package merkle import "testing" import ( "fmt" "os" "bytes" "math/rand" "encoding/binary" "" "crypto/sha256" ) func init() { if urandom, err := os.Open("/dev/urandom"); err != nil { return } else { buf := make([]byte, 8) if _, err := urandom.Read(buf); err == nil { buf_reader := bytes.NewReader(buf) if seed, err := binary.ReadVarint(buf_reader); err == nil { rand.Seed(seed) } } urandom.Close() } } func TestImmutableAvlPutHasGetRemove(t *testing.T) { type record struct { key String value String } records := make([]*record, 400) var node *IAVLNode var err error var val Value var updated bool randomRecord := func() *record { return &record{ randstr(20), randstr(20) } } for i := range records { r := randomRecord() records[i] = r node, updated = node.put(nil, r.key, String("")) if updated { t.Error("should have not been updated") } node, updated = node.put(nil, r.key, r.value) if !updated { t.Error("should have been updated") } if node.Size() != uint64(i+1) { t.Error("size was wrong", node.Size(), i+1) } } for _, r := range records { if has := node.has(nil, r.key); !has { t.Error("Missing key") } if has := node.has(nil, randstr(12)); has { t.Error("Table has extra key") } if val := node.get(nil, r.key); !(val.(String)).Equals(r.value) { t.Error("wrong value") } } for i, x := range records { if node, val, err = node.remove(nil, x.key); err != nil { t.Error(err) } else if !(val.(String)).Equals(x.value) { t.Error("wrong value") } for _, r := range records[i+1:] { if has := node.has(nil, r.key); !has { t.Error("Missing key") } if has := node.has(nil, randstr(12)); has { t.Error("Table has extra key") } if val := node.get(nil, r.key); !(val.(String)).Equals(r.value) { t.Error("wrong value") } } if node.Size() != uint64(len(records) - (i+1)) { t.Error("size was wrong", node.Size(), (len(records) - (i+1))) } } } func BenchmarkImmutableAvlTree(b *testing.B) { b.StopTimer() type record struct { key String value String } randomRecord := func() *record { return &record{ randstr(32), randstr(32) } } t := NewIAVLTree(nil) for i:=0; i<1000000; i++ { r := randomRecord() t.Put(r.key, r.value) } b.StartTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { r := randomRecord() t.Put(r.key, r.value) t.Remove(r.key) } } func TestTraversals(t *testing.T) { var data []int = []int{ 1, 5, 7, 9, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, } var order []int = []int{ 6, 1, 8, 2, 4 , 9 , 5 , 7 , 0 , 3 , } test := func(T Tree) { t.Logf("%T", T) for j := range order { T.Put(Int(data[order[j]]), Int(order[j])) } j := 0 itr := T.Iterator() for node := itr(); node != nil; node = itr() { if int(node.Key().(Int)) != data[j] { t.Error("key in wrong spot in-order") } j += 1 } } test(NewIAVLTree(nil)) } // from func TestGriffin(t *testing.T) { // Convenience for a new node N := func(l *IAVLNode, i int, r *IAVLNode) *IAVLNode { n := &IAVLNode{ key: Int32(i), left: l, right: r, } n.calcHeightAndSize(nil) n.Hash() return n } // Convenience for simple printing of keys & tree structure var P func(*IAVLNode) string P = func(n *IAVLNode) string { if n.left == nil && n.right == nil { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", n.key) } else if n.left == nil { return fmt.Sprintf("(- %v %v)", n.key, P(n.rightFilled(nil))) } else if n.right == nil { return fmt.Sprintf("(%v %v -)", P(n.leftFilled(nil)), n.key) } else { return fmt.Sprintf("(%v %v %v)", P(n.leftFilled(nil)), n.key, P(n.rightFilled(nil))) } } expectHash := func(n2 *IAVLNode, hashCount uint64) { // ensure number of new hash calculations is as expected. hash, count := n2.Hash() if count != hashCount { t.Fatalf("Expected %v new hashes, got %v", hashCount, count) } // nuke hashes and reconstruct hash, ensure it's the same. itr := (&IAVLTree{root:n2}).Iterator() for node:=itr(); node!