367 lines
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367 lines
12 KiB
package types
import (
// create a decimal from a decimal string (ex. "1234.5678")
func mustNewDecFromStr(t *testing.T, str string) (d Dec) {
d, err := NewDecFromStr(str)
require.NoError(t, err)
return d
func TestPrecisionMultiplier(t *testing.T) {
res := precisionMultiplier(5)
exp := big.NewInt(100000)
require.Equal(t, 0, res.Cmp(exp), "equality was incorrect, res %v, exp %v", res, exp)
func TestNewDecFromStr(t *testing.T) {
largeBigInt, success := new(big.Int).SetString("3144605511029693144278234343371835", 10)
require.True(t, success)
tests := []struct {
decimalStr string
expErr bool
exp Dec
{"", true, Dec{}},
{"0.-75", true, Dec{}},
{"0", false, NewDec(0)},
{"1", false, NewDec(1)},
{"1.1", false, NewDecWithPrec(11, 1)},
{"0.75", false, NewDecWithPrec(75, 2)},
{"0.8", false, NewDecWithPrec(8, 1)},
{"0.11111", false, NewDecWithPrec(11111, 5)},
{"314460551102969.3144278234343371835", true, NewDec(3141203149163817869)},
true, NewDecFromBigIntWithPrec(largeBigInt, 4)},
false, NewDecFromBigIntWithPrec(largeBigInt, 4)},
{".", true, Dec{}},
{".0", true, NewDec(0)},
{"1.", true, NewDec(1)},
{"foobar", true, Dec{}},
{"0.foobar", true, Dec{}},
{"0.foobar.", true, Dec{}},
for tcIndex, tc := range tests {
res, err := NewDecFromStr(tc.decimalStr)
if tc.expErr {
require.NotNil(t, err, "error expected, decimalStr %v, tc %v", tc.decimalStr, tcIndex)
} else {
require.Nil(t, err, "unexpected error, decimalStr %v, tc %v", tc.decimalStr, tcIndex)
require.True(t, res.Equal(tc.exp), "equality was incorrect, res %v, exp %v, tc %v", res, tc.exp, tcIndex)
// negative tc
res, err = NewDecFromStr("-" + tc.decimalStr)
if tc.expErr {
require.NotNil(t, err, "error expected, decimalStr %v, tc %v", tc.decimalStr, tcIndex)
} else {
require.Nil(t, err, "unexpected error, decimalStr %v, tc %v", tc.decimalStr, tcIndex)
exp := tc.exp.Mul(NewDec(-1))
require.True(t, res.Equal(exp), "equality was incorrect, res %v, exp %v, tc %v", res, exp, tcIndex)
func TestEqualities(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
d1, d2 Dec
gt, lt, eq bool
{NewDec(0), NewDec(0), false, false, true},
{NewDecWithPrec(0, 2), NewDecWithPrec(0, 4), false, false, true},
{NewDecWithPrec(100, 0), NewDecWithPrec(100, 0), false, false, true},
{NewDecWithPrec(-100, 0), NewDecWithPrec(-100, 0), false, false, true},
{NewDecWithPrec(-1, 1), NewDecWithPrec(-1, 1), false, false, true},
{NewDecWithPrec(3333, 3), NewDecWithPrec(3333, 3), false, false, true},
{NewDecWithPrec(0, 0), NewDecWithPrec(3333, 3), false, true, false},
{NewDecWithPrec(0, 0), NewDecWithPrec(100, 0), false, true, false},
{NewDecWithPrec(-1, 0), NewDecWithPrec(3333, 3), false, true, false},
{NewDecWithPrec(-1, 0), NewDecWithPrec(100, 0), false, true, false},
{NewDecWithPrec(1111, 3), NewDecWithPrec(100, 0), false, true, false},
