package consensus import ( "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "io" "math" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" . "" . "" . "" . "" "" . "" ) const ( StateCh = byte(0x20) DataCh = byte(0x21) VoteCh = byte(0x22) peerStateKey = "ConsensusReactor.peerState" voteTypeNil = byte(0x00) voteTypeBlock = byte(0x01) roundDuration0 = 60 * time.Second // The first round is 60 seconds long. roundDurationDelta = 15 * time.Second // Each successive round lasts 15 seconds longer. roundDeadlineBare = float64(1.0 / 3.0) // When the bare vote is due. roundDeadlinePrecommit = float64(2.0 / 3.0) // When the precommit vote is due. newBlockWaitDuration = roundDuration0 / 3 // The time to wait between commitTime and startTime of next consensus rounds. peerGossipSleepDuration = 50 * time.Millisecond // Time to sleep if there's nothing to send. hasVotesThreshold = 50 // After this many new votes we'll send a HasVotesMessage. ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // total duration of given round func calcRoundDuration(round uint16) time.Duration { return roundDuration0 + roundDurationDelta*time.Duration(round) } // startTime is when round zero started. func calcRoundStartTime(round uint16, startTime time.Time) time.Time { return startTime.Add(roundDuration0*time.Duration(round) + roundDurationDelta*(time.Duration((int64(round)*int64(round)-int64(round))/2))) } // calculates the current round given startTime of round zero. // NOTE: round is zero if startTime is in the future. func calcRound(startTime time.Time) uint16 { now := time.Now() if now.Before(startTime) { return 0 } // Start + D_0 * R + D_delta * (R^2 - R)/2 <= Now; find largest integer R. // D_delta * R^2 + (2D_0 - D_delta) * R + 2(Start - Now) <= 0. // AR^2 + BR + C <= 0; A = D_delta, B = (2_D0 - D_delta), C = 2(Start - Now). // R = Floor((-B + Sqrt(B^2 - 4AC))/2A) A := float64(roundDurationDelta) B := 2.0*float64(roundDuration0) - float64(roundDurationDelta) C := 2.0 * float64(startTime.Sub(now)) R := math.Floor((-B + math.Sqrt(B*B-4.0*A*C)/(2*A))) if math.IsNaN(R) { panic("Could not calc round, should not happen") } if R > math.MaxInt16 { Panicf("Could not calc round, round overflow: %v", R) } if R < 0 { return 0 } return uint16(R) } // convenience // NOTE: elapsedRatio can be negative if startTime is in the future. func calcRoundInfo(startTime time.Time) (round uint16, roundStartTime time.Time, roundDuration time.Duration, roundElapsed time.Duration, elapsedRatio float64) { round = calcRound(startTime) roundStartTime = calcRoundStartTime(round, startTime) roundDuration = calcRoundDuration(round) roundElapsed = time.Now().Sub(roundStartTime) elapsedRatio = float64(roundElapsed) / float64(roundDuration) return } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- type ConsensusReactor struct { sw *p2p.Switch quit chan struct{} started uint32 stopped uint32 conS *ConsensusState doActionCh chan RoundAction } func NewConsensusReactor(sw *p2p.Switch, blockStore *BlockStore, mempool *Mempool, state *State) *ConsensusReactor { conS := NewConsensusState(state, blockStore, mempool) conR := &ConsensusReactor{ sw: sw, quit: make(chan struct{}), conS: conS, doActionCh: make(chan RoundAction, 1), } return conR } // Sets our private validator account for signing votes. func (conR *ConsensusReactor) SetPrivValidator(priv *PrivValidator) { conR.conS.SetPrivValidator(priv) } func (conR *ConsensusReactor) Start() { if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&conR.started, 0, 1) { log.Info("Starting ConsensusReactor") go conR.proposeAndVoteRoutine() } } func (conR *ConsensusReactor) Stop() { if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&conR.stopped, 