
1129 lines
37 KiB

Consensus State Machine Overview:
* NewHeight, NewRound, Propose, Prevote, Precommit represent state machine steps. (aka RoundStep).
* To "prevote/precommit" something means to broadcast a prevote/precommit vote for something.
* During NewHeight/NewRound/Propose/Prevote/Precommit:
* Nodes gossip the locked proposal, if locked on a proposal.
* Nodes gossip the proposal proposed by the designated proposer for that round.
* Nodes gossip prevotes/precommits for rounds [0...currentRound+1] (currentRound+1 for catch-up)
* Upon each state transition, the height/round/step is broadcast to neighboring peers.
* The set of +2/3 of precommits from the same round for a block "commits the block".
* NewRound:
* Set up new round. --> Then, goto Propose
* Propose:
* Upon entering Propose:
* The designated proposer proposes a block.
* The Propose step ends:
* After `timeoutPropose` after entering Propose. --> Then, goto Prevote
* After receiving proposal block and POL prevotes are ready. --> Then, goto Prevote
* After any +2/3 prevotes received for the next round. --> Then, goto Prevote next round
* After any +2/3 precommits received for the next round. --> Then, goto Precommit next round
* After +2/3 precommits received for a particular block. --> Then, goto Commit
* Prevote:
* Upon entering Prevote, each validator broadcasts its prevote vote.
* If the validator is locked on a block, it prevotes that.
* Else, if the proposed block from the previous step is good, it prevotes that.
* Else, if the proposal is invalid or wasn't received on time, it prevotes <nil>.
* The Prevote step ends:
* After +2/3 prevotes for a particular block or <nil>. --> Then, goto Precommit
* After `timeoutPrevote` after receiving any +2/3 prevotes. --> Then, goto Precommit
* After any +2/3 prevotes received for the next round. --> Then, goto Prevote next round
* After any +2/3 precommits received for the next round. --> Then, goto Precommit next round
* After +2/3 precommits received for a particular block. --> Then, goto Commit
* Precommit:
* Upon entering Precommit, each validator broadcasts its precommit vote.
* If the validator had seen +2/3 of prevotes for a particular block,
it locks (changes lock to) that block and precommits that block.
* Else, if the validator had seen +2/3 of prevotes for nil, it unlocks and precommits <nil>.
* Else, if +2/3 of prevotes for a particular block or nil is not received on time,
it precommits what it's locked on, or <nil>.
* The Precommit step ends:
* After +2/3 precommits for a particular block. --> Then, goto Commit
* After +2/3 precommits for <nil>. --> Then, goto NewRound next round
* After `timeoutPrecommit` after receiving any +2/3 precommits. --> Then, goto NewRound next round
* After any +2/3 prevotes received for the next round. --> Then, goto Prevote next round
* After any +2/3 precommits received for the next round. --> Then, goto Precommit next round
* Commit:
* Set CommitTime = now
* Wait until block is received, then goto NewHeight
* NewHeight:
* Upon entering NewHeight,
* Move Precommits to LastCommit and increment height.
* Wait until `CommitTime+timeoutCommit` to receive straggler commits. --> Then, goto NewRound round 0
* Proof of Safety:
If a good validator commits at round R, it's because it saw +2/3 of precommits for round R.
This implies that (assuming tolerance bounds) +1/3 of honest nodes are still locked at round R+1.
These locked validators will remain locked until they see +2/3 prevote for something
else, but this won't happen because +1/3 are locked and honest.
* Proof of Liveness:
Lemma 1: If +1/3 good nodes are locked on two different blocks, the proposers' POLRound will
eventually cause nodes locked from the earlier round to unlock.
-> `timeoutProposalR` increments with round R, while the block.size && POL prevote size
are fixed, so eventually we'll be able to "fully gossip" the block & POL.
TODO: cap the block.size at something reasonable.
Lemma 2: If a good node is at round R, neighboring good nodes will soon catch up to round R.
v |(Wait til `CommmitTime+timeoutCommit`)
+-----------+ +-----+-----+
+----------> | Propose +--------------+ | NewHeight |
| +-----------+ | +-----------+
| | ^
|(Else, after timeoutPrecommit) v |
+-----+-----+ +-----------+ |
| Precommit | <------------------------+ Prevote | |
+-----+-----+ +-----------+ |
|(When +2/3 Precommits for block found) |
v |
| Commit |
| |
| * Set CommitTime = now; |
| * Wait for block, then stage/save/commit block; |
package consensus
import (
bc "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blockchain"
. "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/common"
. "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/consensus/types"
mempl "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/mempool"
sm "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/state"
var (
timeoutPropose = 3000 * time.Millisecond // Maximum duration of RoundStepPropose
timeoutPrevote0 = 1000 * time.Millisecond // After any +2/3 prevotes received, wait this long for stragglers.