{NewDecWithPrec(1111, 3), NewDecWithPrec(3333, 3), false, true, false},
{NewDecWithPrec(-3333, 3), NewDecWithPrec(-1111, 3), false, true, false},
{NewDecWithPrec(3333, 3), NewDecWithPrec(0, 0), true, false, false},
{NewDecWithPrec(100, 0), NewDecWithPrec(0, 0), true, false, false},
{NewDecWithPrec(3333, 3), NewDecWithPrec(-1, 0), true, false, false},
{NewDecWithPrec(100, 0), NewDecWithPrec(-1, 0), true, false, false},
{NewDecWithPrec(100, 0), NewDecWithPrec(1111, 3), true, false, false},
{NewDecWithPrec(3333, 3), NewDecWithPrec(1111, 3), true, false, false},
{NewDecWithPrec(-1111, 3), NewDecWithPrec(-3333, 3), true, false, false},
for tcIndex, tc := range tests {
require.Equal(t, tc.gt, tc.d1.GT(tc.d2), "GT result is incorrect, tc %d", tcIndex)
require.Equal(t, tc.lt, tc.d1.LT(tc.d2), "LT result is incorrect, tc %d", tcIndex)
require.Equal(t, tc.eq, tc.d1.Equal(tc.d2), "equality result is incorrect, tc %d", tcIndex)
func TestDecsEqual(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
d1s, d2s []Dec
eq bool
{[]Dec{NewDec(0)}, []Dec{NewDec(0)}, true},
{[]Dec{NewDec(0)}, []Dec{NewDec(1)}, false},
{[]Dec{NewDec(0)}, []Dec{}, false},
{[]Dec{NewDec(0), NewDec(1)}, []Dec{NewDec(0), NewDec(1)}, true},
{[]Dec{NewDec(1), NewDec(0)}, []Dec{NewDec(1), NewDec(0)}, true},
{[]Dec{NewDec(1), NewDec(0)}, []Dec{NewDec(0), NewDec(1)}, false},
{[]Dec{NewDec(1), NewDec(0)}, []Dec{NewDec(1)}, false},
{[]Dec{NewDec(1), NewDec(2)}, []Dec{NewDec(2), NewDec(4)}, false},
{[]Dec{NewDec(3), NewDec(18)}, []Dec{NewDec(1), NewDec(6)}, false},
for tcIndex, tc := range tests {
require.Equal(t, tc.eq, DecsEqual(tc.d1s, tc.d2s), "equality of decional arrays is incorrect, tc %d", tcIndex)
require.Equal(t, tc.eq, DecsEqual(tc.d2s, tc.d1s), "equality of decional arrays is incorrect (converse), tc %d", tcIndex)
func TestArithmetic(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
d1, d2 Dec
expMul, expDiv, expAdd, expSub Dec
// d1 d2 MUL DIV ADD SUB
{NewDec(0), NewDec(0), NewDec(0), NewDec(0), NewDec(0), NewDec(0)},
{NewDec(1), NewDec(0), NewDec(0), NewDec(0), NewDec(1), NewDec(1)},
{NewDec(0), NewDec(1), NewDec(0), NewDec(0), NewDec(1), NewDec(-1)},
{NewDec(0), NewDec(-1), NewDec(0), NewDec(0), NewDec(-1), NewDec(1)},
{NewDec(-1), NewDec(0), NewDec(0), NewDec(0), NewDec(-1), NewDec(-1)},
{NewDec(1), NewDec(1), NewDec(1), NewDec(1), NewDec(2), NewDec(0)},
{NewDec(-1), NewDec(-1), NewDec(1), NewDec(1), NewDec(-2), NewDec(0)},
{NewDec(1), NewDec(-1), NewDec(-1), NewDec(-1), NewDec(0), NewDec(2)},
{NewDec(-1), NewDec(1), NewDec(-1), NewDec(-1), NewDec(0), NewDec(-2)},
{NewDec(3), NewDec(7), NewDec(21), NewDecWithPrec(4285714286, 10), NewDec(10), NewDec(-4)},
{NewDec(2), NewDec(4), NewDec(8), NewDecWithPrec(5, 1), NewDec(6), NewDec(-2)},
{NewDec(100), NewDec(100), NewDec(10000), NewDec(1), NewDec(200), NewDec(0)},
{NewDecWithPrec(15, 1), NewDecWithPrec(15, 1), NewDecWithPrec(225, 2),
