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2020-08-14 03:55:01 -07:00
package airgapped
import (
type Node struct {
ParticipantID int
Participant string
Machine *AirgappedMachine
commits []requests.DKGProposalCommitConfirmationRequest
deals []requests.DKGProposalDealConfirmationRequest
responses []requests.DKGProposalResponseConfirmationRequest
masterKey []requests.DKGProposalMasterKeyConfirmationRequest
func (n *Node) storeOperation(t *testing.T, o client.Operation) {
switch o.Event {
case dkg_proposal_fsm.EventDKGCommitConfirmationReceived:
var req requests.DKGProposalCommitConfirmationRequest
if err := json.Unmarshal(o.Result, &req); err != nil {
2020-08-14 04:16:18 -07:00
t.Fatalf("failed to unmarshal fsm req: %v", err)
2020-08-14 03:55:01 -07:00
n.commits = append(n.commits, req)
case dkg_proposal_fsm.EventDKGDealConfirmationReceived:
var req requests.DKGProposalDealConfirmationRequest
if err := json.Unmarshal(o.Result, &req); err != nil {
2020-08-14 04:16:18 -07:00
t.Fatalf("failed to unmarshal fsm req: %v", err)
2020-08-14 03:55:01 -07:00
n.deals = append(n.deals, req)
case dkg_proposal_fsm.EventDKGResponseConfirmationReceived:
var req requests.DKGProposalResponseConfirmationRequest
if err := json.Unmarshal(o.Result, &req); err != nil {
2020-08-14 04:16:18 -07:00
t.Fatalf("failed to unmarshal fsm req: %v", err)
2020-08-14 03:55:01 -07:00
n.responses = append(n.responses, req)
case dkg_proposal_fsm.EventDKGMasterKeyConfirmationReceived:
var req requests.DKGProposalMasterKeyConfirmationRequest
if err := json.Unmarshal(o.Result, &req); err != nil {
2020-08-14 04:16:18 -07:00
t.Fatalf("failed to unmarshal fsm req: %v", err)
2020-08-14 03:55:01 -07:00
n.masterKey = append(n.masterKey, req)
2020-08-14 04:16:18 -07:00
t.Fatalf("invalid event: %s", o.Event)
2020-08-14 03:55:01 -07:00
type Transport struct {
nodes []*Node
func (tr *Transport) BroadcastOperation(t *testing.T, operation client.Operation) {
for _, node := range tr.nodes {
if operation.To == "" || operation.To == node.Participant {
node.storeOperation(t, operation)
func createOperation(t *testing.T, opType string, to string, req interface{}) client.Operation {
reqBz, err := json.Marshal(req)
if err != nil {
2020-08-14 04:16:18 -07:00
t.Fatalf("failed to marshal request: %v", err)
2020-08-14 03:55:01 -07:00
op := client.Operation{
ID: uuid.New().String(),
Type: client.OperationType(opType),
Payload: reqBz,
Result: nil,
CreatedAt: time.Now(),
DKGIdentifier: "dkg_identifier",
To: to,
return op
func TestAirgappedFullDKG(t *testing.T) {
nodesCount := 4
participants := make([]string, nodesCount)
for i := 0; i < nodesCount; i++ {
participants[i] = fmt.Sprintf("Participant#%d", i)
tr := &Transport{}
for i := 0; i < nodesCount; i++ {
am := NewAirgappedMachine()
node := Node{
ParticipantID: i,
Participant: participants[i],
Machine: am,
tr.nodes = append(tr.nodes, &node)
var initReq responses.SignatureProposalParticipantInvitationsResponse
for _, n := range tr.nodes {
entry := &responses.SignatureProposalParticipantInvitationEntry{
ParticipantId: n.ParticipantID,
Title: n.Participant,
initReq = append(initReq, entry)
op := createOperation(t, string(signature_proposal_fsm.StateAwaitParticipantsConfirmations), "", initReq)
runStep(tr, func(n *Node, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
_, err := n.Machine.HandleOperation(op)
if err != nil {
2020-08-14 04:16:18 -07:00
t.Fatalf("%s: failed to handle operation %s: %v", n.Participant, op.Type, err)