timeoutPrevoteDelta = 0500 * time.Millisecond // timeoutPrevoteN is timeoutPrevote0 + timeoutPrevoteDelta*N
timeoutPrecommit0 = 1000 * time.Millisecond // After any +2/3 precommits received, wait this long for stragglers.
timeoutPrecommitDelta = 0500 * time.Millisecond // timeoutPrecommitN is timeoutPrecommit0 + timeoutPrecommitDelta*N
timeoutCommit = 2000 * time.Millisecond // After +2/3 commits received for committed block, wait this long for stragglers in the next height's RoundStepNewHeight.
var (
ErrInvalidProposalSignature = errors.New("Error invalid proposal signature")
// RoundStepType enum type
type RoundStepType uint8 // These must be numeric, ordered.
const (
RoundStepNewHeight = RoundStepType(0x01) // Wait til CommitTime + timeoutCommit
RoundStepNewRound = RoundStepType(0x02) // Setup new round and go to RoundStepPropose
RoundStepPropose = RoundStepType(0x03) // Did propose, gossip proposal
RoundStepPrevote = RoundStepType(0x04) // Did prevote, gossip prevotes
RoundStepPrevoteWait = RoundStepType(0x05) // Did receive any +2/3 prevotes, start timeout
RoundStepPrecommit = RoundStepType(0x06) // Did precommit, gossip precommits
RoundStepPrecommitWait = RoundStepType(0x07) // Did receive any +2/3 precommits, start timeout
RoundStepCommit = RoundStepType(0x08) // Entered commit state machine
// NOTE: RoundStepNewHeight acts as RoundStepCommitWait.
func (rs RoundStepType) String() string {
switch rs {
case RoundStepNewHeight:
return "RoundStepNewHeight"
case RoundStepNewRound:
return "RoundStepNewRound"
case RoundStepPropose:
return "RoundStepPropose"
case RoundStepPrevote:
return "RoundStepPrevote"
case RoundStepPrevoteWait:
return "RoundStepPrevoteWait"
case RoundStepPrecommit:
return "RoundStepPrecommit"
case RoundStepPrecommitWait:
return "RoundStepPrecommitWait"
case RoundStepCommit:
return "RoundStepCommit"
panic(Fmt("Unknown RoundStep %X", rs))
// Immutable when returned from ConsensusState.GetRoundState()
type RoundState struct {
Height uint // Height we are working on
Round uint
Step RoundStepType
StartTime time.Time
CommitTime time.Time // Subjective time when +2/3 precommits for Block at Round were found
Validators *sm.ValidatorSet
Proposal *Proposal
ProposalBlock *types.Block
ProposalBlockParts *types.PartSet
LockedBlock *types.Block
LockedBlockParts *types.PartSet
Votes *HeightVoteSet
LastCommit *VoteSet // Last precommits for Height-1
func (rs *RoundState) String() string {
return rs.StringIndented("")
func (rs *RoundState) StringIndented(indent string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`RoundState{
%s H:%v R:%v S:%v
%s StartTime: %v
%s CommitTime: %v
%s Validators: %v
%s Proposal: %v
%s ProposalBlock: %v %v
%s LockedBlock: %v %v
%s Votes: %v
%s LastCommit: %v
indent, rs.Height, rs.Round, rs.Step,
indent, rs.StartTime,
indent, rs.CommitTime,
indent, rs.Validators.StringIndented(indent+" "),
indent, rs.Proposal,
indent, rs.ProposalBlockParts.StringShort(), rs.ProposalBlock.StringShort(),
indent, rs.LockedBlockParts.StringShort(), rs.LockedBlock.StringShort(),
indent, rs.Votes.StringIndented(indent+" "),
indent, rs.LastCommit.StringShort(),
func (rs *RoundState) StringShort() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`RoundState{H:%v R:%v S:%v ST:%v}`,
rs.Height, rs.Round, rs.Step, rs.StartTime)
// Tracks consensus state across block heights and rounds.
type ConsensusState struct {
started uint32
stopped uint32
quit chan struct{}
blockStore *bc.BlockStore
mempoolReactor *mempl.MempoolReactor
privValidator *sm.PrivValidator
newStepCh chan *RoundState
mtx sync.Mutex
state *sm.State // State until height-1.
stagedBlock *types.Block // Cache last staged block.
stagedState *sm.State // Cache result of staged block.
