
545 lines
15 KiB

package types
import (
cmn "github.com/tendermint/tmlibs/common"
// Block defines the atomic unit of a Tendermint blockchain.
// TODO: add Version byte
type Block struct {
*Header `json:"header"`
*Data `json:"data"`
Evidence EvidenceData `json:"evidence"`
LastCommit *Commit `json:"last_commit"`
// MakeBlock returns a new block with an empty header, except what can be computed from itself.
// It populates the same set of fields validated by ValidateBasic
func MakeBlock(height int64, txs []Tx, commit *Commit) *Block {
block := &Block{
Header: &Header{
Height: height,
Time: time.Now(),
NumTxs: int64(len(txs)),
LastCommit: commit,
Data: &Data{
Txs: txs,
return block
// AddEvidence appends the given evidence to the block
func (b *Block) AddEvidence(evidence []Evidence) {
b.Evidence.Evidence = append(b.Evidence.Evidence, evidence...)
// ValidateBasic performs basic validation that doesn't involve state data.
// It checks the internal consistency of the block.
func (b *Block) ValidateBasic() error {
newTxs := int64(len(b.Data.Txs))
if b.NumTxs != newTxs {
return fmt.Errorf("Wrong Block.Header.NumTxs. Expected %v, got %v", newTxs, b.NumTxs)
if !bytes.Equal(b.LastCommitHash, b.LastCommit.Hash()) {
return fmt.Errorf("Wrong Block.Header.LastCommitHash. Expected %v, got %v", b.LastCommitHash, b.LastCommit.Hash())
if b.Header.Height != 1 {
if err := b.LastCommit.ValidateBasic(); err != nil {
return err
if !bytes.Equal(b.DataHash, b.Data.Hash()) {
return fmt.Errorf("Wrong Block.Header.DataHash. Expected %v, got %v", b.DataHash, b.Data.Hash())
if !bytes.Equal(b.EvidenceHash, b.Evidence.Hash()) {
return errors.New(cmn.Fmt("Wrong Block.Header.EvidenceHash. Expected %v, got %v", b.EvidenceHash, b.Evidence.Hash()))
return nil
// FillHeader fills in any remaining header fields that are a function of the block data
func (b *Block) FillHeader() {
if b.LastCommitHash == nil {
b.LastCommitHash = b.LastCommit.Hash()
if b.DataHash == nil {
b.DataHash = b.Data.Hash()
if b.EvidenceHash == nil {
b.EvidenceHash = b.Evidence.Hash()
// Hash computes and returns the block hash.
// If the block is incomplete, block hash is nil for safety.
func (b *Block) Hash() cmn.HexBytes {
if b == nil || b.Header == nil || b.Data == nil || b.LastCommit == nil {
return nil
return b.Header.Hash()
// MakePartSet returns a PartSet containing parts of a serialized block.
// This is the form in which the block is gossipped to peers.
func (b *Block) MakePartSet(partSize int) *PartSet {
// We prefix the byte length, so that unmarshaling
// can easily happen via a reader.
bz, err := cdc.MarshalBinary(b)
if err != nil {
return NewPartSetFromData(bz, partSize)
// HashesTo is a convenience function that checks if a block hashes to the given argument.
// A nil block never hashes to anything, and nothing hashes to a nil hash.
func (b *Block) HashesTo(hash []byte) bool {
if len(hash) == 0 {
return false
if b == nil {
return false
return bytes.Equal(b.Hash(), hash)
// String returns a string representation of the block
func (b *Block) String() string {
return b.StringIndented("")
// StringIndented returns a string representation of the block
func (b *Block) StringIndented(indent string) string {
if b == nil {
return "nil-Block"
return fmt.Sprintf(`Block{
%s %v
%s %v
%s %v
%s %v
indent, b.Header.StringIndented(indent+" "),
indent, b.Data.StringIndented(indent+" "),
indent, b.Evidence.StringIndented(indent+" "),
indent, b.LastCommit.StringIndented(indent+" "),
indent, b.Hash())
// StringShort returns a shortened string representation of the block
func (b *Block) StringShort() string {
if b == nil {
return "nil-Block"
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("Block#%v", b.Hash())
// Header defines the structure of a Tendermint block header
// TODO: limit header size
// NOTE: changes to the Header should be duplicated in the abci Header
type Header struct {
// basic block info
ChainID string `json:"chain_id"`
Height int64 `json:"height"`
Time time.Time `json:"time"`
NumTxs int64 `json:"num_txs"`
// prev block info
LastBlockID BlockID `json:"last_block_id"`
TotalTxs int64 `json:"total_txs"`
// hashes of block data
LastCommitHash cmn.HexBytes `json:"last_commit_hash"` // commit from validators from the last block
DataHash cmn.HexBytes `json:"data_hash"` // transactions
// hashes from the app output from the prev block
ValidatorsHash cmn.HexBytes `json:"validators_hash"` // validators for the current block
ConsensusHash cmn.HexBytes `json:"consensus_hash"` // consensus params for current block
AppHash cmn.HexBytes `json:"app_hash"` // state after txs from the previous block
LastResultsHash cmn.HexBytes `json:"last_results_hash"` // root hash of all results from the txs from the previous block
// consensus info
EvidenceHash cmn.HexBytes `json:"evidence_hash"` // evidence included in the block
// Hash returns the hash of the header.
