rpc: docs/comments

This commit is contained in:
Ethan Buchman 2018-04-27 23:19:40 -04:00
parent f33da8817a
commit 79bfbebfff
4 changed files with 175 additions and 55 deletions

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Some of these are breaking in the RPC response, but they're really bugs!
- [spec] Document address format and pubkey encoding pre and post Amino
- [rpc] Lower case JSON field names
- [rpc] Fix missing entries and lower case the fields in `/dump_consensus_state`
- [rpc] Fix missing entries, improve, and lower case the fields in `/dump_consensus_state`
- [rpc] Fix NodeInfo.Channels format to hex
- [rpc] Add Validator address to `/status`
- [rpc] Fix `prove` in ABCIQuery

View File

@ -71,16 +71,111 @@ func Validators(heightPtr *int64) (*ctypes.ResultValidators, error) {
// > The above command returns JSON structured like this:
// ```json
// {
// "error": "",
// "result": {
// "peer_round_states": [],
// "round_state": "RoundState{\n H:3537 R:0 S:RoundStepNewHeight\n StartTime: 2017-05-31 12:32:31.178653883 +0000 UTC\n CommitTime: 2017-05-31 12:32:30.178653883 +0000 UTC\n Validators: ValidatorSet{\n Proposer: Validator{E89A51D60F68385E09E716D353373B11F8FACD62 {PubKeyEd25519{68DFDA7E50F82946E7E8546BED37944A422CD1B831E70DF66BA3B8430593944D}} VP:10 A:0}\n Validators:\n Validator{E89A51D60F68385E09E716D353373B11F8FACD62 {PubKeyEd25519{68DFDA7E50F82946E7E8546BED37944A422CD1B831E70DF66BA3B8430593944D}} VP:10 A:0}\n }\n Proposal: <nil>\n ProposalBlock: nil-PartSet nil-Block\n LockedRound: 0\n LockedBlock: nil-PartSet nil-Block\n Votes: HeightVoteSet{H:3537 R:0~0\n VoteSet{H:3537 R:0 T:1 +2/3:<nil> BA{1:_} map[]}\n VoteSet{H:3537 R:0 T:2 +2/3:<nil> BA{1:_} map[]}\n }\n LastCommit: VoteSet{H:3536 R:0 T:2 +2/3:B7F988FBCDC68F9320E346EECAA76E32F6054654:1:673BE7C01F74 BA{1:X} map[]}\n LastValidators: ValidatorSet{\n Proposer: Validator{E89A51D60F68385E09E716D353373B11F8FACD62 {PubKeyEd25519{68DFDA7E50F82946E7E8546BED37944A422CD1B831E70DF66BA3B8430593944D}} VP:10 A:0}\n Validators:\n Validator{E89A51D60F68385E09E716D353373B11F8FACD62 {PubKeyEd25519{68DFDA7E50F82946E7E8546BED37944A422CD1B831E70DF66BA3B8430593944D}} VP:10 A:0}\n }\n}"
// },
// "id": "",
// "jsonrpc": "2.0"
// }
// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
// "id": "",
// "result": {
// "round_state": {
// "height": 138,
// "round": 0,
// "step": 1,
// "start_time": "2018-04-27T23:16:34.472087096-04:00",
// "commit_time": "2018-04-27T23:16:33.472087096-04:00",
// "validators": {
// "validators": [
// {
// "address": "5875562FF0FFDECC895C20E32FC14988952E99E7",
// "pub_key": {
// "type": "AC26791624DE60",
// "value": "PpDJRUrLG2RgFqYYjawfn/AcAgacSXpLFrmfYYQnuzE="
// },
// "voting_power": 10,
// "accum": 0
// }
// ],
// "proposer": {
// "address": "5875562FF0FFDECC895C20E32FC14988952E99E7",
// "pub_key": {
// "type": "AC26791624DE60",
// "value": "PpDJRUrLG2RgFqYYjawfn/AcAgacSXpLFrmfYYQnuzE="
// },
// "voting_power": 10,
// "accum": 0
// }
// },
// "proposal": null,
// "proposal_block": null,
// "proposal_block_parts": null,
// "locked_round": 0,
// "locked_block": null,
// "locked_block_parts": null,
// "valid_round": 0,
// "valid_block": null,
// "valid_block_parts": null,
// "votes": [
// {
// "round": 0,
// "prevotes": "_",
// "precommits": "_"
// }
// ],
// "commit_round": -1,
// "last_commit": {
// "votes": [
// "Vote{0:5875562FF0FF 137/00/2(Precommit) 5701C93659EA /ED3588D7AF29.../ @ 2018-04-28T03:16:33.469Z}"
// ],
// "votes_bit_array": "x",
// "peer_maj_23s": {}
// },
// "last_validators": {
// "validators": [
// {
// "address": "5875562FF0FFDECC895C20E32FC14988952E99E7",
// "pub_key": {
// "type": "AC26791624DE60",
// "value": "PpDJRUrLG2RgFqYYjawfn/AcAgacSXpLFrmfYYQnuzE="
// },
// "voting_power": 10,
// "accum": 0
// }
// ],
// "proposer": {
// "address": "5875562FF0FFDECC895C20E32FC14988952E99E7",
// "pub_key": {
// "type": "AC26791624DE60",
// "value": "PpDJRUrLG2RgFqYYjawfn/AcAgacSXpLFrmfYYQnuzE="
// },
// "voting_power": 10,
// "accum": 0
// }
// }
// },
// "peer_round_states": {
// "d4bf26bfa5e390b94d98106ab858abf64db26d48": {
// "Height": 136,
// "Round": 0,
// "Step": 1,
// "StartTime": "2018-04-27T23:16:33.841163812-04:00",
// "Proposal": false,
// "ProposalBlockPartsHeader": {
// "total": 1,
// "hash": "E27F2D13298F7CB14090EE60CD9AB214D2F5161F"
// },
// "ProposalBlockParts": "x",
// "ProposalPOLRound": -1,
// "ProposalPOL": "_",
// "Prevotes": "_",
// "Precommits": "x",
// "LastCommitRound": 0,
// "LastCommit": null,
// "CatchupCommitRound": 0,
// "CatchupCommit": "_"
// }
// }
// }
// ```
func DumpConsensusState() (*ctypes.ResultDumpConsensusState, error) {
peers := p2pSwitch.Peers().List()
peerRoundStates := make([]ctypes.PeerRoundState, len(peers))

