
394 lines
12 KiB

package simulation
import (
abci ""
tmproto ""
sdk ""
const AverageBlockTime = 6 * time.Second
// initialize the chain for the simulation
func initChain(
r *rand.Rand,
params Params,
accounts []simulation.Account,
app *baseapp.BaseApp,
appStateFn simulation.AppStateFn,
config simulation.Config,
cdc codec.JSONCodec,
) (mockValidators, time.Time, []simulation.Account, string) {
appState, accounts, chainID, genesisTimestamp := appStateFn(r, accounts, config)
consensusParams := randomConsensusParams(r, appState, cdc)
req := abci.RequestInitChain{
AppStateBytes: appState,
ChainId: chainID,
ConsensusParams: consensusParams,
Time: genesisTimestamp,
res := app.InitChain(req)
validators := newMockValidators(r, res.Validators, params)
return validators, genesisTimestamp, accounts, chainID
// SimulateFromSeed tests an application by running the provided
// operations, testing the provided invariants, but using the provided config.Seed.
// TODO: split this monster function up
func SimulateFromSeed(
tb testing.TB,
w io.Writer,
app *baseapp.BaseApp,
appStateFn simulation.AppStateFn,
randAccFn simulation.RandomAccountFn,
ops WeightedOperations,
blockedAddrs map[string]bool,
config simulation.Config,
cdc codec.JSONCodec,
) (stopEarly bool, exportedParams Params, err error) {
// in case we have to end early, don't os.Exit so that we can run cleanup code.
testingMode, _, b := getTestingMode(tb)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Starting SimulateFromSeed with randomness created with seed %d\n", int(config.Seed))
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(config.Seed))
params := RandomParams(r)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Randomized simulation params: \n%s\n", mustMarshalJSONIndent(params))
timeDiff := maxTimePerBlock - minTimePerBlock
accs := randAccFn(r, params.NumKeys())
eventStats := NewEventStats()
// Second variable to keep pending validator set (delayed one block since
// TM 0.24) Initially this is the same as the initial validator set
validators, genesisTimestamp, accs, chainID := initChain(r, params, accs, app, appStateFn, config, cdc)
if len(accs) == 0 {
return true, params, fmt.Errorf("must have greater than zero genesis accounts")
config.ChainID = chainID
"Starting the simulation from time %v (unixtime %v)\n",
genesisTimestamp.UTC().Format(time.UnixDate), genesisTimestamp.Unix(),
// remove module account address if they exist in accs
var tmpAccs []simulation.Account
for _, acc := range accs {
if !blockedAddrs[acc.Address.String()] {
tmpAccs = append(tmpAccs, acc)
accs = tmpAccs
nextValidators := validators
header := tmproto.Header{
ChainID: config.ChainID,
Height: 1,
Time: genesisTimestamp,
ProposerAddress: validators.randomProposer(r),
opCount := 0
// Setup code to catch SIGTERM's
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGINT)
go func() {
receivedSignal := <-c
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\nExiting early due to %s, on block %d, operation %d\n", receivedSignal, header.Height, opCount)
err = fmt.Errorf("exited due to %s", receivedSignal)
stopEarly = true
var (
pastTimes []time.Time
pastVoteInfos [][]abci.VoteInfo
request := RandomRequestBeginBlock(r, params,
validators, pastTimes, pastVoteInfos, eventStats.Tally, header)
// These are operations which have been queued by previous operations
operationQueue := NewOperationQueue()
var timeOperationQueue []simulation.FutureOperation
logWriter := NewLogWriter(testingMode)
blockSimulator := createBlockSimulator(
testingMode, tb, w, params, eventStats.Tally,
ops, operationQueue, timeOperationQueue, logWriter, config)
if !testingMode {
} else {
// recover logs in case of panic
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(w, "simulation halted due to panic on block %d\n", header.Height)
// set exported params to the initial state
if config.ExportParamsPath != "" && config.ExportParamsHeight == 0 {
exportedParams = params
// TODO: split up the contents of this for loop into new functions
for height := config.InitialBlockHeight; height < config.NumBlocks+config.InitialBlockHeight && !stopEarly; height++ {
// Log the header time for future lookup
pastTimes = append(pastTimes, header.Time)
pastVoteInfos = append(pastVoteInfos, request.LastCommitInfo.Votes)
// Run the BeginBlock handler
ctx := app.NewContext(false, header)
// Run queued operations. Ignores blocksize if blocksize is too small
numQueuedOpsRan, futureOps := runQueuedOperations(
operationQueue, int(header.Height), tb, r, app, ctx, accs, logWriter,
eventStats.Tally, config.Lean, config.ChainID,
numQueuedTimeOpsRan, timeFutureOps := runQueuedTimeOperations(
timeOperationQueue, int(header.Height), header.Time,
tb, r, app, ctx, accs, logWriter, eventStats.Tally,
config.Lean, config.ChainID,
futureOps = append(futureOps, timeFutureOps...)