// Returns nil if ValidatorHash is missing.
func (h *Header) Hash() cmn.HexBytes {
if len(h.ValidatorsHash) == 0 {
return nil
return merkle.SimpleHashFromMap(map[string]merkle.Hasher{
"ChainID": aminoHasher(h.ChainID),
"Height": aminoHasher(h.Height),
"Time": aminoHasher(h.Time),
"NumTxs": aminoHasher(h.NumTxs),
"TotalTxs": aminoHasher(h.TotalTxs),
"LastBlockID": aminoHasher(h.LastBlockID),
"LastCommit": aminoHasher(h.LastCommitHash),
"Data": aminoHasher(h.DataHash),
"Validators": aminoHasher(h.ValidatorsHash),
"App": aminoHasher(h.AppHash),
"Consensus": aminoHasher(h.ConsensusHash),
"Results": aminoHasher(h.LastResultsHash),
"Evidence": aminoHasher(h.EvidenceHash),
// StringIndented returns a string representation of the header
func (h *Header) StringIndented(indent string) string {
if h == nil {
return "nil-Header"
return fmt.Sprintf(`Header{
%s ChainID: %v
%s Height: %v
%s Time: %v
%s NumTxs: %v
%s TotalTxs: %v
%s LastBlockID: %v
%s LastCommit: %v
%s Data: %v
%s Validators: %v
%s App: %v
%s Conensus: %v
%s Results: %v
%s Evidence: %v
indent, h.ChainID,
indent, h.Height,
indent, h.Time,
indent, h.NumTxs,
indent, h.TotalTxs,
indent, h.LastBlockID,
indent, h.LastCommitHash,
indent, h.DataHash,
indent, h.ValidatorsHash,
indent, h.AppHash,
indent, h.ConsensusHash,
indent, h.LastResultsHash,
indent, h.EvidenceHash,
indent, h.Hash())
// Commit contains the evidence that a block was committed by a set of validators.
// NOTE: Commit is empty for height 1, but never nil.
type Commit struct {
// NOTE: The Precommits are in order of address to preserve the bonded ValidatorSet order.
// Any peer with a block can gossip precommits by index with a peer without recalculating the
// active ValidatorSet.
BlockID BlockID `json:"blockID"`
Precommits []*Vote `json:"precommits"`
// Volatile
firstPrecommit *Vote
hash cmn.HexBytes
bitArray *cmn.BitArray
// FirstPrecommit returns the first non-nil precommit in the commit.
// If all precommits are nil, it returns an empty precommit with height 0.
func (commit *Commit) FirstPrecommit() *Vote {
if len(commit.Precommits) == 0 {
return nil
if commit.firstPrecommit != nil {
return commit.firstPrecommit
for _, precommit := range commit.Precommits {
if precommit != nil {
commit.firstPrecommit = precommit
return precommit
return &Vote{
Type: VoteTypePrecommit,
// Height returns the height of the commit
func (commit *Commit) Height() int64 {
if len(commit.Precommits) == 0 {
return 0
return commit.FirstPrecommit().Height
// Round returns the round of the commit
func (commit *Commit) Round() int {
if len(commit.Precommits) == 0 {
return 0
return commit.FirstPrecommit().Round
// Type returns the vote type of the commit, which is always VoteTypePrecommit
func (commit *Commit) Type() byte {
return VoteTypePrecommit
// Size returns the number of votes in the commit
func (commit *Commit) Size() int {
if commit == nil {
return 0
return len(commit.Precommits)
// BitArray returns a BitArray of which validators voted in this commit
func (commit *Commit) BitArray() *cmn.BitArray {
if commit.bitArray == nil {
commit.bitArray = cmn.NewBitArray(len(commit.Precommits))
for i, precommit := range commit.Precommits {
// TODO: need to check the BlockID otherwise we could be counting conflicts,
// not just the one with +2/3 !
commit.bitArray.SetIndex(i, precommit != nil)
return commit.bitArray
// GetByIndex returns the vote corresponding to a given validator index
func (commit *Commit) GetByIndex(index int) *Vote {
return commit.Precommits[index]
// IsCommit returns true if there is at least one vote
func (commit *Commit) IsCommit() bool {
return len(commit.Precommits) != 0
// ValidateBasic performs basic validation that doesn't involve state data.
func (commit *Commit) ValidateBasic() error {
if commit.BlockID.IsZero() {
return errors.New("Commit cannot be for nil block")
if len(commit.Precommits) == 0 {
return errors.New("No precommits in commit")
height, round := commit.Height(), commit.Round()
// validate the precommits
for _, precommit := range commit.Precommits {
// It's OK for precommits to be missing.
