# Getting started This document provides steps to set up a Vouch instance using validators in a local wallet. It assumes there is a local wallet called "Validators" that has been created by `ethdo`, that the wallet has one or more accounts in it, and that those accounts have been configured as validators on an Ethereum 2 network. It also assumes there is an accessible instance of the Ethereum 2 beacon chain that is fully synced with the current state of the chain. #### Configuring Vouch A basic configuration file can be created in the user's home directory with the name `.vouch.yml` and the following contents: ```YAML beacon-node-address: localhost:4000 accountmanager: wallet: accounts: - Validators passphrases: - secret ``` `beacon-node-address` should be changed to access a suitable beacon node (Prysm, Lighthouse or Teku). `secret` should be changed to be the passphrase you used to secure the accounts. #### Starting Vouch To start Vouch type: ``` $ vouch {"level":"info","version":"v0.6.0","time":"2020-09-25T14:46:45+01:00","message":"Starting vouch"} {"level":"info","time":"2020-09-25T14:46:46+01:00","message":"Starting standard submitter strategy"} {"level":"info","time":"2020-09-25T14:46:46+01:00","message":"Starting simple beacon block proposal strategy"} {"level":"info","service":"controller","impl":"standard","accounts":2,"time":"2020-09-25T14:46:46+01:00","message":"Initial validating accounts"} {"level":"info","time":"2020-09-25T14:46:46+01:00","message":"All services operational"} ``` At this point Vouch is operational and validation for the configured validators should begin.