
310 lines
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// Package pubsub implements a pub-sub model with a single publisher (Server)
// and multiple subscribers (clients).
// Though you can have multiple publishers by sharing a pointer to a server or
// by giving the same channel to each publisher and publishing messages from
// that channel (fan-in).
// Clients subscribe for messages, which could be of any type, using a query.
// When some message is published, we match it with all queries. If there is a
// match, this message will be pushed to all clients, subscribed to that query.
// See query subpackage for our implementation.
// Overflow strategies (incoming publish requests):
// 1) drop - drops publish requests when there are too many of them
// 2) wait - blocks until the server is ready to accept more publish requests (default)
// Subscribe/Unsubscribe calls are always blocking.
// Overflow strategies (outgoing messages):
// 1) skip - do not send a message if the client is busy or slow (default)
// 2) wait - wait until the client is ready to accept new messages
package pubsub
import (
cmn "github.com/tendermint/tmlibs/common"
type operation int
const (
sub operation = iota
type overflowStrategy int
const (
drop overflowStrategy = iota
var (
ErrorOverflow = errors.New("Server overflowed")
type cmd struct {
op operation
query Query
ch chan<- interface{}
clientID string
msg interface{}
tags map[string]interface{}
// Query defines an interface for a query to be used for subscribing.
type Query interface {
Matches(tags map[string]interface{}) bool
// Server allows clients to subscribe/unsubscribe for messages, pubsling
// messages with or without tags, and manages internal state.
type Server struct {
cmds chan cmd
overflowStrategy overflowStrategy
slowClientStrategy overflowStrategy
// Option sets a parameter for the server.
type Option func(*Server)
// NewServer returns a new server. See the commentary on the Option functions
// for a detailed description of how to configure buffering and overflow
// behavior. If no options are provided, the resulting server's queue is
// unbuffered and it blocks when overflowed.
func NewServer(options ...Option) *Server {
s := &Server{overflowStrategy: wait, slowClientStrategy: drop}
s.BaseService = *cmn.NewBaseService(nil, "PubSub", s)
for _, option := range options {
if s.cmds == nil { // if BufferCapacity was not set, create unbuffered channel
s.cmds = make(chan cmd)
return s
// BufferCapacity allows you to specify capacity for the internal server's
// queue. Since the server, given Y subscribers, could only process X messages,
// this option could be used to survive spikes (e.g. high amount of
// transactions during peak hours).
func BufferCapacity(cap int) Option {
return func(s *Server) {
if cap > 0 {
s.cmds = make(chan cmd, cap)
// OverflowStrategyDrop will tell the server to drop messages when it can't
// process more messages.
func OverflowStrategyDrop() Option {
return func(s *Server) {
s.overflowStrategy = drop
// OverflowStrategyWait will tell the server to block and wait for some time
// for server to process other messages. Default strategy.
func OverflowStrategyWait() func(*Server) {
return func(s *Server) {
s.overflowStrategy = wait
// WaitSlowClients will tell the server to block and wait until subscriber
// reads a messages even if it is fast enough to process them.
func WaitSlowClients() func(*Server) {
return func(s *Server) {
s.slowClientStrategy = wait
// SkipSlowClients will tell the server to skip subscriber if it is busy
// processing previous message(s). Default strategy.
func SkipSlowClients() func(*Server) {
return func(s *Server) {
s.slowClientStrategy = drop
// Subscribe returns a channel on which messages matching the given query can
// be received. If the subscription already exists old channel will be closed
// and new one returned.
func (s *Server) Subscribe(clientID string, query Query, out chan<- interface{}) {
s.cmds <- cmd{op: sub, clientID: clientID, query: query, ch: out}
// Unsubscribe unsubscribes the given client from the query.
func (s *Server) Unsubscribe(clientID string, query Query) {
s.cmds <- cmd{op: unsub, clientID: clientID, query: query}
// Unsubscribe unsubscribes the given channel.
func (s *Server) UnsubscribeAll(clientID string) {
s.cmds <- cmd{op: unsub, clientID: clientID}
// Publish publishes the given message.
func (s *Server) Publish(msg interface{}) error {
return s.PublishWithTags(msg, make(map[string]interface{}))
// PublishWithTags publishes the given message with a set of tags. This set of
// tags will be matched with client queries. If there is a match, the message
// will be sent to a client.
func (s *Server) PublishWithTags(msg interface{}, tags map[string]interface{}) error {
pubCmd := cmd{op: pub, msg: msg, tags: tags}
switch s.overflowStrategy {
case drop:
select {
case s.cmds <- pubCmd:
s.Logger.Error("Server overflowed, dropping message...", "msg", msg, "tags", fmt.Sprintf("%v", tags))
return ErrorOverflow
case wait:
s.cmds <- pubCmd
return nil
// OnStop implements Service.OnStop by shutting down the server.
func (s *Server) OnStop() {
s.cmds <- cmd{op: shutdown}
// NOTE: not goroutine safe
type state struct {
// query -> client -> ch
queries map[Query]map[string]chan<- interface{}
// client -> query -> struct{}
clients map[string]map[Query]struct{}
// OnStart implements Service.OnStart by creating a main loop.
func (s *Server) OnStart() error {
go s.loop(state{
queries: make(map[Query]map[string]chan<- interface{}),
clients: make(map[string]map[Query]struct{}),
return nil
func (s *Server) loop(state state) {
for cmd := range s.cmds {
switch cmd.op {
case unsub:
if cmd.query != nil {
state.remove(cmd.clientID, cmd.query)
} else {
case shutdown:
for clientID, _ := range state.clients {
break loop
case sub:
state.add(cmd.clientID, cmd.query, cmd.ch)
case pub:
state.send(cmd.msg, cmd.tags, s.slowClientStrategy, s.Logger)
func (state *state) add(clientID string, q Query, ch chan<- interface{}) {
// add query if needed
if clientToChannelMap, ok := state.queries[q]; !ok {
state.queries[q] = make(map[string]chan<- interface{})
} else {
// check if already subscribed
if oldCh, ok := clientToChannelMap[clientID]; ok {
state.queries[q][clientID] = ch
// add client if needed
if _, ok := state.clients[clientID]; !ok {
state.clients[clientID] = make(map[Query]struct{})
state.clients[clientID][q] = struct{}{}
// create subscription
clientToChannelMap := state.queries[q]
clientToChannelMap[clientID] = ch
func (state *state) remove(clientID string, q Query) {
clientToChannelMap, ok := state.queries[q]
if !ok {
ch, ok := clientToChannelMap[clientID]
if ok {
delete(state.clients[clientID], q)
// if it not subscribed to anything else, remove the client
if len(state.clients[clientID]) == 0 {
delete(state.clients, clientID)
delete(state.queries[q], clientID)
func (state *state) removeAll(clientID string) {
queryMap, ok := state.clients[clientID]
if !ok {
for q, _ := range queryMap {
ch := state.queries[q][clientID]
delete(state.queries[q], clientID)
delete(state.clients, clientID)
func (state *state) send(msg interface{}, tags map[string]interface{}, slowClientStrategy overflowStrategy, logger log.Logger) {
for q, clientToChannelMap := range state.queries {
if q.Matches(tags) {
for clientID, ch := range clientToChannelMap {
switch slowClientStrategy {
case drop:
select {
case ch <- msg:
logger.Error("Wanted to send a message, but the client is busy", "msg", msg, "tags", fmt.Sprintf("%v", tags), "clientID", clientID)
case wait:
ch <- msg