interface refinement

This commit is contained in:
chase-45 2023-02-10 13:36:08 -05:00 committed by chase-45
parent b62927362b
commit 67ff0b3baa
13 changed files with 280 additions and 287 deletions

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@ -11,23 +11,16 @@ import "./CoreRelayerStructs.sol";
contract CoreRelayer is CoreRelayerGovernance {
using BytesLib for bytes;
event DeliverySuccess(
bytes32 indexed deliveryVaaHash, address indexed recipientContract, uint16 sourceChain, uint64 indexed sequence
event DeliveryFailure(
bytes32 indexed deliveryVaaHash, address indexed recipientContract, uint16 sourceChain, uint64 indexed sequence
event ForwardRequestFailure(
bytes32 indexed deliveryVaaHash, address indexed recipientContract, uint16 sourceChain, uint64 indexed sequence
event ForwardRequestSuccess(
bytes32 indexed deliveryVaaHash, address indexed recipientContract, uint16 sourceChain, uint64 indexed sequence
event InvalidRedelivery(
bytes32 indexed redeliveryVaaHash,
address indexed recipientContract,
uint16 sourceChain,
uint64 indexed sequence
enum DeliveryStatus {
event Delivery(
address indexed recipientContract, uint16 indexed sourceChain, uint64 indexed sequence, bytes32 deliveryVaaHash, uint8 status
error InsufficientFunds(string reason);
@ -121,7 +114,10 @@ contract CoreRelayer is CoreRelayerGovernance {
uint256 applicationBudgetTarget,
uint256 maximumRefund,
IRelayProvider provider
) internal returns (uint64 sequence) {
returns (uint64 sequence)
bytes memory instruction = convertToEncodedRedeliveryByTxHashInstruction(
@ -366,12 +362,14 @@ contract CoreRelayer is CoreRelayerGovernance {
requestFee = args.computeBudgetSource + args.applicationBudgetSource;
applicationBudgetTarget =
convertApplicationBudgetAmount(args.applicationBudgetSource, args.targetChain, args.provider);
uint256 overheadFeeSource = args.isDelivery
uint256 overheadFeeSource =
? args.provider.quoteDeliveryOverhead(args.targetChain)
: args.provider.quoteRedeliveryOverhead(args.targetChain);
uint256 overheadBudgetTarget =
assetConversionHelper(args.sourceChain, overheadFeeSource, args.targetChain, 1, 1, true, args.provider);
maximumRefund = args.isDelivery
maximumRefund =
? calculateTargetDeliveryMaximumRefund(args.targetChain, args.computeBudgetSource, args.provider)
: calculateTargetRedeliveryMaximumRefund(args.targetChain, args.computeBudgetSource, args.provider);
@ -401,7 +399,9 @@ contract CoreRelayer is CoreRelayerGovernance {
address payable relayerRefund,
uint16 sourceChain,
uint64 sourceSequence
) internal {
//REVISE Decide whether we want to remove the DeliveryInstructionContainer from encodedVMs.
// lock the contract to prevent reentrancy
@ -424,7 +424,8 @@ contract CoreRelayer is CoreRelayerGovernance {
// to setup the arguments for the call just after our measurement.
// This means the refund could be off by a few units of gas.
// Thus, we ensure the overhead doesn't cause an overflow in our refund formula here.
uint256 gasUsed = (preGas - postGas) > internalInstruction.executionParameters.gasLimit
uint256 gasUsed =
(preGas - postGas) > internalInstruction.executionParameters.gasLimit
? internalInstruction.executionParameters.gasLimit
: (preGas - postGas);
@ -608,7 +609,11 @@ contract CoreRelayer is CoreRelayerGovernance {
function validateRedeliverySingle(
RedeliveryByTxHashInstruction memory redeliveryInstruction,
DeliveryInstruction memory originalInstruction
) internal view returns (DeliveryInstruction memory deliveryInstruction, bool isValid) {
returns (DeliveryInstruction memory deliveryInstruction, bool isValid)
//All the same checks as delivery single, with a couple additional
isValid = true;
@ -745,7 +750,7 @@ contract CoreRelayer is CoreRelayerGovernance {
* Given a targetChain, computeBudget, and a relay provider, this function calculates what the gas limit of the delivery transaction
* should be.
* should be.
function calculateTargetGasDeliveryAmount(uint16 targetChain, uint256 computeBudget, IRelayProvider provider)
@ -769,7 +774,7 @@ contract CoreRelayer is CoreRelayerGovernance {
* Given a targetChain, computeBudget, and a relay provider, this function calculates what the gas limit of the redelivery transaction
* should be.
* should be.
function calculateTargetGasRedeliveryAmount(uint16 targetChain, uint256 computeBudget, IRelayProvider provider)
@ -796,7 +801,11 @@ contract CoreRelayer is CoreRelayerGovernance {
uint256 computeBudget,
uint256 deliveryOverhead,
IRelayProvider provider
) internal view returns (uint32 gasAmount) {
returns (uint32 gasAmount)
if (computeBudget <= deliveryOverhead) {
gasAmount = 0;
} else {
@ -814,7 +823,11 @@ contract CoreRelayer is CoreRelayerGovernance {
uint256 computeBudget,
uint256 deliveryOverhead,
IRelayProvider provider
) internal view returns (uint256 maximumRefund) {
returns (uint256 maximumRefund)
if (computeBudget >= deliveryOverhead) {
uint256 remainder = computeBudget - deliveryOverhead;
maximumRefund = assetConversionHelper(chainId(), remainder, targetChain, 1, 1, false, provider);
@ -848,7 +861,11 @@ contract CoreRelayer is CoreRelayerGovernance {
uint256 multiplierDenominator,
bool roundUp,
IRelayProvider provider
) internal view returns (uint256 targetAmount) {
returns (uint256 targetAmount)
uint256 srcNativeCurrencyPrice = provider.quoteAssetPrice(sourceChain);
if (srcNativeCurrencyPrice == 0) {
revert SrcNativeCurrencyPriceIsZero();
@ -899,7 +916,11 @@ contract CoreRelayer is CoreRelayerGovernance {
uint256 maximumRefund,
uint32 gasLimit,
IRelayProvider provider
) internal view returns (bytes memory encoded) {
returns (bytes memory encoded)
encoded = abi.encodePacked(
uint8(2), //version payload number

