
91 lines
2.8 KiB

package rpc
import (
bin ""
// GetBlock returns identity and transaction information about a confirmed block in the ledger.
// NEW: This method is only available in solana-core v1.7 or newer. Please use getConfirmedBlock for solana-core v1.6
func (cl *Client) GetBlock(
ctx context.Context,
slot bin.Uint64,
) (out *GetBlockResult, err error) {
return cl.GetBlockWithOpts(
type TransactionDetailsType string
const (
TransactionDetailsFull TransactionDetailsType = "full"
TransactionDetailsSignatures TransactionDetailsType = "signatures"
TransactionDetailsNone TransactionDetailsType = "none"
func (cl *Client) GetBlockWithOpts(
ctx context.Context,
slot bin.Uint64,
// encoding EncodingType,
transactionDetails TransactionDetailsType, // level of transaction detail to return. If parameter not provided, the default detail level is "full".
rewards *bool, // whether to populate the rewards array. If parameter not provided, the default includes rewards.
commitment CommitmentType, // "processed" is not supported. If parameter not provided, the default is "finalized".
) (out *GetBlockResult, err error) {
obj := M{
"encoding": EncodingJSON,
// transactionDetails: <string>
// rewards: bool
// commitment
if transactionDetails != "" {
obj["transactionDetails"] = transactionDetails
if rewards != nil {
obj["rewards"] = rewards
if commitment != "" {
obj["commitment"] = commitment
params := []interface{}{slot, obj}
err = cl.rpcClient.CallFor(&out, "getBlock", params...)
type GetBlockResult struct {
// The blockhash of this block, as base-58 encoded string.
Blockhash solana.Hash `json:"blockhash"`
// The blockhash of this block's parent, as base-58 encoded string;
// if the parent block is not available due to ledger cleanup,
// this field will return "11111111111111111111111111111111".
PreviousBlockhash solana.Hash `json:"previousBlockhash"` // could be zeroes if ledger was clean-up and this is unavailable
// The slot index of this block's parent.
ParentSlot bin.Uint64 `json:"parentSlot"`
// Present if "full" transaction details are requested.
Transactions []TransactionWithMeta `json:"transactions"`
// Present if "signatures" are requested for transaction details;
// an array of signatures strings, corresponding to the transaction order in the block.
Signatures []solana.Signature `json:"signatures"`
// Present if rewards are requested.
Rewards []BlockReward `json:"rewards"`
// estimated production time, as Unix timestamp (seconds since the Unix epoch). null if not available
BlockTime *bin.Int64 `json:"blockTime"`
// the number of blocks beneath this block
BlockHeight *bin.Uint64 `json:"blockHeight"`