0, 1) { log.Info("Stopping ConsensusReactor") close(conR.quit) } } func (conR *ConsensusReactor) IsStopped() bool { return atomic.LoadUint32(&conR.stopped) == 1 } // Implements Reactor func (conR *ConsensusReactor) GetChannels() []*p2p.ChannelDescriptor { // TODO optimize return []*p2p.ChannelDescriptor{ &p2p.ChannelDescriptor{ Id: StateCh, Priority: 5, }, &p2p.ChannelDescriptor{ Id: DataCh, Priority: 5, }, &p2p.ChannelDescriptor{ Id: VoteCh, Priority: 5, }, } } // Implements Reactor func (conR *ConsensusReactor) AddPeer(peer *p2p.Peer) { // Create peerState for peer peerState := NewPeerState(peer) peer.Data.Set(peerStateKey, peerState) // Begin gossip routines for this peer. go conR.gossipDataRoutine(peer, peerState) go conR.gossipVotesRoutine(peer, peerState) } // Implements Reactor func (conR *ConsensusReactor) RemovePeer(peer *p2p.Peer, reason interface{}) { //peer.Data.Get(peerStateKey).(*PeerState).Disconnect() } // Implements Reactor func (conR *ConsensusReactor) Receive(chId byte, peer *p2p.Peer, msgBytes []byte) { // Get round state rs := conR.conS.GetRoundState() ps := peer.Data.Get(peerStateKey).(*PeerState) _, msg_ := decodeMessage(msgBytes) voteAddCounter := 0 var err error = nil switch chId { case StateCh: switch msg_.(type) { case *NewRoundStepMessage: msg := msg_.(*NewRoundStepMessage) err = ps.ApplyNewRoundStepMessage(msg) case *HasVotesMessage: msg := msg_.(*HasVotesMessage) err = ps.ApplyHasVotesMessage(msg) default: // Ignore unknown message } case DataCh: switch msg_.(type) { case *Proposal: proposal := msg_.(*Proposal) ps.SetHasProposal(proposal.Height, proposal.Round) err = conR.conS.SetProposal(proposal) case *PartMessage: msg := msg_.(*PartMessage) if msg.Type == partTypeProposalBlock { ps.SetHasProposalBlockPart(msg.Height, msg.Round, msg.Part.Index) _, err = conR.conS.AddProposalBlockPart(msg.Height, msg.Round, msg.Part) } else if msg.Type == partTypeProposalPOL { ps.SetHasProposalPOLPart(msg.Height, msg.Round, msg.Part.Index) _, err = conR.conS.AddProposalPOLPart(msg.Height, msg.Round, msg.Part) } else { // Ignore unknown part type } default: // Ignore unknown message } case VoteCh: switch msg_.(type) { case *Vote: vote := msg_.(*Vote) // We can't deal with votes from another height, // as they have a different validator set. if vote.Height != rs.Height || vote.Height != ps.Height { return } index, val := rs.Validators.GetById(vote.SignerId) if val == nil { log.Warning("Peer gave us an invalid vote.") return } ps.SetHasVote(rs.Height, rs.Round, vote.Type, uint32(index)) added, err := conR.conS.AddVote(vote) if err != nil { log.Warning("Error attempting to add vote: %v", err) } if added { // Maybe send HasVotesMessage voteAddCounter++ if voteAddCounter%hasVotesThreshold == 0 { // TODO optimize. msg := &HasVotesMessage{ Height: rs.Height, Round: rs.Round, Votes: rs.Votes.BitArray(), Precommits: rs.Precommits.BitArray(), Commits: rs.Commits.BitArray(), } conR.sw.Broadcast(StateCh, msg) } } default: // Ignore unknown message } default: // Ignore unknown channel } if err != nil { log.Warning("Error in Receive(): %v", err) } } func (conR *ConsensusReactor) gossipDataRoutine(peer *p2p.Peer, ps *PeerState) { OUTER_LOOP: for { // Manage disconnects from self or peer. if peer.IsStopped() || conR.IsStopped() { log.Info("Stopping gossipDataRoutine for %v.", peer) return } rs := conR.conS.GetRoundState() prs := ps.GetRoundState() // If height and round doesn't match, sleep. if rs.Height != prs.Height || rs.Round != prs.Round { time.Sleep(peerGossipSleepDuration) continue OUTER_LOOP } // Send proposal? if rs.Proposal != nil && !prs.Proposal { msg := p2p.TypedMessage{msgTypeProposal, rs.Proposal} peer.Send(DataCh, msg) ps.SetHasProposal(rs.Height, rs.Round) continue OUTER_LOOP } // Send proposal block part? if index, ok := rs.ProposalBlockPartSet.BitArray().Sub( prs.ProposalBlockBitArray).PickRandom(); ok { msg := &PartMessage{ Height: rs.Height, Round: rs.Round, Type: partTypeProposalBlock, Part: rs.ProposalBlockPartSet.GetPart(uint16(index)), } peer.Send(DataCh, msg) ps.SetHasProposalBlockPart(rs.Height, rs.Round, uint16(index)) continue OUTER_LOOP } // Send proposal POL part? if index, ok := rs.ProposalPOLPartSet.BitArray().Sub( prs.ProposalPOLBitArray).PickRandom(); ok { msg := &PartMessage{ Height: rs.Height, Round: rs.Round, Type: partTypeProposalPOL, Part: rs.ProposalPOLPartSet.GetPart(uint16(index)), } peer.Send(DataCh, msg) ps.SetHasProposalPOLPart(rs.Height, rs.Round, uint16(index)) continue OUTER_LOOP } // Nothing to do. Sleep. time.Sleep(peerGossipSleepDuration) continue OUTER_LOOP } } func (conR *ConsensusReactor) gossipVotesRoutine(peer *p2p.Peer, ps *PeerState) { OUTER_LOOP: for { // Manage disconnects from self or peer. if peer.IsStopped() || conR.IsStopped() { log.Info("Stopping gossipVotesRoutine for %v.", peer) return } rs := conR.conS.GetRoundState() prs := ps.GetRoundState() // If height doens't match, sleep. if rs.Height != prs.Height { time.Sleep(peerGossipSleepDuration) continue OUTER_LOOP } // If there are bare votes to send... if prs.Step <= RoundStepVote { index, ok := rs.Votes.BitArray().Sub(prs.Votes).PickRandom() if ok { valId, val := rs.Validators.GetByIndex(uint32(index)) if val != nil { vote := rs.Votes.GetVote(valId) msg := p2p.TypedMessage{msgTypeVote, vote} peer.Send(VoteCh, msg) ps.SetHasVote(rs.Height, rs.Round, VoteTypeBare, uint32(index)) continue OUTER_LOOP } else { log.Error("index is not a valid validator index") } } } // If there are precommits to send... if prs.Step <= RoundStepPrecommit { index, ok := rs.Precommits.BitArray().Sub(prs.Precommits).PickRandom() if ok { valId, val := rs.Validators.GetByIndex(uint32(index)) if val != nil { vote := rs.Precommits.GetVote(valId) msg := p2p.TypedMessage{msgTypeVote, vote} peer.Send(VoteCh, msg) ps.SetHasVote(rs.Height, rs.Round, VoteTypePrecommit, uint32(index)) continue OUTER_LOOP } else { log.Error("index is not a valid validator index") } } } // If there are any commits to send... index, ok := rs.Commits.BitArray().Sub(prs.Commits).PickRandom() if ok { valId, val := rs.Validators.GetByIndex(uint32(index)) if val != nil { vote := rs.Commits.GetVote(valId) msg := p2p.TypedMessage{msgTypeVote, vote} peer.Send(VoteCh, msg) ps.SetHasVote(rs.Height, rs.Round, VoteTypeCommit, uint32(index)) continue OUTER_LOOP } else { log.Error("index is not a valid validator index") } } // We sent nothing. Sleep... time.Sleep(peerGossipSleepDuration) continue OUTER_LOOP } } // Signs a vote document and broadcasts it. func (conR *ConsensusReactor) signAndBroadcastVote(rs *RoundState, vote *Vote) { if rs.PrivValidator != nil { rs.PrivValidator.Sign(vote) conR.conS.AddVote(vote) msg := p2p.TypedMessage{msgTypeVote, vote} conR.sw.Broadcast(VoteCh, msg) } } //------------------------------------- func (conR *ConsensusReactor) runStepPropose(rs *RoundState) { conR.conS.MakeProposal() } func (conR *ConsensusReactor) runStepVote(rs *RoundState) { // If we have a locked block, we must vote for that. // NOTE: a locked block is already valid. if rs.LockedBlock != nil { conR.signAndBroadcastVote(rs, &Vote{ Height: rs.Height, Round: rs.Round, Type: VoteTypeBare, BlockHash: rs.LockedBlock.Hash(), }) } // Try staging proposed block. // If Block is nil, an error is returned. err := conR.conS.stageBlock(rs.ProposalBlock) if