
179 lines
5.4 KiB

package types
import (
crypto "github.com/tendermint/go-crypto"
cmn "github.com/tendermint/tmlibs/common"
func TestGenLoadValidator(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
_, tempFilePath := cmn.Tempfile("priv_validator_")
privVal := GenPrivValidatorFS(tempFilePath)
height := int64(100)
privVal.LastHeight = height
addr := privVal.GetAddress()
privVal = LoadPrivValidatorFS(tempFilePath)
assert.Equal(addr, privVal.GetAddress(), "expected privval addr to be the same")
assert.Equal(height, privVal.LastHeight, "expected privval.LastHeight to have been saved")
func TestLoadOrGenValidator(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
_, tempFilePath := cmn.Tempfile("priv_validator_")
if err := os.Remove(tempFilePath); err != nil {
privVal := LoadOrGenPrivValidatorFS(tempFilePath)
addr := privVal.GetAddress()
privVal = LoadOrGenPrivValidatorFS(tempFilePath)
assert.Equal(addr, privVal.GetAddress(), "expected privval addr to be the same")
func TestUnmarshalValidator(t *testing.T) {
assert, require := assert.New(t), require.New(t)
// create some fixed values
addrStr := "D028C9981F7A87F3093672BF0D5B0E2A1B3ED456"
pubStr := "3B3069C422E19688B45CBFAE7BB009FC0FA1B1EA86593519318B7214853803C8"
privStr := "27F82582AEFAE7AB151CFB01C48BB6C1A0DA78F9BDDA979A9F70A84D074EB07D3B3069C422E19688B45CBFAE7BB009FC0FA1B1EA86593519318B7214853803C8"
addrBytes, _ := hex.DecodeString(addrStr)
pubBytes, _ := hex.DecodeString(pubStr)
privBytes, _ := hex.DecodeString(privStr)
// prepend type byte
pubKey, err := crypto.PubKeyFromBytes(append([]byte{1}, pubBytes...))
require.Nil(err, "%+v", err)
privKey, err := crypto.PrivKeyFromBytes(append([]byte{1}, privBytes...))
require.Nil(err, "%+v", err)
serialized := fmt.Sprintf(`{
"address": "%s",
"pub_key": {
"type": "ed25519",
"data": "%s"
"last_height": 0,
"last_round": 0,
"last_step": 0,
"last_signature": null,
"priv_key": {
"type": "ed25519",
"data": "%s"
}`, addrStr, pubStr, privStr)
val := PrivValidatorFS{}
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(serialized), &val)
require.Nil(err, "%+v", err)
// make sure the values match
assert.EqualValues(addrBytes, val.GetAddress())
assert.EqualValues(pubKey, val.GetPubKey())
assert.EqualValues(privKey, val.PrivKey)
// export it and make sure it is the same
out, err := json.Marshal(val)
require.Nil(err, "%+v", err)
assert.JSONEq(serialized, string(out))
func TestSignVote(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
_, tempFilePath := cmn.Tempfile("priv_validator_")
privVal := GenPrivValidatorFS(tempFilePath)
block1 := BlockID{[]byte{1, 2, 3}, PartSetHeader{}}
block2 := BlockID{[]byte{3, 2, 1}, PartSetHeader{}}
height, round := int64(10), 1
voteType := VoteTypePrevote
// sign a vote for first time
vote := newVote(privVal.Address, 0, height, round, voteType, block1)
err := privVal.SignVote("mychainid", vote)
assert.NoError(err, "expected no error signing vote")
// try to sign the same vote again; should be fine
err = privVal.SignVote("mychainid", vote)
assert.NoError(err, "expected no error on signing same vote")
// now try some bad votes
cases := []*Vote{
newVote(privVal.Address, 0, height, round-1, voteType, block1), // round regression
newVote(privVal.Address, 0, height-1, round, voteType, block1), // height regression
newVote(privVal.Address, 0, height-2, round+4, voteType, block1), // height regression and different round
newVote(privVal.Address, 0, height, round, voteType, block2), // different block
for _, c := range cases {
err = privVal.SignVote("mychainid", c)
assert.Error(err, "expected error on signing conflicting vote")
func TestSignProposal(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
_, tempFilePath := cmn.Tempfile("priv_validator_")
privVal := GenPrivValidatorFS(tempFilePath)
block1 := PartSetHeader{5, []byte{1, 2, 3}}
block2 := PartSetHeader{10, []byte{3, 2, 1}}
height, round := int64(10), 1
// sign a proposal for first time
proposal := newProposal(height, round, block1)
err := privVal.SignProposal("mychainid", proposal)
assert.NoError(err, "expected no error signing proposal")
// try to sign the same proposal again; should be fine
err = privVal.SignProposal("mychainid", proposal)
assert.NoError(err, "expected no error on signing same proposal")
// now try some bad Proposals
cases := []*Proposal{
newProposal(height, round-1, block1), // round regression
newProposal(height-1, round, block1), // height regression
newProposal(height-2, round+4, block1), // height regression and different round
newProposal(height, round, block2), // different block
for _, c := range cases {
err = privVal.SignProposal("mychainid", c)
assert.Error(err, "expected error on signing conflicting proposal")
func newVote(addr data.Bytes, idx int, height int64, round int, typ byte, blockID BlockID) *Vote {
return &Vote{
ValidatorAddress: addr,
ValidatorIndex: idx,
Height: height,
Round: round,
Type: typ,
BlockID: blockID,
func newProposal(height int64, round int, partsHeader PartSetHeader) *Proposal {
return &Proposal{
Height: height,
Round: round,
BlockPartsHeader: partsHeader,