View File

@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ contract CoreRelayerSetup is CoreRelayerSetters, ERC1967Upgrade {
uint16 governanceChainId,
bytes32 governanceContract,
uint256 evmChainId
) public {
// sanity check initial values
if (implementation == address(0)) {
revert ImplementationAddressIsZero();

View File

@ -126,21 +126,4 @@ abstract contract CoreRelayerStructs {
bool isValid;
// struct DeliveryStatus {
// uint8 payloadID; // payloadID = 2;
// bytes32 batchHash;
// bytes32 emitterAddress;
// uint64 sequence;
// uint16 deliveryCount;
// bool deliverySuccess;
// }
// // TODO: WIP
// struct RewardPayout {
// uint8 payloadID; // payloadID = 100; prevent collisions with new blueprint payloads
// uint16 fromChain;
// uint16 chain;
// uint256 amount;
// bytes32 receiver;
// }

View File

@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ contract XmintHub is ERC20, IWormholeReceiver {
address coreBridgeAddress,
address tokenBridgeAddress,
address coreRelayerAddress
) ERC20(name_, symbol_) {
ERC20(name_, symbol_)
owner = msg.sender;
core_bridge = IWormhole(coreBridgeAddress);
token_bridge = ITokenBridge(tokenBridgeAddress);
@ -40,7 +42,7 @@ contract XmintHub is ERC20, IWormholeReceiver {
* This function is used to add spoke contract deployments into the trusted addresses of this
* contract.
* contract.
function registerApplicationContracts(uint16 chainId, bytes32 emitterAddr) public {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner can register new chains!");

