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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache 2
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
interface IDelivery {
* @notice TargetDeliveryParameters is the struct that the relay provider passes into 'deliver'
* containing an array of the signed wormhole messages that are to be relayed
* @custom:member encodedVMs An array of signed wormhole messages (all from the same source chain transaction)
* @custom:member encodedDeliveryVAA signed wormhole message from the source chain's CoreRelayer contract with payload being the encoded delivery instruction container
* @custom:member multisendIndex The delivery instruction container in encodedDeliveryVAA contains many delivery instructions, each specifying a different destination address
* This 'multisendIndex' indicates which of those delivery instructions should be executed (specifically, the instruction deliveryInstructionsContainer.instructions[multisendIndex])
* @custom:member relayerRefundAddress The address to which any refunds to the relay provider should be sent
struct TargetDeliveryParameters {
bytes[] encodedVMs;
bytes encodedDeliveryVAA;
uint8 multisendIndex;
address payable relayerRefundAddress;
* @notice The relay provider calls 'deliver' to relay messages as described by one delivery instruction
* The instruction specifies the target chain (must be this chain), target address, refund address, maximum refund (in this chain's currency),
* receiver value (in this chain's currency), upper bound on gas, and the permissioned address allowed to execute this instruction
* The relay provider must pass in the signed wormhole messages (VAAs) from the source chain
* as well as the signed wormhole message with the delivery instructions (the delivery VAA)
* as well as identify which of the many instructions in the multichainSend container is meant to be executed
* The messages will be relayed to the target address (with the specified gas limit and receiver value) iff the following checks are met:
* - the delivery VAA has a valid signature
* - the delivery VAA's emitter is one of these CoreRelayer contracts
* - the delivery instruction container in the delivery VAA was fully funded
* - msg.sender is the permissioned address allowed to execute this instruction
* - the relay provider passed in at least [(one wormhole message fee) + instruction.maximumRefundTarget + instruction.receiverValueTarget] of this chain's currency as msg.value
* - the instruction's target chain is this chain
* - the relayed signed VAAs match the descriptions in container.messages (the VAA hashes match, or the emitter address, sequence number pair matches, depending on the description given)
* @param targetParams struct containing the signed wormhole messages and encoded delivery instruction container (and other information)
function deliver(TargetDeliveryParameters memory targetParams) external payable;
error InvalidEmitterInOriginalDeliveryVM(); // The original delivery VAA (original signed wormhole message with delivery instructions) has an invalid sender
error InvalidVaa(uint8 index, string reason); // The VAA is not valid
error InvalidDeliveryVaa(string reason); // The Delivery VAA is not valid
error InvalidEmitter(); // The delivery VAA (signed wormhole message with delivery instructions) has an invalid sender
error SendNotSufficientlyFunded(); // The container of delivery instructions (for which this current delivery was in) was not fully funded on the source chain
error InsufficientRelayerFunds(); // The relay provider didn't pass in sufficient funds (msg.value does not cover the necessary budget fees)
error TargetChainIsNotThisChain(uint16 targetChainId); // The specified target chain is not the current chain
error ReentrantCall(); // A delivery cannot occur during another delivery
error MessageInfosDoNotMatchVaas(uint8 index); // The VAA at index 'index' does not match the 'index'-th description given on the source chain in the 'messages' field
error MessageInfosLengthDoesNotMatchVaasLength(); // The VAA array has a different length than the original array of MessageInfo descriptions from the source chain
error ForwardNotSufficientlyFunded(uint256 amountOfFunds, uint256 amountOfFundsNeeded); // Should never happen as this should have already been checked for