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Ethan Buchman 2017-12-31 17:07:08 -05:00
parent 008de93bbe
commit 1acb12edf5
5 changed files with 302 additions and 114 deletions

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`tendermint/tendermint/p2p` provides an abstraction around peer-to-peer communication.<br/>
## MConnection
`MConnection` is a multiplex connection:
- [docs/connection] for details on how connections and multiplexing work
- [docs/peer] for details on peer ID, handshakes, and peer exchange
- [docs/node] for details about different types of nodes and how they should work
- [docs/reputation] for details on how peer reputation is managed
__multiplex__ *noun* a system or signal involving simultaneous transmission of
several messages along a single channel of communication.
Each `MConnection` handles message transmission on multiple abstract communication
`Channel`s. Each channel has a globally unique byte id.
The byte id and the relative priorities of each `Channel` are configured upon
initialization of the connection.
The `MConnection` supports three packet types: Ping, Pong, and Msg.
### Ping and Pong
The ping and pong messages consist of writing a single byte to the connection; 0x1 and 0x2, respectively
When we haven't received any messages on an `MConnection` in a time `pingTimeout`, we send a ping message.
When a ping is received on the `MConnection`, a pong is sent in response.
If a pong is not received in sufficient time, the peer's score should be decremented (TODO).
### Msg
Messages in channels are chopped into smaller msgPackets for multiplexing.
type msgPacket struct {
ChannelID byte
EOF byte // 1 means message ends here.
Bytes []byte
The msgPacket is serialized using go-wire, and prefixed with a 0x3.
The received `Bytes` of a sequential set of packets are appended together
until a packet with `EOF=1` is received, at which point the complete serialized message
is returned for processing by the corresponding channels `onReceive` function.
### Multiplexing
Messages are sent from a single `sendRoutine`, which loops over a select statement that results in the sending
of a ping, a pong, or a batch of data messages. The batch of data messages may include messages from multiple channels.
Message bytes are queued for sending in their respective channel, with each channel holding one unsent message at a time.
Messages are chosen for a batch one a time from the channel with the lowest ratio of recently sent bytes to channel priority.
## Sending Messages
There are two methods for sending messages:
func (m MConnection) Send(chID byte, msg interface{}) bool {}
func (m MConnection) TrySend(chID byte, msg interface{}) bool {}
`Send(chID, msg)` is a blocking call that waits until `msg` is successfully queued
for the channel with the given id byte `chID`. The message `msg` is serialized
using the `tendermint/wire` submodule's `WriteBinary()` reflection routine.
`TrySend(chID, msg)` is a nonblocking call that returns false if the channel's
queue is full.
`Send()` and `TrySend()` are also exposed for each `Peer`.
## Peer
Each peer has one `MConnection` instance, and includes other information such as whether the connection
was outbound, whether the connection should be recreated if it closes, various identity information about the node,
and other higher level thread-safe data used by the reactors.
## Switch/Reactor
The `Switch` handles peer connections and exposes an API to receive incoming messages
on `Reactors`. Each `Reactor` is responsible for handling incoming messages of one
or more `Channels`. So while sending outgoing messages is typically performed on the peer,
incoming messages are received on the reactor.
// Declare a MyReactor reactor that handles messages on MyChannelID.
type MyReactor struct{}
func (reactor MyReactor) GetChannels() []*ChannelDescriptor {
return []*ChannelDescriptor{ChannelDescriptor{ID:MyChannelID, Priority: 1}}
func (reactor MyReactor) Receive(chID byte, peer *Peer, msgBytes []byte) {
r, n, err := bytes.NewBuffer(msgBytes), new(int64), new(error)
msgString := ReadString(r, n, err)
// Other Reactor methods omitted for brevity
switch := NewSwitch([]Reactor{MyReactor{}})
// Send a random message to all outbound connections
for _, peer := range switch.Peers().List() {
if peer.IsOutbound() {
peer.Send(MyChannelID, "Here's a random message")
### PexReactor/AddrBook
A `PEXReactor` reactor implementation is provided to automate peer discovery.
book := p2p.NewAddrBook(addrBookFilePath)
pexReactor := p2p.NewPEXReactor(book)
switch := NewSwitch([]Reactor{pexReactor, myReactor, ...})

