
375 lines
12 KiB

package state
import (
fail "github.com/ebuchman/fail-test"
abci "github.com/tendermint/abci/types"
dbm "github.com/tendermint/tmlibs/db"
// BlockExecutor handles block execution and state updates.
// It exposes ApplyBlock(), which validates & executes the block, updates state w/ ABCI responses,
// then commits and updates the mempool atomically, then saves state.
// BlockExecutor provides the context and accessories for properly executing a block.
type BlockExecutor struct {
// save state, validators, consensus params, abci responses here
db dbm.DB
// execute the app against this
proxyApp proxy.AppConnConsensus
// events
eventBus types.BlockEventPublisher
// update these with block results after commit
mempool Mempool
evpool EvidencePool
logger log.Logger
// NewBlockExecutor returns a new BlockExecutor with a NopEventBus.
// Call SetEventBus to provide one.
func NewBlockExecutor(db dbm.DB, logger log.Logger, proxyApp proxy.AppConnConsensus,
mempool Mempool, evpool EvidencePool) *BlockExecutor {
return &BlockExecutor{
db: db,
proxyApp: proxyApp,
eventBus: types.NopEventBus{},
mempool: mempool,
evpool: evpool,
logger: logger,
// SetEventBus - sets the event bus for publishing block related events.
// If not called, it defaults to types.NopEventBus.
func (blockExec *BlockExecutor) SetEventBus(eventBus types.BlockEventPublisher) {
blockExec.eventBus = eventBus
// ValidateBlock validates the given block against the given state.
// If the block is invalid, it returns an error.
// Validation does not mutate state, but does require historical information from the stateDB,
// ie. to verify evidence from a validator at an old height.
func (blockExec *BlockExecutor) ValidateBlock(state State, block *types.Block) error {
return validateBlock(blockExec.db, state, block)
// ApplyBlock validates the block against the state, executes it against the app,
// fires the relevant events, commits the app, and saves the new state and responses.
// It's the only function that needs to be called
// from outside this package to process and commit an entire block.
// It takes a blockID to avoid recomputing the parts hash.
func (blockExec *BlockExecutor) ApplyBlock(state State, blockID types.BlockID, block *types.Block) (State, error) {
if err := blockExec.ValidateBlock(state, block); err != nil {
return state, ErrInvalidBlock(err)
abciResponses, err := execBlockOnProxyApp(blockExec.logger, blockExec.proxyApp, block, s.LastValidators)
if err != nil {
return state, ErrProxyAppConn(err)
fail.Fail() // XXX
// save the results before we commit
saveABCIResponses(blockExec.db, block.Height, abciResponses)
fail.Fail() // XXX
// update the state with the block and responses
state, err = updateState(state, blockID, block.Header, abciResponses)
if err != nil {
return state, fmt.Errorf("Commit failed for application: %v", err)
// lock mempool, commit app state, update mempoool
appHash, err := blockExec.Commit(block)
if err != nil {
return state, fmt.Errorf("Commit failed for application: %v", err)
// Update evpool with the block and state.
blockExec.evpool.Update(block, state)
fail.Fail() // XXX
// update the app hash and save the state
state.AppHash = appHash
SaveState(blockExec.db, state)
fail.Fail() // XXX
// events are fired after everything else
// NOTE: if we crash between Commit and Save, events wont be fired during replay
fireEvents(blockExec.logger, blockExec.eventBus, block, abciResponses)
return state, nil
// Commit locks the mempool, runs the ABCI Commit message, and updates the mempool.
// It returns the result of calling abci.Commit (the AppHash), and an error.
// The Mempool must be locked during commit and update because state is typically reset on Commit and old txs must be replayed
// against committed state before new txs are run in the mempool, lest they be invalid.
func (blockExec *BlockExecutor) Commit(block *types.Block) ([]byte, error) {
defer blockExec.mempool.Unlock()
// while mempool is Locked, flush to ensure all async requests have completed
// in the ABCI app before Commit.
err := blockExec.mempool.FlushAppConn()
if err != nil {
blockExec.logger.Error("Client error during mempool.FlushAppConn", "err", err)
return nil, err
// Commit block, get hash back
res, err := blockExec.proxyApp.CommitSync()
if err != nil {
blockExec.logger.Error("Client error during proxyAppConn.CommitSync", "err", err)
return nil, err
// ResponseCommit has no error code - just data
blockExec.logger.Info("Committed state",
"height", block.Height,
"txs", block.NumTxs,
"appHash", fmt.Sprintf("%X", res.Data))
// Update mempool.
if err := blockExec.mempool.Update(block.Height, block.Txs); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res.Data, nil
// Helper functions for executing blocks and updating state
// Executes block's transactions on proxyAppConn.
// Returns a list of transaction results and updates to the validator set
func execBlockOnProxyApp(logger log.Logger, proxyAppConn proxy.AppConnConsensus,
block *types.Block, valSet *types.ValidatorSet) (*ABCIResponses, error) {
var validTxs, invalidTxs = 0, 0
txIndex := 0
abciResponses := NewABCIResponses(block)
// Execute transactions and get hash
proxyCb := func(req *abci.Request, res *abci.Response) {
switch r := res.Value.(type) {
case *abci.Response_DeliverTx:
// TODO: make use of res.Log
// TODO: make use of this info
// Blocks may include invalid txs.
