
503 lines
14 KiB

package baseapp
import (
abci ""
sdk ""
sdkerrors ""
// InitChain implements the ABCI interface. It runs the initialization logic
// directly on the CommitMultiStore.
func (app *BaseApp) InitChain(req abci.RequestInitChain) (res abci.ResponseInitChain) {
// stash the consensus params in the cms main store and memoize
if req.ConsensusParams != nil {
initHeader := abci.Header{ChainID: req.ChainId, Time: req.Time}
// initialize the deliver state and check state with a correct header
if app.initChainer == nil {
// add block gas meter for any genesis transactions (allow infinite gas)
app.deliverState.ctx = app.deliverState.ctx.WithBlockGasMeter(sdk.NewInfiniteGasMeter())
res = app.initChainer(app.deliverState.ctx, req)
// sanity check
if len(req.Validators) > 0 {
if len(req.Validators) != len(res.Validators) {
"len(RequestInitChain.Validators) != len(GenesisValidators) (%d != %d)",
len(req.Validators), len(res.Validators),
for i, val := range res.Validators {
if !val.Equal(req.Validators[i]) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("genesisValidators[%d] != req.Validators[%d] ", i, i))
// NOTE: We don't commit, but BeginBlock for block 1 starts from this
// deliverState.
return res
// Info implements the ABCI interface.
func (app *BaseApp) Info(req abci.RequestInfo) abci.ResponseInfo {
lastCommitID := app.cms.LastCommitID()
return abci.ResponseInfo{
LastBlockHeight: lastCommitID.Version,
LastBlockAppHash: lastCommitID.Hash,
// SetOption implements the ABCI interface.
func (app *BaseApp) SetOption(req abci.RequestSetOption) (res abci.ResponseSetOption) {
// TODO: Implement!
// FilterPeerByAddrPort filters peers by address/port.
func (app *BaseApp) FilterPeerByAddrPort(info string) abci.ResponseQuery {
if app.addrPeerFilter != nil {
return app.addrPeerFilter(info)
return abci.ResponseQuery{}
// FilterPeerByIDfilters peers by node ID.
func (app *BaseApp) FilterPeerByID(info string) abci.ResponseQuery {
if app.idPeerFilter != nil {
return app.idPeerFilter(info)
return abci.ResponseQuery{}
// BeginBlock implements the ABCI application interface.
func (app *BaseApp) BeginBlock(req abci.RequestBeginBlock) (res abci.ResponseBeginBlock) {
if app.cms.TracingEnabled() {
map[string]interface{}{"blockHeight": req.Header.Height},
if err := app.validateHeight(req); err != nil {
// Initialize the DeliverTx state. If this is the first block, it should
// already be initialized in InitChain. Otherwise app.deliverState will be
// nil, since it is reset on Commit.
if app.deliverState == nil {
} else {
// In the first block, app.deliverState.ctx will already be initialized
// by InitChain. Context is now updated with Header information.
app.deliverState.ctx = app.deliverState.ctx.
// add block gas meter
var gasMeter sdk.GasMeter
if maxGas := app.getMaximumBlockGas(); maxGas > 0 {
gasMeter = sdk.NewGasMeter(maxGas)
} else {
gasMeter = sdk.NewInfiniteGasMeter()
app.deliverState.ctx = app.deliverState.ctx.WithBlockGasMeter(gasMeter)
if app.beginBlocker != nil {
res = app.beginBlocker(app.deliverState.ctx, req)
// set the signed validators for addition to context in deliverTx
app.voteInfos = req.LastCommitInfo.GetVotes()
return res
// EndBlock implements the ABCI interface.
func (app *BaseApp) EndBlock(req abci.RequestEndBlock) (res abci.ResponseEndBlock) {
if { =
if app.endBlocker != nil {
res = app.endBlocker(app.deliverState.ctx, req)
// CheckTx implements the ABCI interface and executes a tx in CheckTx mode. In
// CheckTx mode, messages are not executed. This means messages are only validated
// and only the AnteHandler is executed. State is persisted to the BaseApp's
// internal CheckTx state if the AnteHandler passes. Otherwise, the ResponseCheckTx
// will contain releveant error information. Regardless of tx execution outcome,
// the ResponseCheckTx will contain relevant gas execution context.
func (app *BaseApp) CheckTx(req abci.RequestCheckTx) abci.ResponseCheckTx {
tx, err := app.txDecoder(req.Tx)
if err != nil {
return sdkerrors.ResponseCheckTx(err, 0, 0)
var mode runTxMode
switch {
case req.Type == abci.CheckTxType_New:
mode = runTxModeCheck
case req.Type == abci.CheckTxType_Recheck:
mode = runTxModeReCheck
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown RequestCheckTx type: %s", req.Type))
gInfo, result, err := app.runTx(mode, req.Tx, tx)
if err != nil {
return sdkerrors.ResponseCheckTx(err, gInfo.GasWanted, gInfo.GasUsed)
return abci.ResponseCheckTx{
GasWanted: int64(gInfo.GasWanted), // TODO: Should type accept unsigned ints?