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@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
## MConnection
`MConnection` is a multiplex connection:
__multiplex__ *noun* a system or signal involving simultaneous transmission of
several messages along a single channel of communication.
Each `MConnection` handles message transmission on multiple abstract communication
`Channel`s. Each channel has a globally unique byte id.
The byte id and the relative priorities of each `Channel` are configured upon
initialization of the connection.
The `MConnection` supports three packet types: Ping, Pong, and Msg.
### Ping and Pong
The ping and pong messages consist of writing a single byte to the connection; 0x1 and 0x2, respectively
When we haven't received any messages on an `MConnection` in a time `pingTimeout`, we send a ping message.
When a ping is received on the `MConnection`, a pong is sent in response.
If a pong is not received in sufficient time, the peer's score should be decremented (TODO).
### Msg
Messages in channels are chopped into smaller msgPackets for multiplexing.
type msgPacket struct {
ChannelID byte
EOF byte // 1 means message ends here.
Bytes []byte
The msgPacket is serialized using go-wire, and prefixed with a 0x3.
The received `Bytes` of a sequential set of packets are appended together
until a packet with `EOF=1` is received, at which point the complete serialized message
is returned for processing by the corresponding channels `onReceive` function.
### Multiplexing
Messages are sent from a single `sendRoutine`, which loops over a select statement that results in the sending
of a ping, a pong, or a batch of data messages. The batch of data messages may include messages from multiple channels.
Message bytes are queued for sending in their respective channel, with each channel holding one unsent message at a time.
Messages are chosen for a batch one a time from the channel with the lowest ratio of recently sent bytes to channel priority.
## Sending Messages
There are two methods for sending messages:
func (m MConnection) Send(chID byte, msg interface{}) bool {}
func (m MConnection) TrySend(chID byte, msg interface{}) bool {}
`Send(chID, msg)` is a blocking call that waits until `msg` is successfully queued
for the channel with the given id byte `chID`. The message `msg` is serialized
using the `tendermint/wire` submodule's `WriteBinary()` reflection routine.
`TrySend(chID, msg)` is a nonblocking call that returns false if the channel's
queue is full.
`Send()` and `TrySend()` are also exposed for each `Peer`.
## Peer
Each peer has one `MConnection` instance, and includes other information such as whether the connection
was outbound, whether the connection should be recreated if it closes, various identity information about the node,
and other higher level thread-safe data used by the reactors.
## Switch/Reactor
The `Switch` handles peer connections and exposes an API to receive incoming messages
on `Reactors`. Each `Reactor` is responsible for handling incoming messages of one
or more `Channels`. So while sending outgoing messages is typically performed on the peer,
incoming messages are received on the reactor.
// Declare a MyReactor reactor that handles messages on MyChannelID.
type MyReactor struct{}
func (reactor MyReactor) GetChannels() []*ChannelDescriptor {
return []*ChannelDescriptor{ChannelDescriptor{ID:MyChannelID, Priority: 1}}
func (reactor MyReactor) Receive(chID byte, peer *Peer, msgBytes []byte) {
r, n, err := bytes.NewBuffer(msgBytes), new(int64), new(error)
msgString := ReadString(r, n, err)
// Other Reactor methods omitted for brevity
switch := NewSwitch([]Reactor{MyReactor{}})
// Send a random message to all outbound connections
for _, peer := range switch.Peers().List() {
if peer.IsOutbound() {
peer.Send(MyChannelID, "Here's a random message")
### PexReactor/AddrBook
A `PEXReactor` reactor implementation is provided to automate peer discovery.
book := p2p.NewAddrBook(addrBookFilePath)
pexReactor := p2p.NewPEXReactor(book)
switch := NewSwitch([]Reactor{pexReactor, myReactor, ...})

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# Tendermint Peer Discovery
A Tendermint P2P network has different kinds of nodes with different requirements for connectivity to others.
This document describes what kind of nodes Tendermint should enable and how they should work.
## Node startup options
--p2p.seed_mode // If present, this node operates in seed mode. It will kick incoming peers after sharing some peers.
--p2p.seeds “,” // Dials these seeds to get peers and disconnects.
--p2p.persistent_peers “,” // These connections will be auto-redialed. If dial_seeds and persistent intersect, the user will be WARNED that seeds may auto-close connections and the node may not be able to keep the connection persistent
## Seeds
Seeds are the first point of contact for a new node.
They return a list of known active peers and disconnect.
Seeds should operate full nodes, and with the PEX reactor in a "crawler" mode
that continuously explores to validate the availability of peers.
Seeds should only respond with some top percentile of the best peers it knows about.
## New Full Node
A new node has seeds hardcoded into the software, but they can also be set manually (config file or flags).
The new node must also have access to a recent block height, H, and hash, HASH.
The node then queries some seeds for peers for its chain,
dials those peers, and runs the Tendermint protocols with those it successfully connects to.
When the peer catches up to height H, it ensures the block hash matches HASH.
## Restarted Full Node
A node checks its address book on startup and attempts to connect to peers from there.
If it can't connect to any peers after some time, it falls back to the seeds to find more.
## Validator Node
A validator node is a node that interfaces with a validator signing key.
These nodes require the highest security, and should not accept incoming connections.
They should maintain outgoing connections to a controlled set of "Sentry Nodes" that serve
as their proxy shield to the rest of the network.
Validators that know and trust each other can accept incoming connections from one another and maintain direct private connectivity via VPN.
## Sentry Node
Sentry nodes are guardians of a validator node and provide it access to the rest of the network.
Sentry nodes may be dynamic, but should maintain persistent connections to some evolving random subset of each other.
They should always expect to have direct incoming connections from the validator node and its backup/s.
They do not report the validator node's address in the PEX.
They may be more strict about the quality of peers they keep.
Sentry nodes belonging to validators that trust each other may wish to maintain persistent connections via VPN with one another, but only report each other sparingly in the PEX.