evsw events.Fireable
evc *events.EventCache // set in stageBlock and passed into state
func NewConsensusState(state *sm.State, blockStore *bc.BlockStore, mempoolReactor *mempl.MempoolReactor) *ConsensusState {
cs := &ConsensusState{
quit: make(chan struct{}),
blockStore: blockStore,
mempoolReactor: mempoolReactor,
newStepCh: make(chan *RoundState, 10),
cs.updateToState(state, true)
return cs
// Reconstruct LastCommit from SeenValidation, which we saved along with the block,
// (which happens even before saving the state)
func (cs *ConsensusState) reconstructLastCommit(state *sm.State) {
if state.LastBlockHeight == 0 {
lastPrecommits := NewVoteSet(state.LastBlockHeight, 0, types.VoteTypePrecommit, state.LastBondedValidators)
seenValidation := cs.blockStore.LoadSeenValidation(state.LastBlockHeight)
for idx, precommit := range seenValidation.Precommits {
precommitVote := &types.Vote{
Height: state.LastBlockHeight,
Round: seenValidation.Round,
Type: types.VoteTypePrecommit,
BlockHash: state.LastBlockHash,
BlockParts: state.LastBlockParts,
Signature: precommit.Signature,
added, _, err := lastPrecommits.AddByIndex(uint(idx), precommitVote)
if !added || err != nil {
panic(Fmt("Failed to reconstruct LastCommit: %v", err))
if !lastPrecommits.HasTwoThirdsMajority() {
panic("Failed to reconstruct LastCommit: Does not have +2/3 maj")
cs.LastCommit = lastPrecommits
func (cs *ConsensusState) GetState() *sm.State {
defer cs.mtx.Unlock()
return cs.state.Copy()
func (cs *ConsensusState) GetRoundState() *RoundState {
defer cs.mtx.Unlock()
return cs.getRoundState()
func (cs *ConsensusState) getRoundState() *RoundState {
rs := cs.RoundState // copy
return &rs
func (cs *ConsensusState) NewStepCh() chan *RoundState {
return cs.newStepCh
func (cs *ConsensusState) Start() {
if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&cs.started, 0, 1) {
log.Info("Starting ConsensusState")
func (cs *ConsensusState) scheduleRound0(height uint) {
sleepDuration := cs.StartTime.Sub(time.Now())
go func() {
if sleepDuration > 0 {
cs.EnterNewRound(height, 0)
func (cs *ConsensusState) Stop() {
if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&cs.stopped, 0, 1) {
log.Info("Stopping ConsensusState")
func (cs *ConsensusState) IsStopped() bool {
return atomic.LoadUint32(&cs.stopped) == 1
// Updates ConsensusState and increments height to match that of state.
// The round becomes 0 and cs.Step becomes RoundStepNewHeight.
func (cs *ConsensusState) updateToState(state *sm.State, contiguous bool) {
if contiguous && cs.Height > 0 && cs.Height != state.LastBlockHeight {
panic(Fmt("updateToState() expected state height of %v but found %v",
cs.Height, state.LastBlockHeight))
// Reset fields based on state.
validators := state.BondedValidators
height := state.LastBlockHeight + 1 // next desired block height
lastPrecommits := (*VoteSet)(nil)
if contiguous && cs.Votes != nil {
lastPrecommits = cs.Votes.Precommits(cs.Round)
// RoundState fields
cs.Height = height
cs.Round = 0
cs.Step = RoundStepNewHeight
if cs.CommitTime.IsZero() {
// "Now" makes it easier to sync up dev nodes.
// We add timeoutCommit to allow transactions
// to be gathered for the first block.
// And alternative solution that relies on clocks:
// cs.StartTime = state.LastBlockTime.Add(timeoutCommit)
cs.StartTime = time.Now().Add(timeoutCommit)
} else {
cs.StartTime = cs.CommitTime.Add(timeoutCommit)
cs.CommitTime = time.Time{}
cs.Validators = validators
cs.Proposal = nil
cs.ProposalBlock = nil
cs.ProposalBlockParts = nil
cs.LockedBlock = nil
cs.LockedBlockParts = nil
cs.Votes = NewHeightVoteSet(height, validators)
cs.LastCommit = lastPrecommits
cs.state = state
cs.stagedBlock = nil
cs.stagedState = nil
// Finally, broadcast RoundState
cs.newStepCh <- cs.getRoundState()
// If we're unbonded, broadcast RebondTx.
func (cs *ConsensusState) maybeRebond() {
if cs.privValidator == nil || !cs.state.UnbondingValidators.HasAddress(cs.privValidator.Address) {
rebondTx := &types.RebondTx{
Address: cs.privValidator.Address,
Height: cs.Height,
err := cs.privValidator.SignRebondTx(cs.state.ChainID, rebondTx)
if err == nil {
err := cs.mempoolReactor.BroadcastTx(rebondTx)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to broadcast RebondTx",
"height", cs.Height, "round", cs.Round, "tx", rebondTx, "error", err)
} else {
log.Info("Signed and broadcast RebondTx",
"height", cs.Height, "round", cs.Round, "tx", rebondTx)
} else {
log.Warn("Error signing RebondTx", "height", cs.Height, "round", cs.Round, "tx", rebondTx, "error", err)
func (cs *ConsensusState) SetPrivValidator(priv *sm.PrivValidator) {
defer cs.mtx.Unlock()
cs.privValidator = priv
// Enter: +2/3 precommits for nil from previous round
// Enter: `timeoutPrecommits` after any +2/3 precommits
// Enter: `commitTime+timeoutCommit` from NewHeight
// NOTE: cs.StartTime was already set for height.