NewDec(1), NewDec(3), NewDec(0)},
{NewDecWithPrec(3333, 4), NewDecWithPrec(333, 4), NewDecWithPrec(1109889, 8),
NewDecWithPrec(10009009009, 9), NewDecWithPrec(3666, 4), NewDecWithPrec(3, 1)},
for tcIndex, tc := range tests {
resAdd := tc.d1.Add(tc.d2)
resSub := tc.d1.Sub(tc.d2)
resMul := tc.d1.Mul(tc.d2)
require.True(t, tc.expAdd.Equal(resAdd), "exp %v, res %v, tc %d", tc.expAdd, resAdd, tcIndex)
require.True(t, tc.expSub.Equal(resSub), "exp %v, res %v, tc %d", tc.expSub, resSub, tcIndex)
require.True(t, tc.expMul.Equal(resMul), "exp %v, res %v, tc %d", tc.expMul, resMul, tcIndex)
if tc.d2.IsZero() { // panic for divide by zero
require.Panics(t, func() { tc.d1.Quo(tc.d2) })
} else {
resDiv := tc.d1.Quo(tc.d2)
require.True(t, tc.expDiv.Equal(resDiv), "exp %v, res %v, tc %d", tc.expDiv.String(), resDiv.String(), tcIndex)
func TestBankerRoundChop(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
d1 Dec
exp int64
{mustNewDecFromStr(t, "0.25"), 0},
{mustNewDecFromStr(t, "0"), 0},
{mustNewDecFromStr(t, "1"), 1},
{mustNewDecFromStr(t, "0.75"), 1},
{mustNewDecFromStr(t, "0.5"), 0},
{mustNewDecFromStr(t, "7.5"), 8},
{mustNewDecFromStr(t, "1.5"), 2},
{mustNewDecFromStr(t, "2.5"), 2},
{mustNewDecFromStr(t, "0.545"), 1}, // 0.545-> 1 even though 5 is first decimal and 1 not even
{mustNewDecFromStr(t, "1.545"), 2},
for tcIndex, tc := range tests {
resNeg := tc.d1.Neg().RoundInt64()
require.Equal(t, -1*tc.exp, resNeg, "negative tc %d", tcIndex)
resPos := tc.d1.RoundInt64()
require.Equal(t, tc.exp, resPos, "positive tc %d", tcIndex)
func TestTruncate(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
d1 Dec
exp int64
{mustNewDecFromStr(t, "0"), 0},
{mustNewDecFromStr(t, "0.25"), 0},
{mustNewDecFromStr(t, "0.75"), 0},
{mustNewDecFromStr(t, "1"), 1},
{mustNewDecFromStr(t, "1.5"), 1},
{mustNewDecFromStr(t, "7.5"), 7},
{mustNewDecFromStr(t, "7.6"), 7},
{mustNewDecFromStr(t, "7.4"), 7},
{mustNewDecFromStr(t, "100.1"), 100},
{mustNewDecFromStr(t, "1000.1"), 1000},
for tcIndex, tc := range tests {
resNeg := tc.d1.Neg().TruncateInt64()
require.Equal(t, -1*tc.exp, resNeg, "negative tc %d", tcIndex)
resPos := tc.d1.TruncateInt64()
require.Equal(t, tc.exp, resPos, "positive tc %d", tcIndex)
var cdc = codec.New()
func TestDecMarshalJSON(t *testing.T) {
decimal := func(i int64) Dec {
d := NewDec(0)
d.Int = new(big.Int).SetInt64(i)
return d
tests := []struct {
name string
d Dec
want string
wantErr bool // if wantErr = false, will also attempt unmarshaling
{"zero", decimal(0), "\"0.0000000000\"", false},
{"one", decimal(1), "\"0.0000000001\"", false},
{"ten", decimal(10), "\"0.0000000010\"", false},
{"12340", decimal(12340), "\"0.0000012340\"", false},
{"zeroInt", NewDec(0), "\"0.0000000000\"", false},
{"oneInt", NewDec(1), "\"1.0000000000\"", false},
{"tenInt", NewDec(10), "\"10.0000000000\"", false},