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# Tendermint Peers
This document explains how Tendermint Peers are identified, how they connect to one another,
and how other peers are found.
## Peer Identity
Tendermint peers are expected to maintain long-term persistent identities in the form of a private key.
Each peer has an ID defined as `peer.ID == peer.PrivKey.Address()`, where `Address` uses the scheme defined in go-crypto.
Peer ID's must come with some Proof-of-Work; that is,
they must satisfy `peer.PrivKey.Address() < target` for some difficulty target.
This ensures they are not too easy to generate.
A single peer ID can have multiple IP addresses associated with - for simplicity, we only keep track
of the latest one.
When attempting to connect to a peer, we use the PeerURL: `<ID>@<IP>:<PORT>`.
We will attempt to connect to the peer at IP:PORT, and verify,
via authenticated encryption, that it is in possession of the private key
corresponding to `<ID>`. This prevents man-in-the-middle attacks on the peer layer.
Peers can also be connected to without specifying an ID, ie. `<IP>:<PORT>`.
In this case, the peer cannot be authenticated and other means, such as a VPN,
must be used.
## Connections
All p2p connections use TCP.
Upon establishing a successful TCP connection with a peer,
two handhsakes are performed: one for authenticated encryption, and one for Tendermint versioning.
Both handshakes have configurable timeouts (they should complete quickly).
### Authenticated Encryption Handshake
Tendermint implements the Station-to-Station protocol
using ED25519 keys for Diffie-Helman key-exchange and NACL SecretBox for encryption.
It goes as follows:
- generate an emphemeral ED25519 keypair
- send the ephemeral public key to the peer
- wait to receive the peer's ephemeral public key
- compute the Diffie-Hellman shared secret using the peers ephemeral public key and our ephemeral private key
- generate nonces to use for encryption
- all communications from now on are encrypted using the shared secret
- generate a common challenge to sign
- sign the common challenge with our persistent private key
- send the signed challenge and persistent public key to the peer
- wait to receive the signed challenge and persistent public key from the peer
- verify the signature in the signed challenge using the peers persistent public key
If this is an outgoing connection (we dialed the peer) and we used a peer ID,
then finally verify that the `peer.PubKey` corresponds to the peer ID we dialed,
ie. `peer.PubKey.Address() == <ID>`.
The connection has now been authenticated. All traffic is encrypted.
Note that only the dialer can authenticate the identity of the peer,
but this is what we care about since when we join the network we wish to
ensure we have reached the intended peer (and are not being MITMd).
### Peer Filter
Before continuing, we check if the new peer has the same ID has ourselves or
an existing peer. If so, we disconnect.
We also check the peer's address and public key against
an optional whitelist which can be managed through the ABCI app -
if the whitelist is enabled and the peer is not on it, the connection is
### Tendermint Version Handshake
The Tendermint Version Handshake allows the peers to exchange their NodeInfo, which contains:
type NodeInfo struct {
PubKey crypto.PubKey `json:"pub_key"`
Moniker string `json:"moniker"`
Network string `json:"network"`
RemoteAddr string `json:"remote_addr"`
ListenAddr string `json:"listen_addr"` // accepting in
Version string `json:"version"` // major.minor.revision
Channels []int8 `json:"channels"` // active reactor channels
Other []string `json:"other"` // other application specific data
The connection is disconnected if:
- `peer.NodeInfo.PubKey != peer.PubKey`
- `peer.NodeInfo.Version` is not formatted as `X.X.X` where X are integers known as Major, Minor, and Revision
- `peer.NodeInfo.Version` Major is not the same as ours
- `peer.NodeInfo.Version` Minor is not the same as ours
- `peer.NodeInfo.Network` is not the same as ours
At this point, if we have not disconnected, the peer is valid and added to the switch,
so it is added to all reactors.
### Connection Activity

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# Peer Strategy
Peers are managed using an address book and a trust metric.
The book keeps a record of vetted peers and unvetted peers.
When we need more peers, we pick them randomly from the addrbook with some
configurable bias for unvetted peers. When were asked for peers, we provide a random selection with no bias.
The trust metric tracks the quality of the peers.
When a peer exceeds a certain quality for a certain amount of time,
it is marked as vetted in the addrbook.
If a vetted peer's quality degrades sufficiently, it is booted, and must prove itself from scratch.
If we need to make room for a new vetted peer, we move the lowest scoring vetted peer back to unvetted.
If we need to make room for a new unvetted peer, we remove the lowest scoring unvetted peer -
possibly only if its below some absolute minimum ?
Peer quality is tracked in the connection and across the reactors.
Behaviours are defined as one of:
- fatal - something outright malicious. we should disconnect and remember them.
- bad - any kind of timeout, msgs that dont unmarshal, or fail other validity checks, or msgs we didn't ask for or arent expecting
- neutral - normal correct behaviour. unknown channels/msg types (version upgrades).
- good - some random majority of peers per reactor sending us useful messages