package config import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "strings" "sync" flag "" "" ) var app *confer.Config var appMtx sync.Mutex func App() *confer.Config { appMtx.Lock() defer appMtx.Unlock() if app == nil { Init("") } return app } func SetApp(a *confer.Config) { appMtx.Lock() defer appMtx.Unlock() app = a } // NOTE: If you change this, maybe also change initDefaults() var defaultConfig = `# This is a TOML config file. # For more information, see Moniker = "anonymous" Network = "tendermint_testnet4.2" ListenAddr = "" # First node to connect to. Command-line overridable. SeedNode = "" # Pool of seeds. Best to use these, and specify one on command line # if needed to override SeedNodes = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""] [DB] # The only other available backend is "memdb" Backend = "leveldb" # Dir = "~/.tendermint/data" [Log.Stdout] Level = "debug" [RPC.HTTP] # For the RPC API HTTP server. Port required. ListenAddr = "" [Alert] # TODO: Document options [SMTP] # TODO: Document options ` var DefaultGenesis = `{ "accounts": [ { "address": "93E243AC8A01F723DE353A4FA1ED911529CCB6E5", "amount": 1049800000000000 }, { "address": "9e54c9eca9a3fd5d4496696818da17a9e17f69da", "amount": 1049800000000000 } ], "validators": [ { "pub_key": [1, "9D1ACB248A713A4DC03A5546D43D12D10060E0B081B22D5731478314243C75A5"], "amount": 100000000000, "unbond_to": [ { "address": "93E243AC8A01F723DE353A4FA1ED911529CCB6E5", "amount": 100000000000 } ] }, { "pub_key": [1, "e56663353d01c58a1d4cdb4d14b70c2e3335be1ebb6c3f697af7882c03837962"], "amount": 100000000000, "unbond_to": [ { "address": "9e54c9eca9a3fd5d4496696818da17a9e17f69da", "amount": 100000000000 } ] }, { "pub_key": [1, "006C05174D39330324F6DEA0CE8CA263FC023331A107DD6C342B0BF1711B747D"], "amount": 100000000000, "unbond_to": [ { "address": "93E243AC8A01F723DE353A4FA1ED911529CCB6E5", "amount": 100000000000 } ] }, { "pub_key": [1, "7AEAC3C6F053893F9E7FA44AF5024DC45A7857AFA07C4166A2B210340FF3B9A3"], "amount": 100000000000, "unbond_to": [ { "address": "93E243AC8A01F723DE353A4FA1ED911529CCB6E5", "amount": 100000000000 } ] }, { "pub_key": [1, "178EC6008A4364508979C70CBF100BD4BCBAA12DDE6251F5F486B4FD09014F06"], "amount": 100000000000, "unbond_to": [ { "address": "93E243AC8A01F723DE353A4FA1ED911529CCB6E5", "amount": 100000000000 } ] }, { "pub_key": [1, "161F61AB54194473DD018FFFB253FD3D763A92BB97B9CA731CE1E89C2B761FFE"], "amount": 100000000000, "unbond_to": [ { "address": "93E243AC8A01F723DE353A4FA1ED911529CCB6E5", "amount": 100000000000 } ] } ] }` // NOTE: If you change this, maybe also change defaultConfig func initDefaults(rootDir string) { app.SetDefault("Moniker", "anonymous") app.SetDefault("Network", "tendermint_testnet0") app.SetDefault("ListenAddr", "") app.SetDefault("DB.Backend", "leveldb") app.SetDefault("DB.Dir", rootDir+"/data") app.SetDefault("Log.Stdout.Level", "info") app.SetDefault("RPC.HTTP.ListenAddr", "") app.SetDefault("GenesisFile", rootDir+"/genesis.json") app.SetDefault("AddrBookFile", rootDir+"/addrbook.json") app.SetDefault("PrivValidatorfile", rootDir+"/priv_validator.json") app.SetDefault("FastSync", false) } func Init(rootDir string) { // Get rootdir if rootDir == "" { rootDir = os.Getenv("TMROOT") } if rootDir == "" { rootDir = os.Getenv("HOME") + "/.tendermint" } configFile := path.Join(rootDir, "config.toml") genesisFile := path.Join(rootDir, "genesis.json") // Write default config file if missing. checkWriteFile(configFile, defaultConfig) checkWriteFile(genesisFile, DefaultGenesis) // Initialize Config app = confer.NewConfig() initDefaults(rootDir) paths := []string{configFile} if err := app.ReadPaths(paths...); err != nil { log.Warn("Error reading configuration", "paths", paths, "error", err) } // Confused? //app.Debug() } // Check if a file exists; if not, ensure the directory is made and write the file func checkWriteFile(configFile, contents string) { if _, err := os.Stat(configFile); os.IsNotExist(err) { if strings.Index(configFile, "/") != -1 { err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(configFile), 0700) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Could not create directory: %v", err) os.Exit(1) } } err := ioutil.WriteFile(configFile, []byte(contents), 0600) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Could not write config file: %v", err) os.Exit(1) } fmt.Printf("Config file written to %v.\n", configFile) } } func ParseFlags(args []string) { var flags = flag.NewFlagSet("main", flag.ExitOnError) var printHelp = false // Declare flags flags.BoolVar(&printHelp, "help", false, "Print this help message.") flags.String("listen_addr", app.GetString("ListenAddr"), "Listen address. ( means any interface, any port)") flags.String("seed_node", app.GetString("SeedNode"), "Address of seed nodes") flags.String("rpc_http_listen_addr", app.GetString("RPC.HTTP.ListenAddr"), "RPC listen address. Port required") flags.Bool("fast_sync", app.GetBool("FastSync"), "Fast blockchain syncing") flags.String("log_stdout_level", app.GetString("Log.Stdout.Level"), "Stdout log level") flags.Parse(args) if printHelp { flags.PrintDefaults() os.Exit(0) } // Merge parsed flag values onto app. app.BindPFlag("ListenAddr", flags.Lookup("listen_addr")) app.BindPFlag("SeedNode", flags.Lookup("seed_node")) app.BindPFlag("FastSync", flags.Lookup("fast_sync")) app.BindPFlag("RPC.HTTP.ListenAddr", flags.Lookup("rpc_http_listen_addr")) app.BindPFlag("Log.Stdout.Level", flags.Lookup("log_stdout_level")) // Confused? //app.Debug() }