
115 lines
5.0 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package cosmos.orm.v1alpha1;
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
extend google.protobuf.MessageOptions {
// table specifies that this message will be used as an ORM table. It cannot
// be used together with the singleton option.
TableDescriptor table = 104503790;
// singleton specifies that this message will be used as an ORM singleton. It cannot
// be used together with the table option.
SingletonDescriptor singleton = 104503791;
// TableDescriptor describes an ORM table.
message TableDescriptor {
// primary_key defines the primary key for the table.
PrimaryKeyDescriptor primary_key = 1;
// index defines one or more secondary indexes.
repeated SecondaryIndexDescriptor index = 2;
// id is a non-zero integer ID that must be unique within the
// tables and singletons in this file. It may be deprecated in the future when this
// can be auto-generated.
uint32 id = 3;
// PrimaryKeyDescriptor describes a table primary key.
message PrimaryKeyDescriptor {
// fields is a comma-separated list of fields in the primary key. Spaces are
// not allowed. Supported field types, their encodings, and any applicable constraints
// are described below.
// - uint32, uint64 are encoded as big-endian fixed width bytes and support
// sorted iteration.
// - string's are encoded as raw bytes in terminal key segments and null-terminated
// in non-terminal segments. Null characters are thus forbidden in strings.
// string fields support sorted iteration.
// - bytes are encoded as raw bytes in terminal segments and length-prefixed
// with a single byte in non-terminal segments. Because of this byte arrays
// longer than 255 bytes are unsupported and bytes fields should not
// be assumed to be lexically sorted. If you have a byte array longer than
// 255 bytes that you'd like to index, you should consider hashing it first.
// - int32, sint32, int64, sint64 are encoding as fixed width bytes with
// an encoding that enables sorted iteration.
// - google.protobuf.Timestamp and google.protobuf.Duration are encoded
// as 12 bytes using an encoding that enables sorted iteration.
// - enum fields are encoded using varint encoding and do not support sorted
// iteration.
// - bool fields are encoded as a single byte 0 or 1.
// All other fields types are unsupported in keys including repeated and
// oneof fields.
// Primary keys are prefixed by the varint encoded table id and the byte 0x0
// plus any additional prefix specified by the schema.
string fields = 1;
// auto_increment specifies that the primary key is generated by an
// auto-incrementing integer. If this is set to true fields must only
// contain one field of that is of type uint64.
bool auto_increment = 2;
// references specifies that this primary key references the primary key
// of another table. See the documentation for the SecondaryIndexDescriptor.references
// field for more details. An additional constraint placed on primary keys
// which reference another table is that those references cannot be circular.
string references = 3;
// PrimaryKeyDescriptor describes a table secondary index.
message SecondaryIndexDescriptor {
// fields is a comma-separated list of fields in the index. The supported
// field types are the same as those for PrimaryKeyDescriptor.fields.
// Index keys are prefixed by the varint encoded table id and the varint
// encoded index id plus any additional prefix specified by the schema.
// In addition the the field segments, non-unique index keys are suffixed with
// any additional primary key fields not present in the index fields so that the
// primary key can be reconstructed. Unique indexes instead of being suffixed
// store the remaining primary key fields in the value..
string fields = 1;
// id is a non-zero integer ID that must be unique within the indexes for this
// table. It may be deprecated in the future when this can be auto-generated.
uint32 id = 2;
// unique specifies that this an unique index.
bool unique = 3;
// references specifies that this index references another table defined in the same
// proto file. Currently references are not support to tables with composite
// primary keys, therefore fields must reference one field and its type must
// be the same type as the primary key field of the referenced table.
// References to tables in defined by different proto files are not supported
// to avoid tight coupling of dependencies. Beyond validating that the reference
// is valid key constraints are currently not enforced, but references should
// be used by clients to perform automatic joins.
string references = 4;
// TableDescriptor describes an ORM singleton table which has at most one instance.
message SingletonDescriptor {
// id is a non-zero integer ID that must be unique within the
// tables and singletons in this file. It may be deprecated in the future when this
// can be auto-generated.
uint32 id = 1;