err != nil { // Vote nil conR.signAndBroadcastVote(rs, &Vote{ Height: rs.Height, Round: rs.Round, Type: VoteTypeBare, BlockHash: nil, }) } else { // Vote for block conR.signAndBroadcastVote(rs, &Vote{ Height: rs.Height, Round: rs.Round, Type: VoteTypeBare, BlockHash: rs.ProposalBlock.Hash(), }) } } func (conR *ConsensusReactor) runStepPrecommit(rs *RoundState) { // If we see a 2/3 majority of votes for a block, lock. hash := conR.conS.LockOrUnlock(rs.Height, rs.Round) if len(hash) > 0 { // Precommit conR.signAndBroadcastVote(rs, &Vote{ Height: rs.Height, Round: rs.Round, Type: VoteTypePrecommit, BlockHash: hash, }) } } func (conR *ConsensusReactor) runStepCommit(rs *RoundState) bool { // If we see a 2/3 majority of precommits for a block, commit. block := conR.conS.Commit(rs.Height, rs.Round) if block == nil { return false } else { conR.signAndBroadcastVote(rs, &Vote{ Height: rs.Height, Round: rs.Round, Type: VoteTypePrecommit, BlockHash: block.Hash(), }) return true } } //------------------------------------- type RoundAction struct { Height uint32 // The block height for which consensus is reaching for. Round uint16 // The round number at given height. XnToStep uint8 // Transition to this step. Action depends on this value. RoundElapsed time.Duration // Duration since round start. } // Source of all round state transitions and votes. // It can be preemptively woken up via a message to // doActionCh. func (conR *ConsensusReactor) proposeAndVoteRoutine() { // Figure out when to wake up next (in the absence of other events) setAlarm := func() { if len(conR.doActionCh) > 0 { return // Already going to wake up later. } // Figure out which height/round/step we're at, // then schedule an action for when it is due. rs := conR.conS.GetRoundState() _, _, roundDuration, roundElapsed, elapsedRatio := calcRoundInfo(rs.StartTime) switch rs.Step { case RoundStepStart: // It's a new RoundState. if elapsedRatio < 0 { // startTime is in the future. time.Sleep(time.Duration(-1.0*elapsedRatio) * roundDuration) } conR.doActionCh <- RoundAction{rs.Height, rs.Round, RoundStepPropose, roundElapsed} case RoundStepPropose: // Wake up when it's time to vote. time.Sleep(time.Duration(roundDeadlineBare-elapsedRatio) * roundDuration) conR.doActionCh <- RoundAction{rs.Height, rs.Round, RoundStepVote, roundElapsed} case RoundStepVote: // Wake up when it's time to precommit. time.Sleep(time.Duration(roundDeadlinePrecommit-elapsedRatio) * roundDuration) conR.doActionCh <- RoundAction{rs.Height, rs.Round, RoundStepPrecommit, roundElapsed} case RoundStepPrecommit: // Wake up when the round is over. time.Sleep(time.Duration(1.0-elapsedRatio) * roundDuration) conR.doActionCh <- RoundAction{rs.Height, rs.Round, RoundStepCommit, roundElapsed} case RoundStepCommit: // This shouldn't happen. // Before setAlarm() got called, // logic should have created a new RoundState for the next round. panic("Should not happen") } } for { func() { roundAction := <-conR.doActionCh // Always set the alarm after any processing below. defer setAlarm() height := roundAction.Height round := roundAction.Round step := roundAction.XnToStep roundElapsed := roundAction.RoundElapsed rs := conR.conS.GetRoundState() if height != rs.Height || round != rs.Round { return // Action is not relevant } // Run step if step == RoundStepPropose && rs.Step == RoundStepStart { conR.runStepPropose(rs) } else if step == RoundStepVote && rs.Step <= RoundStepPropose { conR.runStepVote(rs) } else if step == RoundStepPrecommit && rs.Step <= RoundStepVote { conR.runStepPrecommit(rs) } else if step == RoundStepCommit && rs.Step <= RoundStepPrecommit { didCommit := conR.runStepCommit(rs) if