func (cs *ConsensusState) EnterNewRound(height uint, round uint) {
defer cs.mtx.Unlock()
if cs.Height != height || cs.Round >= round {
log.Debug(Fmt("EnterNewRound(%v/%v): Invalid args. Current step: %v/%v/%v", height, round, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step))
if now := time.Now(); cs.StartTime.After(now) {
log.Warn("Need to set a buffer and log.Warn() here for sanity.", "startTime", cs.StartTime, "now", now)
// Increment validators if necessary
if cs.Round < round {
validators := cs.Validators.Copy()
validators.IncrementAccum(round - cs.Round)
// Setup new round
cs.Round = round
cs.Step = RoundStepNewRound
cs.Validators = validators
cs.Proposal = nil
cs.ProposalBlock = nil
cs.ProposalBlockParts = nil
cs.Votes.SetRound(round + 1) // track next round.
// Immediately go to EnterPropose.
go cs.EnterPropose(height, round)
// Enter: from NewRound.
func (cs *ConsensusState) EnterPropose(height uint, round uint) {
defer cs.mtx.Unlock()
if cs.Height != height || cs.Round > round || (cs.Round == round && cs.Step >= RoundStepPropose) {
log.Debug(Fmt("EnterPropose(%v/%v): Invalid args. Current step: %v/%v/%v", height, round, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step))
defer func() {
// Done EnterPropose:
cs.Round = round
cs.Step = RoundStepPropose
cs.newStepCh <- cs.getRoundState()
// If we already have the proposal + POL, then goto Prevote
if cs.isProposalComplete() {
go cs.EnterPrevote(height, round)
// This step times out after `timeoutPropose`
go func() {
cs.EnterPrevote(height, round)
// Nothing to do if it's not our turn.
if cs.privValidator == nil {
// See if it is our turn to propose
if !bytes.Equal(cs.Validators.Proposer().Address, cs.privValidator.Address) {
log.Debug("EnterPropose: Not our turn to propose", "proposer", cs.Validators.Proposer().Address, "privValidator", cs.privValidator)
} else {
log.Debug("EnterPropose: Our turn to propose", "proposer", cs.Validators.Proposer().Address, "privValidator", cs.privValidator)
// We are going to propose a block.
var block *types.Block
var blockParts *types.PartSet
// Decide on block
if cs.LockedBlock != nil {
// If we're locked onto a block, just choose that.
block, blockParts = cs.LockedBlock, cs.LockedBlockParts
} else {
// Create a new proposal block from state/txs from the mempool.
block, blockParts = cs.createProposalBlock()
// Make proposal
proposal := NewProposal(cs.Height, cs.Round, blockParts.Header(), cs.Votes.POLRound())
err := cs.privValidator.SignProposal(cs.state.ChainID, proposal)
if err == nil {
log.Info("Signed and set proposal", "height", cs.Height, "round", cs.Round, "proposal", proposal)
log.Debug(Fmt("Signed and set proposal block: %v", block))
// Set fields
cs.Proposal = proposal
cs.ProposalBlock = block
cs.ProposalBlockParts = blockParts
} else {
log.Warn("EnterPropose: Error signing proposal", "height", cs.Height, "round", cs.Round, "error", err)
func (cs *ConsensusState) isProposalComplete() bool {
if cs.Proposal == nil || cs.ProposalBlock == nil {
return false
return cs.Votes.Prevote(cs.Proposal.POLRound).HasTwoThirdsMajority()
// Create the next block to propose and return it.
// NOTE: make it side-effect free for clarity.
func (cs *ConsensusState) createProposalBlock() (*types.Block, *types.PartSet) {
var validation *types.Validation
if cs.Height == 1 {
// We're creating a proposal for the first block.
// The validation is empty, but not nil.
validation = &types.Validation{}
} else if cs.LastCommit.HasTwoThirdsMajority() {
// Make the validation from LastCommit
validation = cs.LastCommit.MakeValidation()
} else {
// This shouldn't happen.
log.Error("EnterPropose: Cannot propose anything: No validation for the previous block.")
txs := cs.mempoolReactor.Mempool.GetProposalTxs()
block = &types.Block{
Header: &types.Header{
ChainID: cs.state.ChainID,
Height: cs.Height,
Time: time.Now(),
Fees: 0, // TODO fees
NumTxs: uint(len(txs)),
LastBlockHash: cs.state.LastBlockHash,
LastBlockParts: cs.state.LastBlockParts,
StateHash: nil, // Will set afterwards.