=nil; node = itr() { if node != nil { node.(*IAVLNode).hash = nil } } // ensure that the new hash after nuking is the same as the old. newHash, _ := n2.Hash() if bytes.Compare(hash, newHash) != 0 { t.Fatalf("Expected hash %v but got %v after nuking", hash, newHash) } } expectPut := func(n *IAVLNode, i int, repr string, hashCount uint64) { n2, updated := n.put(nil, Int32(i), nil) // ensure node was added & structure is as expected. if updated == true || P(n2) != repr { t.Fatalf("Adding %v to %v:\nExpected %v\nUnexpectedly got %v updated:%v", i, P(n), repr, P(n2), updated) } // ensure hash calculation requirements expectHash(n2, hashCount) } expectRemove := func(n *IAVLNode, i int, repr string, hashCount uint64) { n2, value, err := n.remove(nil, Int32(i)) // ensure node was added & structure is as expected. if value != nil || err != nil || P(n2) != repr { t.Fatalf("Removing %v from %v:\nExpected %v\nUnexpectedly got %v value:%v err:%v", i, P(n), repr, P(n2), value, err) } // ensure hash calculation requirements expectHash(n2, hashCount) } //////// Test Put cases: // Case 1: n1 := N(N(nil, 4, nil), 20, nil) if P(n1) != "(4 20 -)" { t.Fatalf("Got %v", P(n1)) } expectPut(n1, 15, "(4 15 20)", 3) expectPut(n1, 8, "(4 8 20)", 3) // Case 2: n2 := N(N(N(nil, 3, nil), 4, N(nil, 9, nil)), 20, N(nil, 26, nil)) if P(n2) != "((3 4 9) 20 26)" { t.Fatalf("Got %v", P(n2)) } expectPut(n2, 15, "((3 4 -) 9 (15 20 26))", 4) expectPut(n2, 8, "((3 4 8) 9 (- 20 26))", 4) // Case 2: n3 := N(N(N(N(nil, 2, nil), 3, nil), 4, N(N(nil, 7, nil), 9, N(nil, 11, nil))), 20, N(N(nil, 21, nil), 26, N(nil, 30, nil))) if P(n3) != "(((2 3 -) 4 (7 9 11)) 20 (21 26 30))" { t.Fatalf("Got %v", P(n3)) } expectPut(n3, 15, "(((2 3 -) 4 7) 9 ((- 11 15) 20 (21 26 30)))", 5) expectPut(n3, 8, "(((2 3 -) 4 (- 7 8)) 9 (11 20 (21 26 30)))", 5) //////// Test Remove cases: // Case 4: n4 := N(N(nil, 1, nil), 2, N(N(nil, 3, nil), 4, N(nil, 5, nil))) if P(n4) != "(1 2 (3 4 5))" { t.Fatalf("Got %v", P(n4)) } expectRemove(n4, 1, "((- 2 3) 4 5)", 2) // Case 5: n5 := N(N(N(nil, 1, nil), 2, N(N(nil, 3, nil), 4, N(nil, 5, nil))), 6, N(N(N(nil, 7, nil), 8, nil), 9, N(N(nil, 10, nil), 11, N(nil, 12, N(nil, 13, nil))))) if P(n5) != "((1 2 (3 4 5)) 6 ((7 8 -) 9 (10 11 (- 12 13))))" { t.Fatalf("Got %v", P(n5)) } expectRemove(n5, 1, "(((- 2 3) 4 5) 6 ((7 8 -) 9 (10 11 (- 12 13))))", 3) // Case 6: n6 := N(N(N(nil, 1, nil), 2, N(nil, 3, N(nil, 4, nil))), 5, N(N(N(nil, 6, nil), 7, nil), 8, N(N(nil, 9, nil), 10, N(nil, 11, N(nil, 12, nil))))) if P(n6) != "((1 2 (- 3 4)) 5 ((6 7 -) 8 (9 10 (- 11 12))))" { t.Fatalf("Got %v", P(n6)) } expectRemove(n6, 1, "(((2 3 4) 5 (6 7 -)) 8 (9 10 (- 11 12)))", 4) } func TestPersistence(t *testing.T) { db := db.NewMemDB() // Create some random key value pairs records := make(map[String]String) for i:=0; i<10000; i++ { records[String(randstr(20))] = String(randstr(20)) } // Construct some tree and save it t1 := NewIAVLTree(db) for key, value := range records { t1.Put(key, value) } t1.Save() hash, _ := t1.Hash() // Load a tree t2 := NewIAVLTreeFromHash(db, hash) for key, value := range records { t2value := t2.Get(key) if !t2value.Equals(value) { t.Fatalf("Invalid value. Expected %v, got %v", value, t2value) } } } func BenchmarkHash(b *testing.B) { b.StopTimer() s := randstr(128) b.StartTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { hasher := sha256.New() hasher.Write([]byte(s)) hasher.Sum(nil) } }