
94 lines
2.3 KiB

package cachekv_test
import (
dbm ""
var sink interface{}
const defaultValueSizeBz = 1 << 12
// This benchmark measures the time of iterator.Next() when the parent store is blank
func benchmarkBlankParentIteratorNext(b *testing.B, keysize int) {
mem := dbadapter.Store{DB: dbm.NewMemDB()}
kvstore := cachekv.NewStore(mem)
// Use a singleton for value, to not waste time computing it
value := randSlice(defaultValueSizeBz)
// Use simple values for keys, pick a random start,
// and take next b.N keys sequentially after.]
startKey := randSlice(32)
// Add 1 to avoid issues when b.N = 1
keys := generateSequentialKeys(startKey, b.N+1)
for _, k := range keys {
kvstore.Set(k, value)
iter := kvstore.Iterator(keys[0], keys[b.N])
defer iter.Close()
for _ = iter.Key(); iter.Valid(); iter.Next() {
// deadcode elimination stub
sink = iter
// Benchmark setting New keys to a store, where the new keys are in sequence.
func benchmarkBlankParentAppend(b *testing.B, keysize int) {
mem := dbadapter.Store{DB: dbm.NewMemDB()}
kvstore := cachekv.NewStore(mem)
// Use a singleton for value, to not waste time computing it
value := randSlice(32)
// Use simple values for keys, pick a random start,
// and take next b.N keys sequentially after.
startKey := randSlice(32)
keys := generateSequentialKeys(startKey, b.N)
for _, k := range keys {
kvstore.Set(k, value)
// Benchmark setting New keys to a store, where the new keys are random.
// the speed of this function does not depend on the values in the parent store
func benchmarkRandomSet(b *testing.B, keysize int) {
mem := dbadapter.Store{DB: dbm.NewMemDB()}
kvstore := cachekv.NewStore(mem)
// Use a singleton for value, to not waste time computing it
value := randSlice(defaultValueSizeBz)
keys := generateRandomKeys(keysize, b.N)
for _, k := range keys {
kvstore.Set(k, value)
func BenchmarkBlankParentIteratorNextKeySize32(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkBlankParentIteratorNext(b, 32)
func BenchmarkBlankParentAppendKeySize32(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkBlankParentAppend(b, 32)
func BenchmarkSetKeySize32(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkRandomSet(b, 32)