txRes := r.DeliverTx
if txRes.Code == abci.CodeTypeOK {
} else {
logger.Debug("Invalid tx", "code", txRes.Code, "log", txRes.Log)
abciResponses.DeliverTx[txIndex] = txRes
// determine which validators did not sign last block
signVals := make([]abci.SigningValidator, len(block.LastCommit.Precommits))
for i, val := range valSet.Validators {
vote := block.LastCommit.Precommits[i]
val := abci.SigningValidator{
Validator: types.TM2PB.Validator(val),
SignedLastBlock: vote != nil,
signVals[i] = val
byzantineVals := make([]abci.Evidence, len(block.Evidence.Evidence))
for i, ev := range block.Evidence.Evidence {
byzantineVals[i] = types.TM2PB.Evidence(ev)
// Begin block
_, err := proxyAppConn.BeginBlockSync(abci.RequestBeginBlock{
Hash: block.Hash(),
Header: types.TM2PB.Header(block.Header),
Validators: signVals,
ByzantineValidators: byzantineVals,
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error in proxyAppConn.BeginBlock", "err", err)
return nil, err
// Run txs of block
for _, tx := range block.Txs {
if err := proxyAppConn.Error(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// End block
abciResponses.EndBlock, err = proxyAppConn.EndBlockSync(abci.RequestEndBlock{block.Height})
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error in proxyAppConn.EndBlock", "err", err)
return nil, err
logger.Info("Executed block", "height", block.Height, "validTxs", validTxs, "invalidTxs", invalidTxs)
valUpdates := abciResponses.EndBlock.ValidatorUpdates
if len(valUpdates) > 0 {
logger.Info("Updates to validators", "updates", abci.ValidatorsString(valUpdates))
return abciResponses, nil
// If more or equal than 1/3 of total voting power changed in one block, then
// a light client could never prove the transition externally. See
// ./lite/doc.go for details on how a light client tracks validators.
func updateValidators(currentSet *types.ValidatorSet, updates []abci.Validator) error {
for _, v := range updates {
pubkey, err := types.PB2TM.PubKey(v.PubKey)
if err != nil {
return err
address := pubkey.Address()
power := int64(v.Power)
// mind the overflow from int64
if power < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Power (%d) overflows int64", v.Power)
_, val := currentSet.GetByAddress(address)
if val == nil {
// add val
added := currentSet.Add(types.NewValidator(pubkey, power))
if !added {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to add new validator %X with voting power %d", address, power)
} else if v.Power == 0 {
// remove val
_, removed := currentSet.Remove(address)
if !removed {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to remove validator %X", address)
} else {
// update val
val.VotingPower = power
updated := currentSet.Update(val)
if !updated {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to update validator %X with voting power %d", address, power)
return nil
// updateState returns a new State updated according to the header and responses.
func updateState(state State, blockID types.BlockID, header *types.Header,
abciResponses *ABCIResponses) (State, error) {
// copy the valset so we can apply changes from EndBlock
// and update s.LastValidators and s.Validators
prevValSet := state.Validators.Copy()
nextValSet := prevValSet.Copy()
// update the validator set with the latest abciResponses
lastHeightValsChanged := state.LastHeightValidatorsChanged
if len(abciResponses.EndBlock.ValidatorUpdates) > 0 {
err := updateValidators(nextValSet, abciResponses.EndBlock.ValidatorUpdates)
if err != nil {
return state, fmt.Errorf("Error changing validator set: %v", err)
// change results from this height but only applies to the next height
lastHeightValsChanged = header.Height + 1
// Update validator accums and set state variables
// update the params with the latest abciResponses
nextParams := state.ConsensusParams
lastHeightParamsChanged := state.LastHeightConsensusParamsChanged
if abciResponses.EndBlock.ConsensusParamUpdates != nil {
// NOTE: must not mutate s.ConsensusParams
nextParams = state.ConsensusParams.Update(abciResponses.EndBlock.ConsensusParamUpdates)
err := nextParams.Validate()
if err != nil {
return state, fmt.Errorf("Error updating consensus params: %v", err)
// change results from this height but only applies to the next height
lastHeightParamsChanged = header.Height + 1
// NOTE: the AppHash has not been populated.
// It will be filled on state.Save.
return State{
ChainID: state.ChainID,
LastBlockHeight: header.Height,
LastBlockTotalTx: state.LastBlockTotalTx + header.NumTxs,
LastBlockID: blockID,
LastBlockTime: header.Time,
Validators: nextValSet,
LastValidators: state.Validators.Copy(),
LastHeightValidatorsChanged: lastHeightValsChanged,
ConsensusParams: nextParams,
LastHeightConsensusParamsChanged: lastHeightParamsChanged,
LastResultsHash: abciResponses.ResultsHash(),
AppHash: nil,
}, nil
// Fire NewBlock, NewBlockHeader.
// Fire TxEvent for every tx.
// NOTE: if Tendermint crashes before commit, some or all of these events may be published again.
func fireEvents(logger log.Logger, eventBus types.BlockEventPublisher, block *types.Block, abciResponses *ABCIResponses) {
for i, tx := range block.Data.Txs {
Height: block.Height,
Index: uint32(i),
Tx: tx,
Result: *(abciResponses.DeliverTx[i]),
// Execute block without state. TODO: eliminate
// ExecCommitBlock executes and commits a block on the proxyApp without validating or mutating the state.
// It returns the application root hash (result of abci.Commit).
func ExecCommitBlock(appConnConsensus proxy.AppConnConsensus, block *types.Block,
logger log.Logger, valSet *types.ValidatorSet) ([]byte, error) {
_, err := execBlockOnProxyApp(logger, appConnConsensus, block, valSet)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error executing block on proxy app", "height", block.Height, "err", err)
return nil, err
// Commit block, get hash back
res, err := appConnConsensus.CommitSync()
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Client error during proxyAppConn.CommitSync", "err", res)
return nil, err
// ResponseCommit has no error or log, just data
return res.Data, nil