# Pending BREAKING CHANGES: - [types] CanonicalTime uses nanoseconds instead of clipping to ms - breaks serialization/signing of all messages with a timestamp - [abci] Removed Fee from ResponseDeliverTx and ResponseCheckTx - [tools] Removed `make ensure_deps` in favor of `make get_vendor_deps` - [p2p] Remove salsa and ripemd primitives, in favor of using chacha as a stream cipher, and hkdf - [abci] Changed time format from int64 to google.protobuf.Timestamp FEATURES: - [tools] Added `make check_dep` - ensures gopkg.lock is synced with gopkg.toml - ensures no branches are used in the gopkg.toml IMPROVEMENTS: - [blockchain] Improve fast-sync logic - tweak params - only process one block at a time to avoid starving - [crypto] Switch hkdfchachapoly1305 to xchachapoly1305 - [common] bit array functions which take in another parameter are now thread safe BUG FIXES: - [privval] fix a deadline for accepting new connections in socket private validator.