GasUsed: int64(gInfo.GasUsed), // TODO: Should type accept unsigned ints?
Log: result.Log,
Data: result.Data,
Events: result.Events.ToABCIEvents(),
// DeliverTx implements the ABCI interface and executes a tx in DeliverTx mode.
// State only gets persisted if all messages are valid and get executed successfully.
// Otherwise, the ResponseDeliverTx will contain releveant error information.
// Regardless of tx execution outcome, the ResponseDeliverTx will contain relevant
// gas execution context.
func (app *BaseApp) DeliverTx(req abci.RequestDeliverTx) abci.ResponseDeliverTx {
tx, err := app.txDecoder(req.Tx)
if err != nil {
return sdkerrors.ResponseDeliverTx(err, 0, 0)
gInfo, result, err := app.runTx(runTxModeDeliver, req.Tx, tx)
if err != nil {
return sdkerrors.ResponseDeliverTx(err, gInfo.GasWanted, gInfo.GasUsed)
return abci.ResponseDeliverTx{
GasWanted: int64(gInfo.GasWanted), // TODO: Should type accept unsigned ints?
GasUsed: int64(gInfo.GasUsed), // TODO: Should type accept unsigned ints?
Log: result.Log,
Data: result.Data,
Events: result.Events.ToABCIEvents(),
// Commit implements the ABCI interface. It will commit all state that exists in
// the deliver state's multi-store and includes the resulting commit ID in the
// returned abci.ResponseCommit. Commit will set the check state based on the
// latest header and reset the deliver state. Also, if a non-zero halt height is
// defined in config, Commit will execute a deferred function call to check
// against that height and gracefully halt if it matches the latest committed
// height.
func (app *BaseApp) Commit() (res abci.ResponseCommit) {
header := app.deliverState.ctx.BlockHeader()
// Write the DeliverTx state which is cache-wrapped and commit the MultiStore.
// The write to the DeliverTx state writes all state transitions to the root
// MultiStore (app.cms) so when Commit() is called is persists those values.
commitID := app.cms.Commit()
app.logger.Debug("Commit synced", "commit", fmt.Sprintf("%X", commitID))
// Reset the Check state to the latest committed.
// NOTE: This is safe because Tendermint holds a lock on the mempool for
// Commit. Use the header from this latest block.
// empty/reset the deliver state
app.deliverState = nil
var halt bool
switch {
case app.haltHeight > 0 && uint64(header.Height) >= app.haltHeight:
halt = true
case app.haltTime > 0 && header.Time.Unix() >= int64(app.haltTime):
halt = true
if halt {
// Halt the binary and allow Tendermint to receive the ResponseCommit
// response with the commit ID hash. This will allow the node to successfully
// restart and process blocks assuming the halt configuration has been
// reset or moved to a more distant value.
return abci.ResponseCommit{
Data: commitID.Hash,
// halt attempts to gracefully shutdown the node via SIGINT and SIGTERM falling
// back on os.Exit if both fail.
func (app *BaseApp) halt() {
app.logger.Info("halting node per configuration", "height", app.haltHeight, "time", app.haltTime)
p, err := os.FindProcess(os.Getpid())
if err == nil {
// attempt cascading signals in case SIGINT fails (os dependent)
sigIntErr := p.Signal(syscall.SIGINT)
sigTermErr := p.Signal(syscall.SIGTERM)
if sigIntErr == nil || sigTermErr == nil {
// Resort to exiting immediately if the process could not be found or killed
// via SIGINT/SIGTERM signals.
app.logger.Info("failed to send SIGINT/SIGTERM; exiting...")
// Query implements the ABCI interface. It delegates to CommitMultiStore if it
// implements Queryable.
