import React from "react" import ReactDOM from "react-dom" import domReady from "@mikaelkristiansson/domready" import io from "" import socketIo from "./socketIo" import emitter from "./emitter" import { apiRunner, apiRunnerAsync } from "./api-runner-browser" import { setLoader, publicLoader } from "./loader" import { Indicator } from "./loading-indicator/indicator" import DevLoader from "./dev-loader" import asyncRequires from "$virtual/async-requires" // Generated during bootstrap import matchPaths from "$virtual/match-paths.json" import { LoadingIndicatorEventHandler } from "./loading-indicator" import Root from "./root" import { init as navigationInit } from "./navigation" // ensure in develop we have at least some .css (even if it's empty). // this is so there is no warning about not matching content-type when site doesn't include any regular css (for example when css-in-js is used) // this also make sure that if all css is removed in develop we are not left with stale commons.css that have stale content import "./blank.css" // Enable fast-refresh for virtual sync-requires, gatsby-browser & navigation // To ensure that our component can hot reload in case anything below doesn't // satisfy fast-refresh constraints[ `$virtual/async-requires`, `./api-runner-browser`, `./navigation`, ]) window.___emitter = emitter if ( process.env.GATSBY_EXPERIMENTAL_CONCURRENT_FEATURES && !ReactDOM.unstable_createRoot ) { throw new Error( `The GATSBY_EXPERIMENTAL_CONCURRENT_FEATURES flag is not compatible with your React version. Please install "react@0.0.0-experimental-57768ef90" and "react-dom@0.0.0-experimental-57768ef90" or higher.` ) } const loader = new DevLoader(asyncRequires, matchPaths) setLoader(loader) loader.setApiRunner(apiRunner) window.___loader = publicLoader // Do dummy dynamic import so the jsonp __webpack_require__.e is added to the commons.js // bundle. This ensures hot reloading doesn't break when someone first adds // a dynamic import. // // Without this, the runtime breaks with a // "TypeError: __webpack_require__.e is not a function" // error. export function notCalledFunction() { return import(`./dummy`) } // Let the site/plugins run code very early. apiRunnerAsync(`onClientEntry`).then(() => { // Hook up the client to on server const socket = socketIo() if (socket) { socket.on(`reload`, () => { window.location.reload() }) } fetch(`/___services`) .then(res => res.json()) .then(services => { if (services.developstatusserver) { let isRestarting = false const parentSocket = io( `${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.hostname}:${services.developstatusserver.port}` ) parentSocket.on(`structured-log`, msg => { if ( !isRestarting && msg.type === `LOG_ACTION` && msg.action.type === `DEVELOP` && msg.action.payload === `RESTART_REQUIRED` && window.confirm( `The develop process needs to be restarted for the changes to ${msg.action.dirtyFile} to be applied.\nDo you want to restart the develop process now?` ) ) { isRestarting = true parentSocket.emit(`develop:restart`, () => { window.location.reload() }) } if ( isRestarting && msg.type === `LOG_ACTION` && msg.action.type === `SET_STATUS` && msg.action.payload === `SUCCESS` ) { isRestarting = false window.location.reload() } }) // Prevents certain browsers spamming XHR 'ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED' // errors within the console, such as when exiting the develop process. parentSocket.on(`disconnect`, () => { console.warn( `[] Disconnected. Unable to perform health-check.` ) parentSocket.close() }) } }) /** * Service Workers are persistent by nature. They stick around, * serving a cached version of the site if they aren't removed. * This is especially frustrating when you need to test the * production build on your local machine. * * Let's warn if we find service workers in development. */ if (`serviceWorker` in navigator) { navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations().then(registrations => { if (registrations.length > 0) console.warn( `Warning: found one or more service workers present.`, `If your site isn't behaving as expected, you might want to remove these.`, registrations ) }) } const rootElement = document.getElementById(`___gatsby`) const focusEl = document.getElementById(`gatsby-focus-wrapper`) // Client only pages have any empty body so we just do a normal // render to avoid React complaining about hydration mis-matches. let defaultRenderer = ReactDOM.render if (focusEl && focusEl.children.length) { if ( process.env.GATSBY_EXPERIMENTAL_CONCURRENT_FEATURES && ReactDOM.unstable_createRoot ) { defaultRenderer = ReactDOM.unstable_createRoot } else { defaultRenderer = ReactDOM.hydrate } } const renderer = apiRunner( `replaceHydrateFunction`, undefined, defaultRenderer )[0] let dismissLoadingIndicator if ( process.env.GATSBY_EXPERIMENTAL_QUERY_ON_DEMAND && process.env.GATSBY_QUERY_ON_DEMAND_LOADING_INDICATOR === `true` ) { let indicatorMountElement const showIndicatorTimeout = setTimeout(() => { indicatorMountElement = document.createElement( `first-render-loading-indicator` ) document.body.append(indicatorMountElement) ReactDOM.render(, indicatorMountElement) }, 1000) dismissLoadingIndicator = () => { clearTimeout(showIndicatorTimeout) if (indicatorMountElement) { ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(indicatorMountElement) indicatorMountElement.remove() } } } Promise.all([ loader.loadPage(`/dev-404-page/`), loader.loadPage(`/404.html`), loader.loadPage(window.location.pathname), ]).then(() => { navigationInit() function onHydrated() { apiRunner(`onInitialClientRender`) // Render query on demand overlay if ( process.env.GATSBY_QUERY_ON_DEMAND_LOADING_INDICATOR && process.env.GATSBY_QUERY_ON_DEMAND_LOADING_INDICATOR === `true` ) { const indicatorMountElement = document.createElement(`div`) indicatorMountElement.setAttribute( `id`, `query-on-demand-indicator-element` ) document.body.append(indicatorMountElement) if (renderer === ReactDOM.unstable_createRoot) { renderer(indicatorMountElement).render( ) } else { renderer(, indicatorMountElement) } } } function App() { const onClientEntryRanRef = React.useRef(false) React.useEffect(() => { if (!onClientEntryRanRef.current) { onClientEntryRanRef.current = true onHydrated() } }, []) return } domReady(() => { if (dismissLoadingIndicator) { dismissLoadingIndicator() } if (renderer === ReactDOM.unstable_createRoot) { renderer(rootElement, { hydrate: true, }).render() } else { renderer(, rootElement) } }) }) })