# Changelog ## Develop-Branch changes (unreleased) FEATURES: - [common] Date range parsing from string (ex. "2015-12-31:2017-12-31") ## 0.2.2 (June 16, 2017) FEATURES: - [common] IsHex and StripHex for handling `0x` prefixed hex strings - [log] NewTracingLogger returns a logger that output error traces, ala `github.com/pkg/errors` IMPROVEMENTS: - [cli] Error handling for tests - [cli] Support dashes in ENV variables BUG FIXES: - [flowrate] Fix non-deterministic test failures ## 0.2.1 (June 2, 2017) FEATURES: - [cli] Log level parsing moved here from tendermint repo ## 0.2.0 (May 18, 2017) BREAKING CHANGES: - [common] NewBaseService takes the new logger FEATURES: - [cli] New library to standardize building command line tools - [log] New logging library BUG FIXES: - [autofile] Close file before rotating ## 0.1.0 (May 1, 2017) Initial release, combines what were previously independent repos: - go-autofile - go-clist - go-common - go-db - go-events - go-flowrate - go-logger - go-merkle - go-process