2020-08-14 03:55:01 -07:00
// get commits
var getCommitsRequest responses.SignatureProposalParticipantStatusResponse
for _, n := range tr.nodes {
pubKey, err := n.Machine.pubKey.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
2020-08-14 04:16:18 -07:00
t.Fatalf("%s: failed to marshal pubkey: %v", n.Participant, err)
2020-08-14 03:55:01 -07:00
entry := &responses.SignatureProposalParticipantStatusEntry{
ParticipantId: n.ParticipantID,
Title: n.Participant,
DkgPubKey: pubKey,
getCommitsRequest = append(getCommitsRequest, entry)
op = createOperation(t, string(dkg_proposal_fsm.StateDkgCommitsAwaitConfirmations), "", getCommitsRequest)
runStep(tr, func(n *Node, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
operations, err := n.Machine.HandleOperation(op)
if err != nil {
2020-08-14 04:16:18 -07:00
t.Fatalf("%s: failed to handle operation %s: %v", n.Participant, op.Type, err)
2020-08-14 03:55:01 -07:00
for _, op := range operations {
tr.BroadcastOperation(t, op)
runStep(tr, func(n *Node, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
var payload responses.DKGProposalCommitParticipantResponse
for _, req := range n.commits {
p := responses.DKGProposalCommitParticipantEntry{
ParticipantId: req.ParticipantId,
Title: fmt.Sprintf("Participant#%d", req.ParticipantId),
Commit: req.Commit,
payload = append(payload, &p)
op := createOperation(t, string(dkg_proposal_fsm.StateDkgDealsAwaitConfirmations), "", payload)
operations, err := n.Machine.HandleOperation(op)
if err != nil {
2020-08-14 04:16:18 -07:00
t.Fatalf("%s: failed to handle operation %s: %v", n.Participant, op.Type, err)
2020-08-14 03:55:01 -07:00
for _, op := range operations {
tr.BroadcastOperation(t, op)
runStep(tr, func(n *Node, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
var payload responses.DKGProposalDealParticipantResponse
for _, req := range n.deals {
p := responses.DKGProposalDealParticipantEntry{
ParticipantId: req.ParticipantId,
Title: fmt.Sprintf("Participant#%d", req.ParticipantId),
Deal: req.Deal,
payload = append(payload, &p)
op := createOperation(t, string(dkg_proposal_fsm.StateDkgResponsesAwaitConfirmations), "", payload)
operations, err := n.Machine.HandleOperation(op)
if err != nil {
2020-08-14 04:16:18 -07:00
t.Fatalf("%s: failed to handle operation %s: %v", n.Participant, op.Type, err)
2020-08-14 03:55:01 -07:00
for _, op := range operations {
tr.BroadcastOperation(t, op)
//master key
runStep(tr, func(n *Node, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
var payload responses.DKGProposalResponsesParticipantResponse
for _, req := range n.responses {
p := responses.DKGProposalResponsesParticipantEntry{
ParticipantId: req.ParticipantId,
Title: fmt.Sprintf("Participant#%d", req.ParticipantId),
Responses: req.Response,
payload = append(payload, &p)
op := createOperation(t, string(dkg_proposal_fsm.StateDkgMasterKeyAwaitConfirmations), "", payload)
operations, err := n.Machine.HandleOperation(op)
if err != nil {
2020-08-14 04:16:18 -07:00
t.Fatalf("%s: failed to handle operation %s: %v", n.Participant, op.Type, err)
2020-08-14 03:55:01 -07:00
for _, op := range operations {
tr.BroadcastOperation(t, op)
2020-08-14 04:16:18 -07:00
//TODO: check that master pub key is the same for every participant
t.Log("DKG succeeded")
2020-08-14 03:55:01 -07:00
func runStep(transport *Transport, cb func(n *Node, wg *sync.WaitGroup)) {
var wg = &sync.WaitGroup{}
for _, node := range transport.nodes {
n := node
go cb(n, wg)