{"12340Int", NewDec(12340), "\"12340.0000000000\"", false},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
got, err := tt.d.MarshalJSON()
if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
t.Errorf("Dec.MarshalJSON() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
if !tt.wantErr {
assert.Equal(t, tt.want, string(got), "incorrect marshalled value")
unmarshalledDec := NewDec(0)
assert.Equal(t, tt.d, unmarshalledDec, "incorrect unmarshalled value")
func TestZeroDeserializationJSON(t *testing.T) {
d := Dec{new(big.Int)}
err := cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(`"0"`), &d)
require.Nil(t, err)
err = cdc.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(`"{}"`), &d)
require.NotNil(t, err)
func TestSerializationText(t *testing.T) {
d := mustNewDecFromStr(t, "0.333")
bz, err := d.MarshalText()
require.NoError(t, err)
d2 := Dec{new(big.Int)}
err = d2.UnmarshalText(bz)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, d.Equal(d2), "original: %v, unmarshalled: %v", d, d2)
func TestSerializationGocodecJSON(t *testing.T) {
d := mustNewDecFromStr(t, "0.333")
bz, err := cdc.MarshalJSON(d)
require.NoError(t, err)
d2 := Dec{new(big.Int)}
err = cdc.UnmarshalJSON(bz, &d2)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, d.Equal(d2), "original: %v, unmarshalled: %v", d, d2)
func TestSerializationGocodecBinary(t *testing.T) {
d := mustNewDecFromStr(t, "0.333")
bz, err := cdc.MarshalBinary(d)
require.NoError(t, err)
var d2 Dec
err = cdc.UnmarshalBinary(bz, &d2)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, d.Equal(d2), "original: %v, unmarshalled: %v", d, d2)
type testDEmbedStruct struct {
Field1 string `json:"f1"`
Field2 int `json:"f2"`
Field3 Dec `json:"f3"`
// TODO make work for UnmarshalJSON
func TestEmbeddedStructSerializationGocodec(t *testing.T) {
obj := testDEmbedStruct{"foo", 10, NewDecWithPrec(1, 3)}
bz, err := cdc.MarshalBinary(obj)
require.Nil(t, err)
var obj2 testDEmbedStruct
err = cdc.UnmarshalBinary(bz, &obj2)
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Equal(t, obj.Field1, obj2.Field1)
require.Equal(t, obj.Field2, obj2.Field2)
require.True(t, obj.Field3.Equal(obj2.Field3), "original: %v, unmarshalled: %v", obj, obj2)
func TestStringOverflow(t *testing.T) {
// two random 64 bit primes
dec1, err := NewDecFromStr("51643150036226787134389711697696177267")
require.NoError(t, err)
dec2, err := NewDecFromStr("-31798496660535729618459429845579852627")
require.NoError(t, err)
dec3 := dec1.Add(dec2)
func TestDecMulInt(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
sdkDec Dec
sdkInt Int
want Dec
{NewDec(10), NewInt(2), NewDec(20)},
{NewDec(1000000), NewInt(100), NewDec(100000000)},
{NewDecWithPrec(1, 1), NewInt(10), NewDec(1)},
{NewDecWithPrec(1, 5), NewInt(20), NewDecWithPrec(2, 4)},
for i, tc := range tests {
got := tc.sdkDec.MulInt(tc.sdkInt)
require.Equal(t, tc.want, got, "Incorrect result on test case %d", i)