProposalQueue(ctx, proposal.ProposalId, proposal.VotingEndTime)
// when proposal become active
keeper.AfterProposalVotingPeriodEnded(ctx, proposal.ProposalId)
"proposal tallied",
"proposal", proposal.ProposalId,
"title", proposal.GetTitle(),
"result", logMsg,
sdk.NewAttribute(types.AttributeKeyProposalID, fmt.Sprintf("%d", proposal.ProposalId)),
sdk.NewAttribute(types.AttributeKeyProposalResult, tagValue),
return false