Validation: validation,
Data: &types.Data{
Txs: txs,
// Set the block.Header.StateHash.
err := cs.state.ComputeBlockStateHash(block)
if err != nil {
log.Error("EnterPropose: Error setting state hash", "error", err)
blockParts = block.MakePartSet()
return block, blockParts
// Enter: `timeoutPropose` after start of Propose.
// Enter: proposal block and POL is ready.
// Enter: any +2/3 prevotes for next round.
// Prevote for LockedBlock if we're locked, or ProposealBlock if valid.
// Otherwise vote nil.
func (cs *ConsensusState) EnterPrevote(height uint, round uint) {
defer cs.mtx.Unlock()
if cs.Height != height || cs.Round > round || (cs.Round == round && cs.Step >= RoundStepPrevote) {
log.Debug(Fmt("EnterPrevote(%v/%v): Invalid args. Current step: %v/%v/%v", height, round, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step))
defer func() {
// Done EnterPrevote:
cs.Round = round
cs.Step = RoundStepPrevote
cs.newStepCh <- cs.getRoundState()
// Maybe immediately go to EnterPrevoteWait.
if cs.Votes.Prevotes(round).HasTwoThirdsAny() {
go cs.EnterPrevoteWait(height, round)
// Sign and broadcast vote as necessary
cs.doPrevote(height, round)
func (cs *ConsensusState) doPrevote(height uint, round uint) {
// If a block is locked, prevote that.
if cs.LockedBlock != nil {
log.Debug("EnterPrevote: Block was locked")
cs.signAddVote(types.VoteTypePrevote, cs.LockedBlock.Hash(), cs.LockedBlockParts.Header())
// If ProposalBlock is nil, prevote nil.
if cs.ProposalBlock == nil {
log.Warn("EnterPrevote: ProposalBlock is nil")
cs.signAddVote(types.VoteTypePrevote, nil, types.PartSetHeader{})
// Try staging cs.ProposalBlock
err := cs.stageBlock(cs.ProposalBlock, cs.ProposalBlockParts)
if err != nil {
// ProposalBlock is invalid, prevote nil.
log.Warn("EnterPrevote: ProposalBlock is invalid", "error", err)
cs.signAddVote(types.VoteTypePrevote, nil, types.PartSetHeader{})
// Prevote cs.ProposalBlock
cs.signAddVote(types.VoteTypePrevote, cs.ProposalBlock.Hash(), cs.ProposalBlockParts.Header())
// Enter: any +2/3 prevotes for next round.
func (cs *ConsensusState) EnterPrevoteWait(height uint, round uint) {
defer cs.mtx.Unlock()
if cs.Height != height || cs.Round > round || (cs.Round == round && cs.Step >= RoundStepPrevoteWait) {
log.Debug(Fmt("EnterPrevoteWait(%v/%v): Invalid args. Current step: %v/%v/%v", height, round, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step))
if !cs.Votes.Prevotes(round).HasTwoThirdsAny() {
panic(Fmt("EnterPrevoteWait(%v/%v), but Prevotes does not have any +2/3 votes", height, round))
// Done EnterPrevoteWait:
cs.Round = round
cs.Step = RoundStepPrevoteWait
cs.newStepCh <- cs.getRoundState()
// After `timeoutPrevote`, EnterPrecommit()
go func() {
cs.EnterPrecommit(height, round)
// Enter: +2/3 precomits for block or nil.
// Enter: `timeoutPrevote` after any +2/3 prevotes.
// Enter: any +2/3 precommits for next round.
// Lock & precommit the ProposalBlock if we have enough prevotes for it,
// else, unlock an existing lock and precommit nil if +2/3 of prevotes were nil,
// else, precommit locked block or nil otherwise.
func (cs *ConsensusState) EnterPrecommit(height uint, round uint) {
defer cs.mtx.Unlock()
if cs.Height != height || cs.Round > round || (cs.Round == round && cs.Step >= RoundStepPrecommit) {
log.Debug(Fmt("EnterPrecommit(%v/%v): Invalid args. Current step: %v/%v/%v", height, round, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step))
defer func() {
// Done EnterPrecommit:
cs.Round = round
cs.Step = RoundStepPrecommit
cs.newStepCh <- cs.getRoundState()
// Maybe immediately go to EnterPrecommitWait.
if cs.Votes.Precommits(round).HasTwoThirdsAny() {
go cs.EnterPrecommitWait(height, round)
hash, partsHeader, ok := cs.Votes.Prevotes(round).TwoThirdsMajority()
// If we don't have two thirds of prevotes, just precommit locked block or nil
if !ok {
if cs.LockedBlock != nil {
log.Info("EnterPrecommit: No +2/3 prevotes during EnterPrecommit. Precommitting lock.")
cs.signAddVote(types.VoteTypePrecommit, cs.LockedBlock.Hash(), cs.LockedBlockParts.Header())
} else {
log.Info("EnterPrecommit: No +2/3 prevotes during EnterPrecommit. Precommitting nil.")
cs.signAddVote(types.VoteTypePrecommit, nil, types.PartSetHeader{})
// +2/3 prevoted nil. Unlock and precommit nil.
if len(hash) == 0 {
if cs.LockedBlock == nil {
log.Info("EnterPrecommit: +2/3 prevoted for nil.")
