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// contracts/Messages.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache 2
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
interface IDelivery {
* @notice TargetDeliveryParametersSingle is the struct that the relay provider passes into 'deliverSingle'
* containing an array of the signed wormhole messages that are to be relayed
* @custom:member encodedVMs An array of signed wormhole messages (all of the same nonce, and from the same source chain transaction)
* @custom:member deliveryIndex index such that encodedVMs[deliveryIndex] is the signed wormhole message from the source chain's CoreRelayer contract with payload being the encoded delivery instruction container
* @custom:member multisendIndex The delivery instruction container at 'encodedVMs[deliveryIndex]' contains many delivery instructions, each specifying a different destination address
* This 'multisendIndex' indicates which of those delivery instructions should be executed (specifically, the instruction deliveryInstructionsContainer.instructions[multisendIndex])
* @custom:member relayerRefundAddress The address to which any refunds to the relay provider should be sent
struct TargetDeliveryParametersSingle {
bytes[] encodedVMs;
uint8 deliveryIndex;
uint8 multisendIndex;
address payable relayerRefundAddress;
* @notice The relay provider calls 'deliverSingle' to relay messages as described by one delivery instruction
* The instruction specifies the target chain (must be this chain), target address, refund address, maximum refund (in this chain's currency),
* receiver value (in this chain's currency), upper bound on gas, and the permissioned address allowed to execute this instruction
* The relay provider must pass in the signed wormhole messages (VAAs) from the source chain of the same nonce
* (the wormhole message with the delivery instructions (the delivery VAA) must be one of these messages)
* as well as identify which of these messages is the delivery VAA and which of the many instructions in the multichainSend container is meant to be executed
* The messages will be relayed to the target address (with the specified gas limit and receiver value) iff the following checks are met:
* - the delivery VAA has a valid signature
* - the delivery VAA's emitter is one of these CoreRelayer contracts
* - the delivery instruction container in the delivery VAA was fully funded
* - the instruction's target chain is this chain
* - the relay provider passed in at least [(one wormhole message fee) + instruction.maximumRefundTarget + instruction.receiverValueTarget] of this chain's currency as msg.value
* - msg.sender is the permissioned address allowed to execute this instruction
* @param targetParams struct containing the signed wormhole messages and encoded delivery instruction container (and other information)
function deliverSingle(TargetDeliveryParametersSingle memory targetParams) external payable;
* @notice TargetRedeliveryByTxHashParamsSingle is the struct that the relay provider passes into 'redeliverSingle'
* containing an array of the signed wormhole messages that are to be relayed
* @custom:member redeliveryVM The signed wormhole message from the source chain's CoreRelayer contract with payload being the encoded redelivery instruction
* @custom:member sourceEncodedVMs An array of signed wormhole messages (all of the same nonce, and from the same source chain transaction), which are the original messages that are meant to be redelivered
* @custom:member relayerRefundAddress The address to which any refunds to the relay provider should be sent
struct TargetRedeliveryByTxHashParamsSingle {
bytes redeliveryVM;
bytes[] sourceEncodedVMs;
address payable relayerRefundAddress;
* @notice The relay provider calls 'redeliverSingle' to relay messages as described by one redelivery instruction
* The instruction specifies, among other things, the target chain (must be this chain), refund address, new maximum refund (in this chain's currency),
* new receiverValue (in this chain's currency), new upper bound on gas
* The relay provider must pass in the original signed wormhole messages from the source chain of the same nonce
* (the wormhole message with the original delivery instructions (the delivery VAA) must be one of these messages)
* as well as the wormhole message with the new redelivery instruction (the redelivery VAA)
* The messages will be relayed to the target address (with the specified gas limit and receiver value) iff the following checks are met:
* - the redelivery VAA (targetParams.redeliveryVM) has a valid signature
* - the redelivery VAA's emitter is one of these CoreRelayer contracts
* - the original delivery VAA has a valid signature
* - the original delivery VAA's emitter is one of these CoreRelayer contracts
* - the new redelivery instruction's upper bound on gas >= the original instruction's upper bound on gas
* - the new redelivery instruction's 'receiver value' amount >= the original instruction's 'receiver value' amount
* - the redelivery instruction's target chain = the original instruction's target chain = this chain
* - for the redelivery instruction, the relay provider passed in at least [(one wormhole message fee) + instruction.newMaximumRefundTarget + instruction.newReceiverValueTarget] of this chain's currency as msg.value
* - msg.sender is the permissioned address allowed to execute this redelivery instruction
* - msg.sender is the permissioned address allowed to execute the old instruction
* @param targetParams struct containing the signed wormhole messages and encoded redelivery instruction (and other information)
function redeliverSingle(TargetRedeliveryByTxHashParamsSingle memory targetParams) external payable;
error InvalidEmitterInRedeliveryVM(); // The redelivery VAA (signed wormhole message with redelivery instructions) has an invalid sender
error InvalidEmitterInOriginalDeliveryVM(uint8 index); // The original delivery VAA (original signed wormhole message with delivery instructions) has an invalid sender
error InvalidRedeliveryVM(string reason); // The redelivery VAA is not valid
error InvalidVaa(uint8 index, string reason); // The VAA is not valid
error MismatchingRelayProvidersInRedelivery(); // The relay provider specified for the redelivery is different from the relay provider specified for the original delivery
error UnexpectedRelayer(); // msg.sender must be the delivery address of the specified relay provider
error InvalidEmitter(); // The delivery VAA (signed wormhole message with delivery instructions) has an invalid sender
error SendNotSufficientlyFunded(); // The container of delivery instructions (for which this current delivery was in) was not fully funded on the source chain
error InsufficientRelayerFunds(); // The relay provider didn't pass in sufficient funds (msg.value does not cover the necessary budget fees)
error TargetChainIsNotThisChain(uint16 targetChainId); // The specified target chain is not the current chain
error ReentrantCall(); // A delivery cannot occur during another delivery