Add skeleton for functionality and concurrency

This commit is contained in:
Ethan Frey 2018-01-04 19:08:03 +01:00
parent 17b61db40a
commit 9cb45eb7df
3 changed files with 46 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ Components:
* [Config](./ - how to configure it * [Config](./ - how to configure it
* [External Messages](./ - The messages we accept over p2p and rpc interfaces * [External Messages](./ - The messages we accept over p2p and rpc interfaces
* [Functionality](./ - high-level description of the functionality it provides * [Functionality](./ - high-level description of the functionality it provides
* [Local Services](./ - Interfaces with consensus and abci services * [Concurrency Model](./ - What guarantees we provide, what locks we require.

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Mempool Concurrency
Look at the concurrency model this uses...
* Receiving CheckTx
* Broadcasting new tx
* Interfaces with consensus engine, reap/update while checking
* Calling the ABCI app (ordering. callbacks. how proxy works alongside the blockchain proxy which actually writes blocks)

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# Mempool Functionality
The mempool maintains a list of potentially valid transactions,
both to broadcast to other nodes, as well as to provide to the
consensus reactor when it is selected as the block proposer.
There are two sides to the mempool state:
* External: get, check, and broadcast new transactions
* Internal: return valid transaction, update list after block commit
## External functionality
External functionality is exposed via network interfaces
to potentially untrusted actors.
* CheckTx - triggered via RPC or P2P
* Broadcast - gossip messages after a successful check
## Internal functionality
Internal functionality is exposed via method calls to other
code compiled into the tendermint binary.
* Reap - get tx to propose in next block
* Update - remove tx that were included in last block
* ABCI.CheckTx - call ABCI app to validate the tx
What does it provide the consensus reactor?
What guarantees does it need from the ABCI app?
(talk about interleaving processes in concurrency)
## Optimizations
Talk about the LRU cache to make sure we don't process any
tx that we have seen before