View File

@ -25,42 +25,43 @@ import (
// > The above command returns JSON structured like this:
// ```json
// {
// "result": {
// "sync_info": {
// "syncing": false,
// "latest_block_time": "2017-12-07T18:19:47.617Z",
// "latest_block_height": 6,
// "latest_app_hash": "",
// "latest_block_hash": "A63D0C3307DEDCCFCC82ED411AE9108B70B29E02",
// }
// "validator_info": {
// "pub_key": {
// "data": "8C9A68070CBE33F9C445862BA1E9D96A75CEB68C0CF6ADD3652D07DCAC5D0380",
// "type": "ed25519"
// },
// "voting_power": 10
// }
// "node_info": {
// "other": [
// "wire_version=0.7.2",
// "p2p_version=0.5.0",
// "consensus_version=v1/0.2.2",
// "rpc_version=0.7.0/3",
// "tx_index=on",
// "rpc_addr=tcp://"
// ],
// "version": "0.13.0-14ccc8b",
// "listen_addr": "",
// "remote_addr": "",
// "network": "test-chain-qhVCa2",
// "moniker": "vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64",
// "pub_key": "844981FE99ABB19F7816F2D5E94E8A74276AB1153760A7799E925C75401856C6",
// }
// },
// "id": "",
// "jsonrpc": "2.0"
// }
// "jsonrpc": "2.0",
// "id": "",
// "result": {
// "node_info": {
// "id": "562dd7f579f0ecee8c94a11a3c1e378c1876f433",
// "listen_addr": "",
// "network": "test-chain-I6zScH",
// "version": "0.19.0",
// "channels": "4020212223303800",
// "moniker": "Ethans-MacBook-Pro.local",
// "other": [
// "amino_version=0.9.8",
// "p2p_version=0.5.0",
// "consensus_version=v1/0.2.2",
// "rpc_version=0.7.0/3",
// "tx_index=on",
// "rpc_addr=tcp://"
// ]
// },
// "sync_info": {
// "latest_block_hash": "2D4D7055BE685E3CB2410603C92AD37AE557AC59",
// "latest_app_hash": "0000000000000000",
// "latest_block_height": 231,
// "latest_block_time": "2018-04-27T23:18:08.459766485-04:00",
// "syncing": false
// },
// "validator_info": {
// "address": "5875562FF0FFDECC895C20E32FC14988952E99E7",
// "pub_key": {
// "type": "AC26791624DE60",
// "value": "PpDJRUrLG2RgFqYYjawfn/AcAgacSXpLFrmfYYQnuzE="
// },
// "voting_power": 10
// }
// }
// ```
func Status() (*ctypes.ResultStatus, error) {
latestHeight := blockStore.Height()