View File

@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
// contracts/Messages.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache 2
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "./IRelayProvider.sol";
interface ICoreRelayer {
error InsufficientFunds(string reason);
error MsgValueTooLow(); // msg.value must cover the budget specified
error NonceIsZero();
error NoDeliveryInProcess();
error CantRequestMultipleForwards();
error RelayProviderDoesNotSupportTargetChain();
error RolloverChainNotIncluded(); // Rollover chain was not included in the forwarding request
error ChainNotFoundInDeliveryRequests(uint16 chainId); // Required chain not found in the delivery requests
error ReentrantCall();
error InvalidEmitterInOriginalDeliveryVM(uint8 index);
error InvalidRedeliveryVM(string reason);
error InvalidEmitterInRedeliveryVM();
error MismatchingRelayProvidersInRedelivery(); // The same relay provider must be specified when doing a single VAA redeliver
error ProviderAddressIsNotSender(); // msg.sender must be the provider
error RedeliveryRequestDoesNotTargetThisChain();
error OriginalDeliveryRequestDidNotTargetThisChain();
error InvalidVaa(uint8 index);
error InvalidEmitter();
error DeliveryRequestNotSufficientlyFunded(); // This delivery request was not sufficiently funded, and must request redelivery
error UnexpectedRelayer(); // Specified relayer is not the relayer delivering the message
error InsufficientRelayerFunds(); // The relayer didn't pass sufficient funds (msg.value does not cover the necessary budget fees)
error AlreadyDelivered(); // The message was already delivered.
error TargetChainIsNotThisChain(uint16 targetChainId);
error SrcNativeCurrencyPriceIsZero();
error DstNativeCurrencyPriceIsZero();
* @dev This is the basic function for requesting delivery
function requestDelivery(DeliveryRequest memory request, uint32 nonce, IRelayProvider provider)
returns (uint64 sequence);
function requestForward(DeliveryRequest memory request, uint32 nonce, IRelayProvider provider) external payable;
function requestRedelivery(RedeliveryByTxHashRequest memory request, uint32 nonce, IRelayProvider provider)
returns (uint64 sequence);
function requestMultidelivery(DeliveryRequestsContainer memory deliveryRequests, uint32 nonce)
returns (uint64 sequence);
* @dev When requesting a multiforward, the rollover chain is the chain where any remaining funds should be sent once all
* the requested budgets have been covered. The remaining funds will be added to the computeBudget of the rollover chain.
function requestMultiforward(DeliveryRequestsContainer memory deliveryRequests, uint16 rolloverChain, uint32 nonce)
function deliverSingle(TargetDeliveryParametersSingle memory targetParams) external payable;
function redeliverSingle(TargetRedeliveryByTxHashParamsSingle memory targetParams) external payable;
// function requestRewardPayout(uint16 rewardChain, bytes32 receiver, uint32 nonce) external payable returns (uint64 sequence);
// function collectRewards(bytes memory encodedVm) external;
function toWormholeFormat(address addr) external pure returns (bytes32 whFormat);
function fromWormholeFormat(bytes32 whFormatAddress) external pure returns (address addr);
function getDefaultRelayProvider() external view returns (IRelayProvider);
function getDefaultRelayParams() external pure returns (bytes memory relayParams);
function quoteGasDeliveryFee(uint16 targetChain, uint32 gasLimit, IRelayProvider relayProvider)
returns (uint256 deliveryQuote);
function quoteGasRedeliveryFee(uint16 targetChain, uint32 gasLimit, IRelayProvider relayProvider)
returns (uint256 redeliveryQuote);
function quoteApplicationBudgetFee(uint16 targetChain, uint256 targetAmount, IRelayProvider provider)
returns (uint256 nativeQuote);
function getDeliveryInstructionsContainer(bytes memory encoded)
returns (DeliveryInstructionsContainer memory container);
function getRedeliveryByTxHashInstruction(bytes memory encoded)
returns (RedeliveryByTxHashInstruction memory instruction);
struct DeliveryRequestsContainer {
uint8 payloadId; // payloadID = 1
address relayProviderAddress;
DeliveryRequest[] requests;
* targetChain - the chain to send to in Wormhole Chain ID format.
* targetAddress - is the recipient contract address on the target chain (in Wormhole 32-byte address format).
* refundAddress - is the address where any remaining computeBudget should be sent at the end of the transaction. (In Wormhole address format. Must be on the target chain.)
* computeBudget - is the maximum amount (denominated in this chain's wei) that the relayer should spend on transaction fees (gas) for this delivery. Usually calculated from quoteEvmDeliveryPrice.
* applicationBudget - this amount (denominated in this chain's wei) will be converted to the target native currency and given to the recipient contract at the beginning of the delivery execution.
* relayParameters - optional payload which can alter relayer behavior.
struct DeliveryRequest {
uint16 targetChain;
bytes32 targetAddress;
bytes32 refundAddress;
uint256 computeBudget;
uint256 applicationBudget;
bytes relayParameters; //Optional
struct RedeliveryByTxHashRequest {
uint16 sourceChain;
bytes32 sourceTxHash;
uint32 sourceNonce;
uint16 targetChain;
uint8 deliveryIndex;
uint8 multisendIndex;
uint256 newComputeBudget;
uint256 newApplicationBudget;
bytes newRelayParameters;
struct TargetDeliveryParameters {
// encoded batchVM to be delivered on the target chain
bytes encodedVM;
// Index of the delivery VM in a batch
uint8 deliveryIndex;
// Index of the target chain inside the delivery VM
uint8 multisendIndex;
//refund address
address payable relayerRefundAddress;
// Optional gasOverride which can be supplied by the relayer
// uint32 targetCallGasOverride;
struct TargetDeliveryParametersSingle {
// encoded batchVM to be delivered on the target chain
bytes[] encodedVMs;
// Index of the delivery VM in a batch
uint8 deliveryIndex;
// Index of the target chain inside the delivery VM
uint8 multisendIndex;
//refund address
address payable relayerRefundAddress;
// Optional gasOverride which can be supplied by the relayer
// uint32 targetCallGasOverride;
struct TargetRedeliveryByTxHashParamsSingle {
bytes redeliveryVM;
bytes[] sourceEncodedVMs;
address payable relayerRefundAddress;
//REVISE consider removing this, or keeping for future compatibility
// struct RelayParameters {
// }
struct DeliveryInstructionsContainer {
uint8 payloadId; //1
bool sufficientlyFunded;
DeliveryInstruction[] instructions;
struct DeliveryInstruction {
uint16 targetChain;
bytes32 targetAddress;
bytes32 refundAddress;
uint256 maximumRefundTarget;
uint256 applicationBudgetTarget;
ExecutionParameters executionParameters; //Has the gas limit to execute with
struct RedeliveryByTxHashInstruction {
uint8 payloadId; //2
uint16 sourceChain;
bytes32 sourceTxHash;
uint32 sourceNonce;
uint16 targetChain;
uint8 deliveryIndex;
uint8 multisendIndex;
uint256 newMaximumRefundTarget;
uint256 newApplicationBudgetTarget;
ExecutionParameters executionParameters;
struct ExecutionParameters {
uint8 version;
uint32 gasLimit;
bytes32 providerDeliveryAddress;

