package p2p import ( "bufio" "fmt" "net" "sync/atomic" "time" "" . "" . "" ) const ( minReadBufferSize = 1024 minWriteBufferSize = 1024 flushThrottleMS = 50 outQueueSize = 50 idleTimeoutMinutes = 5 pingTimeoutMinutes = 2 ) /* A Connection wraps a network connection and handles buffering and multiplexing. "Packets" are sent with ".Send(Packet)". Packets received are sent to channels as commanded by the ".Start(...)" method. */ type Connection struct { ioStats IOStats sendQueue chan Packet // never closes conn net.Conn bufReader *bufio.Reader bufWriter *bufio.Writer flushThrottler *Throttler quit chan struct{} pingRepeatTimer *RepeatTimer pong chan struct{} channels map[string]*Channel onError func(interface{}) started uint32 stopped uint32 errored uint32 } const ( packetTypePing = UInt8(0x00) packetTypePong = UInt8(0x01) packetTypeMessage = UInt8(0x10) ) func NewConnection(conn net.Conn) *Connection { return &Connection{ sendQueue: make(chan Packet, outQueueSize), conn: conn, bufReader: bufio.NewReaderSize(conn, minReadBufferSize), bufWriter: bufio.NewWriterSize(conn, minWriteBufferSize), flushThrottler: NewThrottler(flushThrottleMS * time.Millisecond), quit: make(chan struct{}), pingRepeatTimer: NewRepeatTimer(pingTimeoutMinutes * time.Minute), pong: make(chan struct{}), } } // .Start() begins multiplexing packets to and from "channels". // If an error occurs, the recovered reason is passed to "onError". func (c *Connection) Start(channels map[string]*Channel, onError func(interface{})) { if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&c.started, 0, 1) { log.Debug("Starting %v", c) c.channels = channels c.onError = onError go c.sendHandler() go c.recvHandler() } } func (c *Connection) Stop() { if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&c.stopped, 0, 1) { log.Debug("Stopping %v", c) close(c.quit) c.conn.Close() c.flushThrottler.Stop() c.pingRepeatTimer.Stop() // We can't close pong safely here because // recvHandler may write to it after we've stopped. // Though it doesn't need to get closed at all, // we close it @ recvHandler. // close(c.pong) } } func (c *Connection) LocalAddress() *NetAddress { return NewNetAddress(c.conn.LocalAddr()) } func (c *Connection) RemoteAddress() *NetAddress { return NewNetAddress(c.conn.RemoteAddr()) } // Returns true if successfully queued, // Returns false if connection was closed. // Blocks. func (c *Connection) Send(pkt Packet) bool { select { case c.sendQueue <- pkt: return true case <-c.quit: return false } } func (c *Connection) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("Connection{%v}", c.conn.RemoteAddr()) } func (c *Connection) flush() { // TODO: this is pretty naive. // We end up flushing when we don't have to (yet). // A better solution might require us implementing our own buffered writer. err := c.bufWriter.Flush() if err != nil { if atomic.LoadUint32(&c.stopped) != 1 { log.Warning("Connection flush failed: %v", err) } } } // Catch panics, usually caused by remote disconnects. func (c *Connection) _recover() { if r := recover(); r != nil { c.Stop() if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&c.errored, 0, 1) { if c.onError != nil { c.onError(r) } } } } // sendHandler pulls from .sendQueue and writes to .bufWriter func (c *Connection) sendHandler() { log.Debug("%v sendHandler", c) defer c._recover() FOR_LOOP: for { var err error select { case sendPkt := <-c.sendQueue: log.Debug("Found pkt from sendQueue. Writing pkt to underlying connection") _, err = packetTypeMessage.WriteTo(c.bufWriter) if err != nil { break } _, err = sendPkt.WriteTo(c.bufWriter) c.flushThrottler.Set() case <-c.flushThrottler.Ch: c.flush() case <-c.pingRepeatTimer.Ch: _, err = packetTypePing.WriteTo(c.bufWriter) log.Debug("Send [Ping] -> %v", c) c.flush() case <-c.pong: _, err = packetTypePong.WriteTo(c.bufWriter) log.Debug("Send [Pong] -> %v", c) c.flush() case <-c.quit: break FOR_LOOP } if atomic.LoadUint32(&c.stopped) == 1 { break FOR_LOOP } if err != nil { log.Info("%v failed @ sendHandler:\n%v", c, err) c.Stop() break FOR_LOOP } } log.Debug("%v sendHandler done", c) // cleanup } // recvHandler reads from .bufReader and pushes to the appropriate // channel's recvQueue. func (c *Connection) recvHandler() { log.Debug("%v recvHandler", c) defer c._recover() FOR_LOOP: for { if log.IsEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) { // peeking into bufReader numBytes := c.bufReader.Buffered() bytes, err := c.bufReader.Peek(MinInt(numBytes, 100)) log.Debug("recvHandler peeked: %X\nerr:%v", bytes, err) } pktType, err := ReadUInt8Safe(c.bufReader) if err != nil { if atomic.LoadUint32(&c.stopped) != 1 { log.Info("%v failed @ recvHandler", c) c.Stop() } break FOR_LOOP } else { log.Debug("Found pktType %v", pktType) } switch pktType { case packetTypePing: // TODO: keep track of these, make sure it isn't abused // as they cause flush()'s in the send buffer. c.pong <- struct{}{} case packetTypePong: // do nothing log.Debug("[%v] Received Pong", c) case packetTypeMessage: pkt, err := ReadPacketSafe(c.bufReader) if err != nil { if atomic.LoadUint32(&c.stopped) != 1 { log.Info("%v failed @ recvHandler", c) c.Stop() } break FOR_LOOP } channel := c.channels[string(pkt.Channel)] if channel == nil { Panicf("Unknown channel %v", pkt.Channel) } channel.recvQueue <- pkt default: Panicf("Unknown message type %v", pktType) } c.pingRepeatTimer.Reset() } log.Debug("%v recvHandler done", c) // cleanup close(c.pong) for _ = range c.pong { // drain } } /* IOStats */ type IOStats struct { TimeConnected Time LastSent Time LastRecv Time BytesRecv UInt64 BytesSent UInt64 PktsRecv UInt64 PktsSent UInt64 }