} else {
log.Info("EnterPrecommit: +2/3 prevoted for nil. Unlocking")
cs.LockedBlock = nil
cs.LockedBlockParts = nil
cs.signAddVote(types.VoteTypePrecommit, nil, types.PartSetHeader{})
// At this point, +2/3 prevoted for a particular block.
// If +2/3 prevoted for already locked block, precommit it.
if cs.LockedBlock.HashesTo(hash) {
log.Info("EnterPrecommit: +2/3 prevoted locked block.")
cs.signAddVote(types.VoteTypePrecommit, hash, partsHeader)
// If +2/3 prevoted for proposal block, stage and precommit it
if cs.ProposalBlock.HashesTo(hash) {
log.Info("EnterPrecommit: +2/3 prevoted proposal block.")
// Validate the block.
if err := cs.stageBlock(cs.ProposalBlock, cs.ProposalBlockParts); err != nil {
panic(Fmt("EnterPrecommit: +2/3 prevoted for an invalid block: %v", err))
cs.LockedBlock = cs.ProposalBlock
cs.LockedBlockParts = cs.ProposalBlockParts
cs.signAddVote(types.VoteTypePrecommit, hash, partsHeader)
// Otherwise, we need to fetch the +2/3 prevoted block.
// We don't have the block yet so we can't lock/precommit it.
cs.LockedBlock = nil
cs.LockedBlockParts = nil
if !cs.ProposalBlockParts.HasHeader(partsHeader) {
cs.ProposalBlock = nil
cs.ProposalBlockParts = types.NewPartSetFromHeader(partsHeader)
cs.signAddVote(types.VoteTypePrecommit, nil, PartSetHeader{})
// Enter: any +2/3 precommits for next round.
func (cs *ConsensusState) EnterPrecommitWait(height uint, round uint) {
defer cs.mtx.Unlock()
if cs.Height != height || cs.Round > round || (cs.Round == round && cs.Step >= RoundStepPrecommitWait) {
log.Debug(Fmt("EnterPrecommitWait(%v/%v): Invalid args. Current step: %v/%v/%v", height, round, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step))
if !cs.Votes.Precommits(round).HasTwoThirdsAny() {
panic(Fmt("EnterPrecommitWait(%v/%v), but Precommits does not have any +2/3 votes", height, round))
// Done EnterPrecommitWait:
cs.Round = round
cs.Step = RoundStepPrecommitWait
cs.newStepCh <- cs.getRoundState()
// After `timeoutPrecommit`, EnterNewRound()
go func() {
// If we have +2/3 of precommits for a particular block (or nil),
// we already entered commit (or the next round).
// So just try to transition to the next round,
// which is what we'd do otherwise.
cs.EnterNewRound(height, round+1)
// Enter: +2/3 precommits for block
func (cs *ConsensusState) EnterCommit(height uint) {
defer cs.mtx.Unlock()
if cs.Height != height || cs.Step >= RoundStepCommit {
log.Debug(Fmt("EnterCommit(%v): Invalid args. Current step: %v/%v/%v", height, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step))
defer func() {
// Done Entercommit:
// keep ca.Round the same, it points to the right Precommits set.
cs.Step = RoundStepCommit
cs.newStepCh <- cs.getRoundState()
// Maybe finalize immediately.
hash, partsHeader, ok := cs.Precommits.TwoThirdsMajority()
if !ok {
panic("RunActionCommit() expects +2/3 precommits")
// The Locked* fields no longer matter.
// Move them over to ProposalBlock if they match the commit hash,
// otherwise they can now be cleared.
if cs.LockedBlock.HashesTo(hash) {
cs.ProposalBlock = cs.LockedBlock
cs.ProposalBlockParts = cs.LockedBlockParts
cs.LockedBlock = nil
cs.LockedBlockParts = nil
} else {
cs.LockedBlock = nil
cs.LockedBlockParts = nil
// If we don't have the block being committed, set up to get it.
if !cs.ProposalBlock.HashesTo(hash) {
if !cs.ProposalBlockParts.HasHeader(partsHeader) {
// We're getting the wrong block.
// Set up ProposalBlockParts and keep waiting.
cs.ProposalBlock = nil
cs.ProposalBlockParts = types.NewPartSetFromHeader(partsHeader)
} else {
// We just need to keep waiting.