func (app *BaseApp) Query(req abci.RequestQuery) abci.ResponseQuery {
path := splitPath(req.Path)
if len(path) == 0 {
sdkerrors.QueryResult(sdkerrors.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrUnknownRequest, "no query path provided"))
switch path[0] {
// "/app" prefix for special application queries
case "app":
return handleQueryApp(app, path, req)
case "store":
return handleQueryStore(app, path, req)
case "p2p":
return handleQueryP2P(app, path)
case "custom":
return handleQueryCustom(app, path, req)
return sdkerrors.QueryResult(sdkerrors.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrUnknownRequest, "unknown query path"))
func handleQueryApp(app *BaseApp, path []string, req abci.RequestQuery) abci.ResponseQuery {
if len(path) >= 2 {
switch path[1] {
case "simulate":
txBytes := req.Data
tx, err := app.txDecoder(txBytes)
if err != nil {
return sdkerrors.QueryResult(sdkerrors.Wrap(err, "failed to decode tx"))
gInfo, res, err := app.Simulate(txBytes, tx)
if err != nil {
return sdkerrors.QueryResult(sdkerrors.Wrap(err, "failed to simulate tx"))
simRes := sdk.SimulationResponse{
GasInfo: gInfo,
Result: res,
bz, err := json.Marshal(simRes)
if err != nil {
return sdkerrors.QueryResult(sdkerrors.Wrap(err, "failed to JSON encode simulation response"))
return abci.ResponseQuery{
Codespace: sdkerrors.RootCodespace,
Height: req.Height,
Value: bz,
case "version":
return abci.ResponseQuery{
Codespace: sdkerrors.RootCodespace,
Height: req.Height,
Value: []byte(app.appVersion),
return sdkerrors.QueryResult(sdkerrors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrUnknownRequest, "unknown query: %s", path))
return sdkerrors.QueryResult(
"expected second parameter to be either 'simulate' or 'version', neither was present",
func handleQueryStore(app *BaseApp, path []string, req abci.RequestQuery) abci.ResponseQuery {
// "/store" prefix for store queries
queryable, ok := app.cms.(sdk.Queryable)
if !ok {
return sdkerrors.QueryResult(sdkerrors.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrUnknownRequest, "multistore doesn't support queries"))
req.Path = "/" + strings.Join(path[1:], "/")
// when a client did not provide a query height, manually inject the latest
if req.Height == 0 {
req.Height = app.LastBlockHeight()
if req.Height <= 1 && req.Prove {
return sdkerrors.QueryResult(
"cannot query with proof when height <= 1; please provide a valid height",
resp := queryable.Query(req)
resp.Height = req.Height
return resp
func handleQueryP2P(app *BaseApp, path []string) abci.ResponseQuery {
// "/p2p" prefix for p2p queries
if len(path) >= 4 {
cmd, typ, arg := path[1], path[2], path[3]
switch cmd {
case "filter":
switch typ {
case "addr":
return app.FilterPeerByAddrPort(arg)
case "id":
return app.FilterPeerByID(arg)
return sdkerrors.QueryResult(sdkerrors.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrUnknownRequest, "expected second parameter to be 'filter'"))
return sdkerrors.QueryResult(
sdkerrors.ErrUnknownRequest, "expected path is p2p filter <addr|id> <parameter>",
func handleQueryCustom(app *BaseApp, path []string, req abci.RequestQuery) abci.ResponseQuery {
// path[0] should be "custom" because "/custom" prefix is required for keeper
// queries.
// The QueryRouter routes using path[1]. For example, in the path
// "custom/gov/proposal", QueryRouter routes using "gov".
if len(path) < 2 || path[1] == "" {
return sdkerrors.QueryResult(sdkerrors.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrUnknownRequest, "no route for custom query specified"))
querier := app.queryRouter.Route(path[1])
if querier == nil {
return sdkerrors.QueryResult(sdkerrors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrUnknownRequest, "no custom querier found for route %s", path[1]))
// when a client did not provide a query height, manually inject the latest
if req.Height == 0 {
req.Height = app.LastBlockHeight()
if req.Height <= 1 && req.Prove {
return sdkerrors.QueryResult(
"cannot query with proof when height <= 1; please provide a valid height",
cacheMS, err := app.cms.CacheMultiStoreWithVersion(req.Height)
if err != nil {
return sdkerrors.QueryResult(
"failed to load state at height %d; %s (latest height: %d)", req.Height, err, app.LastBlockHeight(),
// cache wrap the commit-multistore for safety
ctx := sdk.NewContext(
cacheMS, app.checkState.ctx.BlockHeader(), true, app.logger,
// Passes the rest of the path as an argument to the querier.
// For example, in the path "custom/gov/proposal/test", the gov querier gets
// []string{"proposal", "test"} as the path.
resBytes, err := querier(ctx, path[2:], req)
if err != nil {
space, code, log := sdkerrors.ABCIInfo(err, false)
return abci.ResponseQuery{
Code: code,
Codespace: space,
Log: log,
Height: req.Height,
return abci.ResponseQuery{
Height: req.Height,
Value: resBytes,
// splitPath splits a string path using the delimiter '/'.
// e.g. "this/is/funny" becomes []string{"this", "is", "funny"}
func splitPath(requestPath string) (path []string) {
path = strings.Split(requestPath, "/")
// first element is empty string
if len(path) > 0 && path[0] == "" {
path = path[1:]
return path