import fs from 'fs'; import canvas from 'canvas'; import imagemin from 'imagemin'; import imageminPngquant from 'imagemin-pngquant'; import log from 'loglevel'; import { readJsonFile, sleep } from '../helpers/various'; import { ASSETS_DIRECTORY, TRAITS_DIRECTORY } from '../helpers/metadata'; const { createCanvas, loadImage } = canvas; const createImage = async (order = [], image, width, height) => { const canvas = createCanvas(width, height); const context = canvas.getContext('2d'); const ID = parseInt(, 10) - 1; await Promise.all( cur => { const imageLocation = `${TRAITS_DIRECTORY}/${cur}/${image[cur]}`; const loadedImage = await loadImage(imageLocation); context.patternQuality = 'best'; context.quality = 'best'; context.drawImage(loadedImage, 0, 0, width, height); }), ); const buffer = canvas.toBuffer('image/png'); const optimizedImage = await imagemin.buffer(buffer, { plugins: [ imageminPngquant({ quality: [0.6, 0.95], }), ], });`Placed ${ID}.png into the ${ASSETS_DIRECTORY}`); fs.writeFileSync(`${ASSETS_DIRECTORY}/${ID}.png`, optimizedImage); }; export async function createGenerativeArt( configLocation: string, randomizedSets, ) { const { order, width, height } = await readJsonFile(configLocation); const PROCESSING_LENGTH: number = 10; const processImage = async (marker = 0) => { const slice = randomizedSets.slice(marker, marker + PROCESSING_LENGTH + 1); // generate images for the portion await Promise.all( image => { await createImage(order, image, width, height); }), ); marker += PROCESSING_LENGTH; await sleep(1000); if (marker < randomizedSets.length - 1) { processImage(marker); } }; // recurse until completion processImage(); }