} else {
// We have the block, so sign a Commit-vote.
cs.commitVoteBlock(cs.ProposalBlock, cs.ProposalBlockParts)
// If we have the block AND +2/3 commits for it, finalize.
func (cs *ConsensusState) TryFinalizeCommit(height uint) {
if cs.ProposalBlock.HashesTo(hash) && cs.Commits.HasTwoThirdsMajority() {
go cs.FinalizeCommit(height)
// Increment height and goto RoundStepNewHeight
func (cs *ConsensusState) FinalizeCommit(height uint) {
defer cs.mtx.Unlock()
if cs.Height != height || cs.Step != RoundStepCommit {
log.Debug(Fmt("FinalizeCommit(%v): Invalid args. Current step: %v/%v/%v", height, cs.Height, cs.Round, cs.Step))
hash, header, ok := cs.Commits.TwoThirdsMajority()
if !ok {
panic(Fmt("Cannot FinalizeCommit, commit does not have two thirds majority"))
if !cs.ProposalBlockParts.HasHeader(header) {
panic(Fmt("Expected ProposalBlockParts header to be commit header"))
if !cs.ProposalBlock.HashesTo(hash) {
panic(Fmt("Cannot FinalizeCommit, ProposalBlock does not hash to commit hash"))
if err := cs.stageBlock(cs.ProposalBlock, cs.ProposalBlockParts); err != nil {
panic(Fmt("+2/3 committed an invalid block: %v", err))
log.Debug(Fmt("Finalizing commit of block: %v", cs.ProposalBlock))
// We have the block, so stage/save/commit-vote.
cs.saveBlock(cs.ProposalBlock, cs.ProposalBlockParts, cs.Commits)
cs.commitVoteBlock(cs.ProposalBlock, cs.ProposalBlockParts, cs.Commits)
// Fire off event
go func() {
cs.evsw.FireEvent(types.EventStringNewBlock(), cs.ProposalBlock)
// Increment height.
cs.updateToState(cs.stagedState, true)
// If we're unbonded, broadcast RebondTx.
// By here,
// * cs.Height has been increment to height+1
// * cs.Step is now RoundStepNewHeight
// * cs.StartTime is set to when we should start round0.
// Start round 0 when cs.StartTime.
go cs.scheduleRound0(height)
func (cs *ConsensusState) SetProposal(proposal *Proposal) error {
defer cs.mtx.Unlock()
// Already have one
if cs.Proposal != nil {
return nil
// Does not apply
if proposal.Height != cs.Height || proposal.Round != cs.Round {
return nil
// We don't care about the proposal if we're already in RoundStepCommit.
if cs.Step >= RoundStepCommit {
return nil
// Verify signature
if !cs.Validators.Proposer().PubKey.VerifyBytes(account.SignBytes(cs.state.ChainID, proposal), proposal.Signature) {
return ErrInvalidProposalSignature
cs.Proposal = proposal
cs.ProposalBlockParts = types.NewPartSetFromHeader(proposal.BlockParts)
return nil
// NOTE: block is not necessarily valid.
func (cs *ConsensusState) AddProposalBlockPart(height uint, round uint, part *types.Part) (added bool, err error) {
defer cs.mtx.Unlock()
// Blocks might be reused, so round mismatch is OK
if cs.Height != height {
return false, nil
// We're not expecting a block part.
if cs.ProposalBlockParts == nil {
return false, nil // TODO: bad peer? Return error?
added, err = cs.ProposalBlockParts.AddPart(part)
if err != nil {
return added, err
if added && cs.ProposalBlockParts.IsComplete() {
var n int64
var err error
cs.ProposalBlock = binary.ReadBinary(&types.Block{}, cs.ProposalBlockParts.GetReader(), &n, &err).(*types.Block)
log.Debug("Received complete proposal", "hash", cs.ProposalBlock.Hash())
if cs.Step == RoundStepPropose && cs.isProposalComplete() {
go cs.EnterPrevote(height, round)
} else if cs.Step == RoundStepCommit {
return true, err
return true, nil
func (cs *ConsensusState) AddVote(address []byte, vote *types.Vote) (added bool, index uint, err error) {
defer cs.mtx.Unlock()
return cs.addVote(address, vote)
func (cs *ConsensusState) addVote(address []byte, vote *types.Vote) (added bool, index uint, err error) {
// A precommit for the previous height?
if vote.Height+1 == cs.Height && vote.Type == types.VoteTypePrecommit {
added, index, err = cs.LastCommit.AddByAddress(address, vote)
if added {
log.Debug(Fmt("Added to lastPrecommits: %v", cs.LastCommit.StringShort()))
// A prevote/precommit for this height?
if vote.Height == cs.Height {
added, index, err = cs.Votes.AddByAddress(address, vote)
if added {
switch vote.Type {
case types.VoteTypePrevote:
log.Debug(Fmt("Added to prevotes: %v", cs.Votes.Prevotes(vote.Round).StringShort()))
if cs.Round < vote.Round && cs.Votes.Prevotes(vote.Round).HasTwoThirdsAny() {
// Goto to Prevote vote.Round.