View File

@ -14,20 +14,24 @@ import (
// List of blocks
type ResultBlockchainInfo struct {
LastHeight int64 `json:"last_height"`
BlockMetas []*types.BlockMeta `json:"block_metas"`
// Genesis file
type ResultGenesis struct {
Genesis *types.GenesisDoc `json:"genesis"`
// Single block (with meta)
type ResultBlock struct {
BlockMeta *types.BlockMeta `json:"block_meta"`
Block *types.Block `json:"block"`
// Commit and Header
type ResultCommit struct {
// SignedHeader is header and commit, embedded so we only have
// one level in the json output
@ -35,6 +39,7 @@ type ResultCommit struct {
CanonicalCommit bool `json:"canonical"`
// ABCI results from a block
type ResultBlockResults struct {
Height int64 `json:"height"`
Results *state.ABCIResponses `json:"results"`
@ -54,6 +59,7 @@ func NewResultCommit(header *types.Header, commit *types.Commit,
// Info about the node's syncing state
type SyncInfo struct {
LatestBlockHash cmn.HexBytes `json:"latest_block_hash"`
LatestAppHash cmn.HexBytes `json:"latest_app_hash"`
@ -62,18 +68,21 @@ type SyncInfo struct {
Syncing bool `json:"syncing"`
// Info about the node's validator
type ValidatorInfo struct {
Address cmn.HexBytes `json:"address"`
PubKey crypto.PubKey `json:"pub_key"`
VotingPower int64 `json:"voting_power"`
// Node Status
type ResultStatus struct {
NodeInfo p2p.NodeInfo `json:"node_info"`
SyncInfo SyncInfo `json:"sync_info"`
ValidatorInfo ValidatorInfo `json:"validator_info"`
// Is TxIndexing enabled
func (s *ResultStatus) TxIndexEnabled() bool {
if s == nil {
return false
@ -87,41 +96,51 @@ func (s *ResultStatus) TxIndexEnabled() bool {
return false
// Info about peer connections
type ResultNetInfo struct {
Listening bool `json:"listening"`
Listeners []string `json:"listeners"`
Peers []Peer `json:"peers"`
// Log from dialing seeds
type ResultDialSeeds struct {
Log string `json:"log"`
// Log from dialing peers
type ResultDialPeers struct {
Log string `json:"log"`
// A peer
type Peer struct {
p2p.NodeInfo `json:"node_info"`
IsOutbound bool `json:"is_outbound"`
ConnectionStatus p2p.ConnectionStatus `json:"connection_status"`
// Validators for a height
type ResultValidators struct {
BlockHeight int64 `json:"block_height"`
Validators []*types.Validator `json:"validators"`
// Info about the consensus state.
// Unstable
type ResultDumpConsensusState struct {
RoundState json.RawMessage `json:"round_state"`
PeerRoundStates []PeerRoundState `json:"peer_round_states"`
// Raw JSON for the PeerRoundState
// Unstable
type PeerRoundState struct {
NodeAddress string `json:"node_address"`
PeerRoundState json.RawMessage `json:"peer_round_state"`
// CheckTx result
type ResultBroadcastTx struct {
Code uint32 `json:"code"`
Data cmn.HexBytes `json:"data"`
@ -130,6 +149,7 @@ type ResultBroadcastTx struct {
Hash cmn.HexBytes `json:"hash"`
// CheckTx and DeliverTx results
type ResultBroadcastTxCommit struct {
CheckTx abci.ResponseCheckTx `json:"check_tx"`
DeliverTx abci.ResponseDeliverTx `json:"deliver_tx"`
@ -137,6 +157,7 @@ type ResultBroadcastTxCommit struct {
Height int64 `json:"height"`
// Result of querying for a tx
type ResultTx struct {
Hash cmn.HexBytes `json:"hash"`
Height int64 `json:"height"`
@ -146,30 +167,33 @@ type ResultTx struct {
Proof types.TxProof `json:"proof,omitempty"`
// List of mempool txs
type ResultUnconfirmedTxs struct {
N int `json:"n_txs"`
Txs []types.Tx `json:"txs"`
// Info abci msg
type ResultABCIInfo struct {
Response abci.ResponseInfo `json:"response"`
// Query abci msg
type ResultABCIQuery struct {
Response abci.ResponseQuery `json:"response"`
type ResultUnsafeFlushMempool struct{}
type ResultUnsafeProfile struct{}
type ResultSubscribe struct{}
type ResultUnsubscribe struct{}
// empty results
type (
ResultUnsafeFlushMempool struct{}
ResultUnsafeProfile struct{}
ResultSubscribe struct{}
ResultUnsubscribe struct{}
ResultHealth struct{}
// Event data from a subscription
type ResultEvent struct {
Query string `json:"query"`
Data types.TMEventData `json:"data"`
type ResultHealth struct{}