queueOperations(operationQueue, timeOperationQueue, futureOps)
// run standard operations
operations := blockSimulator(r, app, ctx, accs, header)
opCount += operations + numQueuedOpsRan + numQueuedTimeOpsRan
res := app.EndBlock(abci.RequestEndBlock{})
header.Time = header.Time.Add(
time.Duration(minTimePerBlock) * time.Second)
header.Time = header.Time.Add(
time.Duration(int64(r.Intn(int(timeDiff)))) * time.Second)
header.ProposerAddress = validators.randomProposer(r)
if config.Commit {
if header.ProposerAddress == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\nSimulation stopped early as all validators have been unbonded; nobody left to propose a block!\n")
stopEarly = true
// Generate a random RequestBeginBlock with the current validator set
// for the next block
request = RandomRequestBeginBlock(r, params, validators, pastTimes, pastVoteInfos, eventStats.Tally, header)
// Update the validator set, which will be reflected in the application
// on the next block
validators = nextValidators
nextValidators = updateValidators(tb, r, params, validators, res.ValidatorUpdates, eventStats.Tally)
// update the exported params
if config.ExportParamsPath != "" && config.ExportParamsHeight == height {
exportedParams = params
if stopEarly {
if config.ExportStatsPath != "" {
fmt.Println("Exporting simulation statistics...")
} else {
return true, exportedParams, err
"\nSimulation complete; Final height (blocks): %d, final time (seconds): %v, operations ran: %d\n",
header.Height, header.Time, opCount,
if config.ExportStatsPath != "" {
fmt.Println("Exporting simulation statistics...")
} else {
return false, exportedParams, nil
type blockSimFn func(r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context,
accounts []simulation.Account, header tmproto.Header) (opCount int)
// Returns a function to simulate blocks. Written like this to avoid constant
// parameters being passed everytime, to minimize memory overhead.
func createBlockSimulator(testingMode bool, tb testing.TB, w io.Writer, params Params,
event func(route, op, evResult string), ops WeightedOperations,
operationQueue OperationQueue, timeOperationQueue []simulation.FutureOperation,
logWriter LogWriter, config simulation.Config) blockSimFn {
lastBlockSizeState := 0 // state for [4 * uniform distribution]
blocksize := 0
selectOp := ops.getSelectOpFn()
return func(
r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, accounts []simulation.Account, header tmproto.Header,
) (opCount int) {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(
w, "\rSimulating... block %d/%d, operation %d/%d.",
header.Height, config.NumBlocks, opCount, blocksize,
lastBlockSizeState, blocksize = getBlockSize(r, params, lastBlockSizeState, config.BlockSize)
type opAndR struct {
op simulation.Operation
rand *rand.Rand
opAndRz := make([]opAndR, 0, blocksize)
// Predetermine the blocksize slice so that we can do things like block
// out certain operations without changing the ops that follow.
for i := 0; i < blocksize; i++ {
opAndRz = append(opAndRz, opAndR{
op: selectOp(r),
rand: simulation.DeriveRand(r),
for i := 0; i < blocksize; i++ {
// NOTE: the Rand 'r' should not be used here.
opAndR := opAndRz[i]
op, r2 := opAndR.op, opAndR.rand
opMsg, futureOps, err := op(r2, app, ctx, accounts, config.ChainID)
if !config.Lean || opMsg.OK {
logWriter.AddEntry(MsgEntry(header.Height, int64(i), opMsg))
if err != nil {
tb.Fatalf(`error on block %d/%d, operation (%d/%d) from x/%s:
Comment: %s`,
header.Height, config.NumBlocks, opCount, blocksize, opMsg.Route, err, opMsg.Comment)
queueOperations(operationQueue, timeOperationQueue, futureOps)
if testingMode && opCount%50 == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\rSimulating... block %d/%d, operation %d/%d. ",
header.Height, config.NumBlocks, opCount, blocksize)
return opCount
// nolint: errcheck
func runQueuedOperations(queueOps map[int][]simulation.Operation,
height int, tb testing.TB, r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp,
ctx sdk.Context, accounts []simulation.Account, logWriter LogWriter,
event func(route, op, evResult string), lean bool, chainID string) (numOpsRan int, allFutureOps []simulation.FutureOperation) {
queuedOp, ok := queueOps[height]
if !ok {
return 0, nil
// Keep all future operations
allFutureOps = make([]simulation.FutureOperation, 0)
numOpsRan = len(queuedOp)
for i := 0; i < numOpsRan; i++ {
opMsg, futureOps, err := queuedOp[i](r, app, ctx, accounts, chainID)
if futureOps != nil && len(futureOps) > 0 {
allFutureOps = append(allFutureOps, futureOps...)
if !lean || opMsg.OK {
logWriter.AddEntry((QueuedMsgEntry(int64(height), opMsg)))
if err != nil {
delete(queueOps, height)
return numOpsRan, allFutureOps
func runQueuedTimeOperations(queueOps []simulation.FutureOperation,
height int, currentTime time.Time, tb testing.TB, r *rand.Rand,
app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, accounts []simulation.Account,
logWriter LogWriter, event func(route, op, evResult string),
lean bool, chainID string) (numOpsRan int, allFutureOps []simulation.FutureOperation) {
// Keep all future operations
allFutureOps = make([]simulation.FutureOperation, 0)
numOpsRan = 0
for len(queueOps) > 0 && currentTime.After(queueOps[0].BlockTime) {
opMsg, futureOps, err := queueOps[0].Op(r, app, ctx, accounts, chainID)
if !lean || opMsg.OK {
logWriter.AddEntry(QueuedMsgEntry(int64(height), opMsg))
if err != nil {
if futureOps != nil && len(futureOps) > 0 {
allFutureOps = append(allFutureOps, futureOps...)
queueOps = queueOps[1:]
return numOpsRan, allFutureOps