
194 lines
5.6 KiB

package server_test
import (
abci ""
tmjson ""
tmproto ""
tmtypes ""
dbm ""
func TestExportCmd_ConsensusParams(t *testing.T) {
tempDir := t.TempDir()
_, ctx, _, cmd := setupApp(t, tempDir)
output := &bytes.Buffer{}
cmd.SetArgs([]string{fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%s", flags.FlagHome, tempDir)})
require.NoError(t, cmd.ExecuteContext(ctx))
var exportedGenDoc tmtypes.GenesisDoc
err := tmjson.Unmarshal(output.Bytes(), &exportedGenDoc)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error unmarshaling exported genesis doc: %s", err)
require.Equal(t, simapp.DefaultConsensusParams.Block.MaxBytes, exportedGenDoc.ConsensusParams.Block.MaxBytes)
require.Equal(t, simapp.DefaultConsensusParams.Block.MaxGas, exportedGenDoc.ConsensusParams.Block.MaxGas)
require.Equal(t, simapp.DefaultConsensusParams.Evidence.MaxAgeDuration, exportedGenDoc.ConsensusParams.Evidence.MaxAgeDuration)
require.Equal(t, simapp.DefaultConsensusParams.Evidence.MaxAgeNumBlocks, exportedGenDoc.ConsensusParams.Evidence.MaxAgeNumBlocks)
require.Equal(t, simapp.DefaultConsensusParams.Validator.PubKeyTypes, exportedGenDoc.ConsensusParams.Validator.PubKeyTypes)
func TestExportCmd_HomeDir(t *testing.T) {
_, ctx, _, cmd := setupApp(t, t.TempDir())
cmd.SetArgs([]string{fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%s", flags.FlagHome, "foobar")})
err := cmd.ExecuteContext(ctx)
require.EqualError(t, err, "stat foobar/config/genesis.json: no such file or directory")
func TestExportCmd_Height(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
flags []string
fastForward int64
expHeight int64
"should export correct height",
5, 6,
"should export correct height with --height",
fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%d", server.FlagHeight, 3),
5, 4,
"should export height 0 with --for-zero-height",
fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%s", server.FlagForZeroHeight, "true"),
2, 0,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
tempDir := t.TempDir()
app, ctx, _, cmd := setupApp(t, tempDir)
// Fast forward to block `tc.fastForward`.
for i := int64(2); i <= tc.fastForward; i++ {
app.BeginBlock(abci.RequestBeginBlock{Header: tmproto.Header{Height: i}})
output := &bytes.Buffer{}
args := append(tc.flags, fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%s", flags.FlagHome, tempDir))
require.NoError(t, cmd.ExecuteContext(ctx))
var exportedGenDoc tmtypes.GenesisDoc
err := tmjson.Unmarshal(output.Bytes(), &exportedGenDoc)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error unmarshaling exported genesis doc: %s", err)
require.Equal(t, tc.expHeight, exportedGenDoc.InitialHeight)
func setupApp(t *testing.T, tempDir string) (*simapp.SimApp, context.Context, *tmtypes.GenesisDoc, *cobra.Command) {
if err := createConfigFolder(tempDir); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error creating config folder: %s", err)
logger, _ := log.NewDefaultLogger("plain", "info", false)
db := dbm.NewMemDB()
encCfg := simapp.MakeTestEncodingConfig()
app := simapp.NewSimApp(logger, db, nil, true, map[int64]bool{}, tempDir, 0, encCfg, simapp.EmptyAppOptions{})
genesisState := simapp.GenesisStateWithSingleValidator(t, app)
stateBytes, err := tmjson.MarshalIndent(genesisState, "", " ")
require.NoError(t, err)
serverCtx := server.NewDefaultContext()
serverCtx.Config.RootDir = tempDir
clientCtx := client.Context{}.WithCodec(app.AppCodec())
genDoc := &tmtypes.GenesisDoc{}
genDoc.ChainID = "theChainId"
genDoc.Validators = nil
genDoc.AppState = stateBytes
require.NoError(t, saveGenesisFile(genDoc, serverCtx.Config.GenesisFile()))
Validators: []abci.ValidatorUpdate{},
ConsensusParams: simapp.DefaultConsensusParams,
AppStateBytes: genDoc.AppState,
cmd := server.ExportCmd(
func(_ log.Logger, _ dbm.DB, _ io.Writer, height int64, forZeroHeight bool, jailAllowedAddrs []string, appOptons types.AppOptions) (types.ExportedApp, error) {
encCfg := simapp.MakeTestEncodingConfig()
var simApp *simapp.SimApp
if height != -1 {
simApp = simapp.NewSimApp(logger, db, nil, false, map[int64]bool{}, "", 0, encCfg, appOptons)
if err := simApp.LoadHeight(height); err != nil {
return types.ExportedApp{}, err
} else {
simApp = simapp.NewSimApp(logger, db, nil, true, map[int64]bool{}, "", 0, encCfg, appOptons)
return simApp.ExportAppStateAndValidators(forZeroHeight, jailAllowedAddrs)
}, tempDir)
ctx := context.Background()
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, client.ClientContextKey, &clientCtx)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, server.ServerContextKey, serverCtx)
return app, ctx, genDoc, cmd
func createConfigFolder(dir string) error {
return os.Mkdir(path.Join(dir, "config"), 0700)
func saveGenesisFile(genDoc *tmtypes.GenesisDoc, dir string) error {
err := genutil.ExportGenesisFile(genDoc, dir)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error creating file")
return nil