# Vouch [![Tag](https://img.shields.io/github/tag/attestantio/vouch.svg)](https://github.com/attestantio/vouch/releases/) [![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/attestantio/vouch.svg)](LICENSE) [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/attestantio/vouch?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/attestantio/vouch) ![Lint](https://github.com/attestantio/vouch/workflows/golangci-lint/badge.svg) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/attestantio/vouch)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/attestantio/vouch) An Ethereum 2 multi-node validator client. ## Table of Contents - [Install](#install) - [Binaries](#binaries) - [Docker](#docker) - [Source](#source) - [Usage](#usage) - [Maintainers](#maintainers) - [Contribute](#contribute) - [License](#license) ## Install ### Binaries Binaries for the latest version of Vouch can be obtained from [the releases page](https://github.com/attestantio/vouch/releases/latest). ### Docker You can obtain the latest version of Vouch using docker with: ``` docker pull attestant/vouch ``` ### Source Vouch is a standard Go module which can be installed with: ```sh go get github.com/attestantio/vouch ``` ## Usage Vouch sits between the beacon node(s) and signer(s) in an Ethereum 2 validating infrastructure. It runs as a standard daemon process. The following documents provide information about configuring and using Vouch: - [Getting started](docs/getting_started.md) starting Vouch for the first time - [Prometheus metrics](docs/metrics/prometheus.md) Prometheus metrics - [Configuration](docs/configuration.md) Sample annotated configuration file - [Account manager](docs/accountmanager.md) Details of the supported account managers - [Graffiti](docs/graffiti.md) Details of the graffiti provider ## Known issues - lighthouse does not yet implement server-sent events. As a result, if you are using Lighthouse you will see an occasional error in the logs that looks like: `{"level":"error","service":"client","impl":"standardv1","error":"could not connect to stream","time":"2020-11-26T08:01:09Z","message":"Failed to subscribe to event stream"}` ## Maintainers Jim McDonald: [@mcdee](https://github.com/mcdee). ## Contribute Contributions welcome. Please check out [the issues](https://github.com/attestantio/vouch/issues). ## License [Apache-2.0](LICENSE) © 2020 Attestant Limited.