tools/tm-bench: Remove testing flags from help (#1949)

This commit is contained in:
Dev Ojha 2018-07-10 22:54:59 -07:00 committed by Anton Kaliaev
parent f5ad8ef860
commit b980ef8bea
1 changed files with 15 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -29,15 +29,16 @@ func main() {
var verbose bool
var outputFormat, broadcastTxMethod string
flag.IntVar(&connections, "c", 1, "Connections to keep open per endpoint")
flag.IntVar(&duration, "T", 10, "Exit after the specified amount of time in seconds")
flag.IntVar(&txsRate, "r", 1000, "Txs per second to send in a connection")
flag.IntVar(&txSize, "s", 250, "The size of a transaction in bytes.")
flag.StringVar(&outputFormat, "output-format", "plain", "Output format: plain or json")
flag.StringVar(&broadcastTxMethod, "broadcast-tx-method", "async", "Broadcast method: async (no guarantees; fastest), sync (ensures tx is checked) or commit (ensures tx is checked and committed; slowest)")
flag.BoolVar(&verbose, "v", false, "Verbose output")
flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("tm-bench", flag.ExitOnError)
flagSet.IntVar(&connections, "c", 1, "Connections to keep open per endpoint")
flagSet.IntVar(&duration, "T", 10, "Exit after the specified amount of time in seconds")
flagSet.IntVar(&txsRate, "r", 1000, "Txs per second to send in a connection")
flagSet.IntVar(&txSize, "s", 250, "The size of a transaction in bytes.")
flagSet.StringVar(&outputFormat, "output-format", "plain", "Output format: plain or json")
flagSet.StringVar(&broadcastTxMethod, "broadcast-tx-method", "async", "Broadcast method: async (no guarantees; fastest), sync (ensures tx is checked) or commit (ensures tx is checked and committed; slowest)")
flagSet.BoolVar(&verbose, "v", false, "Verbose output")
flag.Usage = func() {
flagSet.Usage = func() {
fmt.Println(`Tendermint blockchain benchmarking tool.
@ -46,13 +47,13 @@ Usage:
tm-bench localhost:26657`)
if flag.NArg() == 0 {
if flagSet.NArg() == 0 {
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ Examples:
logger = log.NewTMLoggerWithColorFn(log.NewSyncWriter(os.Stdout), colorFn)
fmt.Printf("Running %ds test @ %s\n", duration, flag.Arg(0))
fmt.Printf("Running %ds test @ %s\n", duration, flagSet.Arg(0))
if broadcastTxMethod != "async" &&
@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ Examples:
var (
endpoints = strings.Split(flag.Arg(0), ",")
endpoints = strings.Split(flagSet.Arg(0), ",")
client = tmrpc.NewHTTP(endpoints[0], "/websocket")
initialHeight = latestBlockHeight(client)