if precommit == nil {
// Ensure that all votes are precommits
if precommit.Type != VoteTypePrecommit {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid commit vote. Expected precommit, got %v",
// Ensure that all heights are the same
if precommit.Height != height {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid commit precommit height. Expected %v, got %v",
height, precommit.Height)
// Ensure that all rounds are the same
if precommit.Round != round {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid commit precommit round. Expected %v, got %v",
round, precommit.Round)
return nil
// Hash returns the hash of the commit
func (commit *Commit) Hash() cmn.HexBytes {
if commit.hash == nil {
bs := make([]merkle.Hasher, len(commit.Precommits))
for i, precommit := range commit.Precommits {
bs[i] = aminoHasher(precommit)
commit.hash = merkle.SimpleHashFromHashers(bs)
return commit.hash
// StringIndented returns a string representation of the commit
func (commit *Commit) StringIndented(indent string) string {
if commit == nil {
return "nil-Commit"
precommitStrings := make([]string, len(commit.Precommits))
for i, precommit := range commit.Precommits {
precommitStrings[i] = precommit.String()
return fmt.Sprintf(`Commit{
%s BlockID: %v
%s Precommits: %v
indent, commit.BlockID,
indent, strings.Join(precommitStrings, "\n"+indent+" "),
indent, commit.hash)
// SignedHeader is a header along with the commits that prove it
type SignedHeader struct {
Header *Header `json:"header"`
Commit *Commit `json:"commit"`
// Data contains the set of transactions included in the block
type Data struct {
// Txs that will be applied by state @ block.Height+1.
// NOTE: not all txs here are valid. We're just agreeing on the order first.
// This means that block.AppHash does not include these txs.
Txs Txs `json:"txs"`
// Volatile
hash cmn.HexBytes
// Hash returns the hash of the data
func (data *Data) Hash() cmn.HexBytes {
if data.hash == nil {
data.hash = data.Txs.Hash() // NOTE: leaves of merkle tree are TxIDs
return data.hash
// StringIndented returns a string representation of the transactions
func (data *Data) StringIndented(indent string) string {
if data == nil {
return "nil-Data"
txStrings := make([]string, cmn.MinInt(len(data.Txs), 21))
for i, tx := range data.Txs {
if i == 20 {
txStrings[i] = fmt.Sprintf("... (%v total)", len(data.Txs))
txStrings[i] = fmt.Sprintf("Tx:%v", tx)
return fmt.Sprintf(`Data{
%s %v
indent, strings.Join(txStrings, "\n"+indent+" "),
indent, data.hash)
// EvidenceData contains any evidence of malicious wrong-doing by validators
type EvidenceData struct {
Evidence EvidenceList `json:"evidence"`
// Volatile
hash cmn.HexBytes
// Hash returns the hash of the data.
func (data *EvidenceData) Hash() cmn.HexBytes {
if data.hash == nil {
data.hash = data.Evidence.Hash()
return data.hash
// StringIndented returns a string representation of the evidence.
func (data *EvidenceData) StringIndented(indent string) string {
if data == nil {
return "nil-Evidence"
evStrings := make([]string, cmn.MinInt(len(data.Evidence), 21))
for i, ev := range data.Evidence {
if i == 20 {
evStrings[i] = fmt.Sprintf("... (%v total)", len(data.Evidence))
evStrings[i] = fmt.Sprintf("Evidence:%v", ev)
return fmt.Sprintf(`Data{
%s %v
indent, strings.Join(evStrings, "\n"+indent+" "),
indent, data.hash)
return ""
// BlockID defines the unique ID of a block as its Hash and its PartSetHeader
type BlockID struct {
Hash cmn.HexBytes `json:"hash"`
PartsHeader PartSetHeader `json:"parts"`
// IsZero returns true if this is the BlockID for a nil-block
func (blockID BlockID) IsZero() bool {
return len(blockID.Hash) == 0 && blockID.PartsHeader.IsZero()
// Equals returns true if the BlockID matches the given BlockID
func (blockID BlockID) Equals(other BlockID) bool {
return bytes.Equal(blockID.Hash, other.Hash) &&
// Key returns a machine-readable string representation of the BlockID
func (blockID BlockID) Key() string {
bz, err := cdc.MarshalBinaryBare(blockID.PartsHeader)
if err != nil {
return string(blockID.Hash) + string(bz)
// String returns a human readable string representation of the BlockID
func (blockID BlockID) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`%v:%v`, blockID.Hash, blockID.PartsHeader)
type hasher struct {
item interface{}
func (h hasher) Hash() []byte {
hasher := ripemd160.New()
if h.item != nil && !cmn.IsTypedNil(h.item) && !cmn.IsEmpty(h.item) {
bz, err := cdc.MarshalBinaryBare(h.item)
if err != nil {
_, err = hasher.Write(bz)
if err != nil {
return hasher.Sum(nil)
func aminoHash(item interface{}) []byte {
h := hasher{item}
return h.Hash()
func aminoHasher(item interface{}) merkle.Hasher {
return hasher{item}