didCommit { // We already set up ConsensusState for the next height // (it happens in the call to conR.runStepCommit). } else { // Prepare a new RoundState for the next state. conR.conS.SetupRound(rs.Round + 1) return // setAlarm() takes care of the rest. } } else { return // Action is not relevant. } // Transition to new step. conR.conS.SetStep(step) // Broadcast NewRoundStepMessage. msg := &NewRoundStepMessage{ Height: height, Round: round, Step: step, SecondsSinceStartTime: uint32(roundElapsed.Seconds()), } conR.sw.Broadcast(StateCh, msg) }() } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Read only when returned by PeerState.GetRoundState(). type PeerRoundState struct { Height uint32 // Height peer is at Round uint16 // Round peer is at Step uint8 // Step peer is at StartTime time.Time // Estimated start of round 0 at this height Proposal bool // True if peer has proposal for this round ProposalBlockHash []byte // Block parts merkle root ProposalBlockBitArray BitArray // Block parts bitarray ProposalPOLHash []byte // POL parts merkle root ProposalPOLBitArray BitArray // POL parts bitarray Votes BitArray // All votes peer has for this round Precommits BitArray // All precommits peer has for this round Commits BitArray // All commits peer has for this height } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var ( ErrPeerStateHeightRegression = errors.New("Error peer state height regression") ErrPeerStateInvalidStartTime = errors.New("Error peer state invalid startTime") ) type PeerState struct { mtx sync.Mutex PeerRoundState } func NewPeerState(peer *p2p.Peer) *PeerState { return &PeerState{} } // Returns an atomic snapshot of the PeerRoundState. // There's no point in mutating it since it won't change PeerState. func (ps *PeerState) GetRoundState() *PeerRoundState { ps.mtx.Lock() defer ps.mtx.Unlock() prs := ps.PeerRoundState // copy return &prs } func (ps *PeerState) SetHasProposal(height uint32, round uint16) { ps.mtx.Lock() defer ps.mtx.Unlock() if ps.Height == height && ps.Round == round { ps.Proposal = true } } func (ps *PeerState) SetHasProposalBlockPart(height uint32, round uint16, index uint16) { ps.mtx.Lock() defer ps.mtx.Unlock() if ps.Height == height && ps.Round == round { ps.ProposalBlockBitArray.SetIndex(uint(index), true) } } func (ps *PeerState) SetHasProposalPOLPart(height uint32, round uint16, index uint16) { ps.mtx.Lock() defer ps.mtx.Unlock() if ps.Height == height && ps.Round == round { ps.ProposalPOLBitArray.SetIndex(uint(index), true) } } func (ps *PeerState) SetHasVote(height uint32, round uint16, type_ uint8, index uint32) { ps.mtx.Lock() defer ps.mtx.Unlock() if ps.Height == height && (ps.Round == round || type_ == VoteTypeCommit) { switch type_ { case VoteTypeBare: ps.Votes.SetIndex(uint(index), true) case VoteTypePrecommit: ps.Precommits.SetIndex(uint(index), true) case VoteTypeCommit: ps.Commits.SetIndex(uint(index), true) default: panic("Invalid vote type") } } } func (ps *PeerState) ApplyNewRoundStepMessage(msg *NewRoundStepMessage) error { ps.mtx.Lock() defer ps.mtx.Unlock() // Set step state startTime := time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Duration(msg.SecondsSinceStartTime) * time.Second) ps.Height = msg.Height ps.Round = msg.Round ps.Step = msg.Step ps.StartTime = startTime // Reset the rest ps.Proposal = false ps.ProposalBlockHash = nil ps.ProposalBlockBitArray = nil ps.ProposalPOLHash = nil ps.ProposalPOLBitArray = nil ps.Votes = nil ps.Precommits = nil if ps.Height != msg.Height { ps.Commits = nil } return nil } func (ps *PeerState) ApplyHasVotesMessage(msg *HasVotesMessage) error { ps.mtx.Lock() defer ps.mtx.Unlock() if ps.Height == msg.Height { ps.Commits = ps.Commits.Or(msg.Commits) if ps.Round == msg.Round { ps.Votes = ps.Votes.Or(msg.Votes) ps.Precommits = ps.Precommits.Or(msg.Precommits) } else { ps.Votes = msg.Votes ps.Precommits = msg.Precommits } } return nil } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Messages const ( msgTypeUnknown = byte(0x00) // Messages for communicating state changes msgTypeNewRoundStep = byte(0x01) msgTypeHasVotes = byte(0x02) // Messages of data msgTypeProposal = byte(0x11) msgTypePart = byte(0x12) // both block & POL msgTypeVote = byte(0x13) ) // TODO: check for unnecessary extra bytes at the end. func decodeMessage(bz []byte) (msgType byte, msg interface{}) { n, err := new(int64), new(error) // log.Debug("decoding msg bytes: %X", bz) msgType = bz[0] r := bytes.NewReader(bz[1:]) switch msgType { // Messages for communicating state changes case msgTypeNewRoundStep: msg = readNewRoundStepMessage(r, n, err) case msgTypeHasVotes: msg = readHasVotesMessage(r, n, err) // Messages of data case msgTypeProposal: msg = ReadProposal(r, n, err) case msgTypePart: msg = readPartMessage(r, n, err) case msgTypeVote: msg = ReadVote(r, n, err) default: msg = nil } return } //------------------------------------- type NewRoundStepMessage struct { Height uint32 Round uint16 Step uint8 SecondsSinceStartTime uint32 } func readNewRoundStepMessage(r io.Reader, n *int64, err *error) *NewRoundStepMessage { return &NewRoundStepMessage{ Height: ReadUInt32(r, n, err), Round: ReadUInt16(r, n, err), Step: ReadUInt8(r, n, err), SecondsSinceStartTime: ReadUInt32(r, n, err), } } func (m *NewRoundStepMessage) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) { WriteByte(w, msgTypeNewRoundStep, &n, &err) WriteUInt32(w, m.Height, &n, &err) WriteUInt16(w, m.Round, &n, &err) WriteUInt8(w, m.Step, &n, &err) WriteUInt32(w, m.SecondsSinceStartTime, &n, &err) return } func (m *NewRoundStepMessage) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("[NewRoundStepMessage H:%v R:%v]", m.Height, m.Round) } //------------------------------------- type HasVotesMessage struct { Height uint32 Round uint16 Votes BitArray Precommits BitArray Commits BitArray } func readHasVotesMessage(r io.Reader, n *int64, err *error) *HasVotesMessage { return &HasVotesMessage{ Height: ReadUInt32(r, n, err), Round: ReadUInt16(r, n, err), Votes: ReadBitArray(r, n, err), Precommits: ReadBitArray(r, n, err), Commits: ReadBitArray(r, n, err), } } func (m *HasVotesMessage) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) { WriteByte(w, msgTypeHasVotes, &n, &err) WriteUInt32(w, m.Height, &n, &err) WriteUInt16(w, m.Round, &n, &err) WriteBinary(w, m.Votes, &n, &err) WriteBinary(w, m.Precommits, &n, &err) WriteBinary(w, m.Commits, &n, &err) return } func (m *HasVotesMessage) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("[HasVotesMessage H:%v R:%v]", m.Height, m.Round) } //------------------------------------- const ( partTypeProposalBlock = byte(0x01) partTypeProposalPOL = byte(0x02) ) type PartMessage struct { Height uint32 Round uint16 Type byte Part *Part } func readPartMessage(r io.Reader, n *int64, err *error) *PartMessage { return &PartMessage{ Height: ReadUInt32(r, n, err), Round: ReadUInt16(r, n, err), Type: ReadByte(r, n, err), Part: ReadPart(r, n, err), } } func (m *PartMessage) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) { WriteByte(w, msgTypePart, &n, &err) WriteUInt32(w, m.Height, &n, &err) WriteUInt16(w, m.Round, &n, &err) WriteByte(w, m.Type, &n, &err) WriteBinary(w, m.Part, &n, &err) return } func (m *PartMessage) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("[PartMessage H:%v R:%v T:%X]", m.Height, m.Round, m.Type) }