Deploy a Testnet ================ Now that we've seen how ABCI works, and even played with a few applications on a single validator node, it's time to deploy a test network to four validator nodes. For this deployment, we'll use the ``basecoin`` application. Manual Deployments ------------------ It's relatively easy to setup a Tendermint cluster manually. The only requirements for a particular Tendermint node are a private key for the validator, stored as ``priv_validator.json``, and a list of the public keys of all validators, stored as ``genesis.json``. These files should be stored in ``~/.tendermint``, or wherever the ``$TMROOT`` variable might be set to. Here are the steps to setting up a testnet manually: 1) Provision nodes on your cloud provider of choice 2) Install Tendermint and the application of interest on all nodes 3) Generate a private key for each validator using ``tendermint gen_validator`` 4) Compile a list of public keys for each validator into a ``genesis.json`` file. 5) Run ``tendermint node --p2p.seeds=< seed addresses >`` on each node, where ``< seed addresses >`` is a comma separated list of the IP:PORT combination for each node. The default port for Tendermint is ``46656``. Thus, if the IP addresses of your nodes were ``,,,``, the command would look like: ``tendermint node --p2p.seeds=,,,``. After a few seconds, all the nodes should connect to eachother and start making blocks! For more information, see the Tendermint Networks section of `the guide to using Tendermint `__. Automated Deployments --------------------- While the manual deployment is easy enough, an automated deployment is always better. For this, we have the `mintnet-kubernetes tool `__, which allows us to automate the deployment of a Tendermint network on an already provisioned kubernetes cluster. For more details, see the `mintnet-kubernetes directory `__, and check out `Google Cloud Platform `__ for simple provisioning of kubernetes clusters. Next Steps ---------- Done trying out the testnet? Continue `onwards `__.