FROM golang:1.10 # Add testing deps for curl RUN echo 'deb testing main non-free contrib' >> /etc/apt/sources.list # Grab deps (jq, hexdump, xxd, killall) RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ jq bsdmainutils vim-common psmisc netcat curl # Setup tendermint repo ENV REPO $GOPATH/src/ ENV GOBIN $GOPATH/bin WORKDIR $REPO # Install the vendored dependencies before copying code # docker caching prevents reinstall on code change! ADD Gopkg.toml Gopkg.toml ADD Gopkg.lock Gopkg.lock ADD Makefile Makefile RUN make get_tools RUN make get_vendor_deps # Install the apps ADD scripts scripts RUN bash scripts/ # Now copy in the code # NOTE: this will overwrite whatever is in vendor/ COPY . $REPO RUN go install ./cmd/tendermint # expose the volume for debugging VOLUME $REPO EXPOSE 46656 EXPOSE 46657