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
// contracts/Messages.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache 2
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "./IRelayProvider.sol";
interface ICoreRelayerGovernance {
function setDefaultRelayProvider(bytes memory vaa) external;
function registerCoreRelayerContract(bytes memory vaa) external;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
// contracts/Messages.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache 2
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
interface IDelivery {
function deliverSingle(TargetDeliveryParametersSingle memory targetParams) external payable;
function redeliverSingle(TargetRedeliveryByTxHashParamsSingle memory targetParams) external payable;
struct TargetDeliveryParametersSingle {
// encoded batchVM to be delivered on the target chain
bytes[] encodedVMs;
// Index of the delivery VM in a batch
uint8 deliveryIndex;
// Index of the target chain inside the delivery VM
uint8 multisendIndex;
//refund address
address payable relayerRefundAddress;
struct TargetRedeliveryByTxHashParamsSingle {
bytes redeliveryVM;
bytes[] sourceEncodedVMs;
address payable relayerRefundAddress;
error InvalidEmitterInOriginalDeliveryVM(uint8 index);
error InvalidRedeliveryVM(string reason);
error InvalidEmitterInRedeliveryVM();
error MismatchingRelayProvidersInRedelivery(); // The same relay provider must be specified when doing a single VAA redeliver
error ProviderAddressIsNotSender(); // msg.sender must be the provider
error RedeliveryRequestDoesNotTargetThisChain();
error OriginalDeliveryRequestDidNotTargetThisChain();
error InvalidVaa(uint8 index);
error InvalidEmitter();
error DeliveryRequestNotSufficientlyFunded(); // This delivery request was not sufficiently funded, and must request redelivery
error InsufficientRelayerFunds(); // The relayer didn't pass sufficient funds (msg.value does not cover the necessary budget fees)
error TargetChainIsNotThisChain(uint16 targetChainId);