go func() {
cs.EnterNewRound(height, vote.Round)
cs.EnterPrevote(height, vote.Round)
cs.EnterPrevoteWait(height, vote.Round)
} else if cs.Round == vote.Round {
if cs.Votes.Prevotes(cs.Round).HasTwoThirdsMajority() {
// Goto Precommit, whether for block or nil.
go cs.EnterPrecommit(height, cs.Round)
} else if cs.Votes.Prevotes(cs.Round).HasTwoThirdsAny() {
// Goto PrevoteWait
go func() {
cs.EnterPrevote(height, cs.Round)
cs.EnterPrevoteWait(height, cs.Round)
} else if cs.Proposal != nil && cs.Proposal.POLRound == vote.Round {
if cs.isProposalComplete() {
go cs.EnterPrevote(height, cs.Round)
case types.VoteTypePrecommit:
log.Debug(Fmt("Added to precommit: %v", cs.Votes.Precommits(vote.Round).StringShort()))
if cs.Round < vote.Round {
if hash, _, ok := cs.Votes.Precommits(cs.Round).TwoThirdsMajority(); ok {
if len(hash) == 0 {
// This is weird, shouldn't happen
log.Warn("This is weird, why did we receive +2/3 of nil precommits?")
// Skip to Precommit of vote.Round
go func() {
cs.EnterNewRound(height, vote.Round)
cs.EnterPrecommit(height, vote.Round)
cs.EnterPrecommitWait(height, vote.Round)
} else {
// If hash is block, goto Commit
go func() {
cs.EnterNewRound(height, vote.Round)
cs.EnterCommit(height, vote.Round)
} else if cs.Votes.Precommits(vote.Round).HasTwoThirdsAny() {
// Skip to Precommit of vote.Round
go func() {
cs.EnterNewRound(height, vote.Round)
cs.EnterPrecommit(height, vote.Round)
cs.EnterPrecommitWait(height, vote.Round)
} else if cs.Round == vote.Round {
if hash, _, ok := cs.Votes.Precommits(cs.Round).TwoThirdsMajority(); ok {
if len(hash) == 0 {
// If hash is nil, goto NewRound
go cs.EnterNewRound(height, cs.Round+1)
} else {
// If hash is block, goto Commit
go cs.EnterCommit(height, cs.Round)
} else if cs.Votes.Precommits(cs.Round).HasTwoThirdsAny() {
// Goto PrecommitWait
go func() {
cs.EnterPrecommit(height, cs.Round)
cs.EnterPrecommitWait(height, cs.Round)
panic(Fmt("Unexpected vote type %X", vote.Type)) // Should not happen.
// Height mismatch, bad peer? TODO
func (cs *ConsensusState) stageBlock(block *types.Block, blockParts *types.PartSet) error {
if block == nil {
panic("Cannot stage nil block")
// Already staged?
blockHash := block.Hash()
if cs.stagedBlock != nil && len(blockHash) != 0 && bytes.Equal(cs.stagedBlock.Hash(), blockHash) {
return nil
// Create a copy of the state for staging
stateCopy := cs.state.Copy()
// reset the event cache and pass it into the state
cs.evc = events.NewEventCache(cs.evsw)
// Commit block onto the copied state.
// NOTE: Basic validation is done in state.AppendBlock().
err := sm.ExecBlock(stateCopy, block, blockParts.Header())
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
cs.stagedBlock = block
cs.stagedState = stateCopy
return nil
func (cs *ConsensusState) signAddVote(type_ byte, hash []byte, header types.PartSetHeader) *types.Vote {
if cs.privValidator == nil || !cs.Validators.HasAddress(cs.privValidator.Address) {
return nil
vote := &types.Vote{
Height: cs.Height,
Round: cs.Round,
Type: type_,
BlockHash: hash,
BlockParts: header,
err := cs.privValidator.SignVote(cs.state.ChainID, vote)
if err == nil {
log.Info("Signed and added vote", "height", cs.Height, "round", cs.Round, "vote", vote)
cs.addVote(cs.privValidator.Address, vote)
return vote
} else {
log.Warn("Error signing vote", "height", cs.Height, "round", cs.Round, "vote", vote, "error", err)
return nil
// Save Block, save the +2/3 Commits we've seen
func (cs *ConsensusState) saveBlock(block *types.Block, blockParts *types.PartSet, commits *VoteSet) {
// The proposal must be valid.
if err := cs.stageBlock(block, blockParts); err != nil {
panic(Fmt("saveBlock() an invalid block: %v", err))
// Save to blockStore.
if cs.blockStore.Height() < block.Height {
seenValidation := commits.MakeValidation()
cs.blockStore.SaveBlock(block, blockParts, seenValidation)
// Save the state.
// Update mempool.
cs.mempoolReactor.Mempool.ResetForBlockAndState(block, cs.stagedState)
// implements events.Eventable
func (cs *ConsensusState) SetFireable(evsw events.Fireable) {
cs.evsw = evsw