View File

@ -82,7 +82,10 @@ interface ITokenBridge {
bytes32 recipient,
uint256 arbiterFee,
uint32 nonce
) external payable returns (uint64 sequence);
returns (uint64 sequence);
function transferTokensWithPayload(
address token,
@ -91,7 +94,10 @@ interface ITokenBridge {
bytes32 recipient,
uint32 nonce,
bytes memory payload
) external payable returns (uint64 sequence);
returns (uint64 sequence);
function updateWrapped(bytes memory encodedVm) external returns (address token);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache 2
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
interface IWormholeRelayer {
* @dev This is the basic function for requesting delivery
function send(
uint16 targetChain,
bytes32 targetAddress,
bytes32 refundAddress,
uint256 maxTransactionFee,
uint256 receiverValue,
uint32 nonce
returns (uint64 sequence);
function forward(
uint16 targetChain,
bytes32 targetAddress,
bytes32 refundAddress,
uint256 maxTransactionFee,
uint256 receiverValue,
uint32 nonce
function send(Send memory request, uint32 nonce, address relayProvider)
returns (uint64 sequence);
function forward(Send memory request, uint32 nonce, address relayProvider) external payable;
function resend(ResendByTx memory request, uint32 nonce, address relayProvider)
returns (uint64 sequence);
function multichainSend(MultichainSend memory deliveryRequests, uint32 nonce)
returns (uint64 sequence);
* @dev When requesting a multiforward, the rollover chain is the chain where any remaining funds should be sent once all
* the requested budgets have been covered. The remaining funds will be added to the computeBudget of the rollover chain.
function multichainForward(MultichainSend memory deliveryRequests, uint16 rolloverChain, uint32 nonce)
function toWormholeFormat(address addr) external pure returns (bytes32 whFormat);
function fromWormholeFormat(bytes32 whFormatAddress) external pure returns (address addr);
function getDefaultRelayProvider() external view returns (address relayProvider);
function getDefaultRelayParams() external pure returns (bytes memory relayParams);
function quoteGas(uint16 targetChain, uint32 gasLimit, address relayProvider)
returns (uint256 maxTransactionFee);
function quoteGasResend(uint16 targetChain, uint32 gasLimit, address relayProvider)
returns (uint256 maxTransactionFee);
function quoteReceiverValue(uint16 targetChain, uint256 targetAmount, address relayProvider)
returns (uint256 nativeQuote);
struct MultichainSend {
address relayProviderAddress;
Send[] requests;
* targetChain - the chain to send to in Wormhole Chain ID format.
* targetAddress - is the recipient contract address on the target chain (in Wormhole 32-byte address format).
* refundAddress - is the address where any remaining computeBudget should be sent at the end of the transaction. (In Wormhole address format. Must be on the target chain.)
* computeBudget - is the maximum amount (denominated in this chain's wei) that the relayer should spend on transaction fees (gas) for this delivery. Usually calculated from quoteEvmDeliveryPrice.
* applicationBudget - this amount (denominated in this chain's wei) will be converted to the target native currency and given to the recipient contract at the beginning of the delivery execution.
* relayParameters - optional payload which can alter relayer behavior.
struct Send {
uint16 targetChain;
bytes32 targetAddress;
bytes32 refundAddress;
uint256 maxTransactionFee;
uint256 receiverValue;
bytes relayParameters;
struct ResendByTx {
uint16 sourceChain;
bytes32 sourceTxHash;
uint32 sourceNonce;
uint16 targetChain;
uint8 deliveryIndex;
uint8 multisendIndex;
uint256 newMaxTransactionFee;
uint256 newReceiverValue;
bytes newRelayParameters;
error InsufficientFunds(string reason);
error MsgValueTooLow(); // msg.value must cover the budget specified
error NonceIsZero();
error NoDeliveryInProcess();
error MultipleForwardsRequested();
error RelayProviderDoesNotSupportTargetChain();
error RolloverChainNotIncluded(); // Rollover chain was not included in the forwarding request
error ChainNotFoundInDeliveryRequests(uint16 chainId); // Required chain not found in the delivery requests
error ReentrantCall();

View File

@ -45,7 +45,10 @@ contract MockRelayerIntegration is IWormholeReceiver {
uint16 targetChainId,
address destination,
address refundAddress
) public payable {
executeSend(abi.encodePacked(uint8(1), _message), targetChainId, destination, refundAddress, 0, 1);
@ -56,7 +59,10 @@ contract MockRelayerIntegration is IWormholeReceiver {
address refundAddress,
uint256 applicationBudget,
uint32 nonce
) public payable {
executeSend(fullMessage, targetChainId, destination, refundAddress, applicationBudget, nonce);
@ -67,7 +73,9 @@ contract MockRelayerIntegration is IWormholeReceiver {
address refundAddress,
uint256 applicationBudget,
uint32 nonce
) internal {
wormhole.publishMessage{value: wormhole.messageFee()}(nonce, fullMessage, 200);
ICoreRelayer.DeliveryRequest memory request = ICoreRelayer.DeliveryRequest({

View File

@ -173,7 +173,10 @@ contract TestCoreRelayer is Test {
GasParameters memory gasParams,
FeeParameters memory feeParams,
uint32 minTargetGasLimit
) public returns (StandardSetupTwoChains memory s) {
returns (StandardSetupTwoChains memory s)
vm.assume(gasParams.evmGasOverhead > 0);
vm.assume(gasParams.targetGasLimit > 0);
vm.assume(feeParams.targetNativePrice > 0);
@ -296,7 +299,9 @@ contract TestCoreRelayer is Test {
uint16 currentChainId,
uint16 chainId,
bytes32 coreRelayerContractAddress
) internal {
bytes32 coreRelayerModule = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000436f726552656c61796572;
bytes memory message =
abi.encodePacked(coreRelayerModule, uint8(2), uint16(currentChainId), chainId, coreRelayerContractAddress);
@ -413,7 +418,9 @@ contract TestCoreRelayer is Test {
GasParameters memory gasParams,
FeeParameters memory feeParams,
bytes memory message
) public {
StandardSetupTwoChains memory setup = standardAssumeAndSetupTwoChains(gasParams, feeParams, 1000000);
@ -554,7 +561,9 @@ contract TestCoreRelayer is Test {
GasParameters memory gasParams,
FeeParameters memory feeParams,
bytes memory message
) public {
StandardSetupTwoChains memory setup = standardAssumeAndSetupTwoChains(gasParams, feeParams, 1000000);
vm.assume(feeParams.applicationBudgetTarget > 0);
@ -642,7 +651,9 @@ contract TestCoreRelayer is Test {
FeeParameters memory feeParams,
bytes memory message,
bytes memory secondMessage
) public {
StandardSetupTwoChains memory setup = standardAssumeAndSetupTwoChains(gasParams, feeParams, 1000000);
// estimate the cost based on the intialized values
@ -741,7 +752,9 @@ contract TestCoreRelayer is Test {
GasParameters memory gasParams,
FeeParameters memory feeParams,
bytes memory message
) public {
StandardSetupTwoChains memory setup = standardAssumeAndSetupTwoChains(gasParams, feeParams, 1000000);
@ -997,7 +1010,9 @@ contract TestCoreRelayer is Test {
GasParameters memory gasParams,
FeeParameters memory feeParams,
bytes memory message
) public {
StandardSetupTwoChains memory setup = standardAssumeAndSetupTwoChains(gasParams, feeParams, 1000000);
@ -1146,7 +1161,9 @@ contract TestCoreRelayer is Test {
GasParameters memory gasParams,
FeeParameters memory feeParams,
bytes memory message
) public {
StandardSetupTwoChains memory setup = standardAssumeAndSetupTwoChains(gasParams, feeParams, 1000000);
@ -1276,7 +1293,9 @@ contract TestCoreRelayer is Test {
bytes memory encodedVM,
bytes[] memory deliveryInstructions,
IWormhole.VM memory parsed
) internal {
uint8 payloadId = parsed.payload.toUint8(0);
if (payloadId == 1) {
ICoreRelayer.DeliveryInstructionsContainer memory container =

View File

@ -85,7 +85,9 @@ contract TestRelayProvider is Test {
uint16 updateChainId,
uint128 updateGasPrice,
uint128 updateNativeCurrencyPrice
) public {
vm.assume(oracleOwner != address(0));
vm.assume(oracleOwner != address(this));
vm.assume(updateChainId > 0);
@ -157,7 +159,9 @@ contract TestRelayProvider is Test {
uint32 gasLimit,
uint32 deliverGasOverhead,
uint32 targetWormholeFee
) public {
vm.assume(dstChainId > 0);
vm.assume(dstChainId != TEST_ORACLE_CHAIN_ID);
vm.assume(dstGasPrice > 0);
@ -194,7 +198,9 @@ contract TestRelayProvider is Test {
uint32 gasLimit,
uint32 deliverGasOverhead,
uint32 targetWormholeFee
) public {
vm.assume(dstChainId > 0);
vm.assume(dstChainId != TEST_ORACLE_CHAIN_ID); // wormhole.chainId()
vm.assume(dstGasPrice > 0);

View File

@ -216,7 +216,10 @@ contract WormholeSimulator {
uint32 nonce,
uint16 emitterChainId,
address emitterAddress
) public returns (bytes memory signedMessage) {
returns (bytes memory signedMessage)
uint8 numObservations = 0;
IWormhole.VM[] memory vm_ = new IWormhole.VM[](logs.length);