// Copyright © 2020 Attestant Limited. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package wallet import ( "context" "fmt" "regexp" "strings" "sync" eth2client "github.com/attestantio/go-eth2-client" api "github.com/attestantio/go-eth2-client/api/v1" "github.com/attestantio/go-eth2-client/spec/phase0" "github.com/attestantio/vouch/services/chaintime" "github.com/attestantio/vouch/services/metrics" "github.com/attestantio/vouch/services/validatorsmanager" "github.com/pkg/errors" "github.com/rs/zerolog" zerologger "github.com/rs/zerolog/log" "github.com/wealdtech/go-bytesutil" e2wallet "github.com/wealdtech/go-eth2-wallet" filesystem "github.com/wealdtech/go-eth2-wallet-store-filesystem" e2wtypes "github.com/wealdtech/go-eth2-wallet-types/v2" ) // Service is the manager for wallet accounts. type Service struct { mutex sync.RWMutex monitor metrics.AccountManagerMonitor stores []e2wtypes.Store accountPaths []string passphrases [][]byte accounts map[phase0.BLSPubKey]e2wtypes.Account validatorsManager validatorsmanager.Service slotsPerEpoch phase0.Slot domainProvider eth2client.DomainProvider farFutureEpoch phase0.Epoch currentEpochProvider chaintime.Service } // module-wide log. var log zerolog.Logger // New creates a new wallet account manager. func New(ctx context.Context, params ...Parameter) (*Service, error) { parameters, err := parseAndCheckParameters(params...) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "problem with parameters") } // Set logging. log = zerologger.With().Str("service", "accountmanager").Str("impl", "wallet").Logger() if parameters.logLevel != log.GetLevel() { log = log.Level(parameters.logLevel) } // Warn about lack of slashing protection log.Warn().Msg("The wallet account manager does not provide built-in slashing protection. Please use the dirk account manager for production systems.") stores := make([]e2wtypes.Store, 0, len(parameters.locations)) if len(parameters.locations) == 0 { // Use default location. stores = append(stores, filesystem.New()) } else { for _, location := range parameters.locations { stores = append(stores, filesystem.New(filesystem.WithLocation(location))) } } slotsPerEpoch, err := parameters.slotsPerEpochProvider.SlotsPerEpoch(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to obtain slots per epoch") } farFutureEpoch, err := parameters.farFutureEpochProvider.FarFutureEpoch(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to obtain far future epoch") } s := &Service{ monitor: parameters.monitor, stores: stores, accountPaths: parameters.accountPaths, passphrases: parameters.passphrases, validatorsManager: parameters.validatorsManager, slotsPerEpoch: phase0.Slot(slotsPerEpoch), domainProvider: parameters.domainProvider, farFutureEpoch: farFutureEpoch, currentEpochProvider: parameters.currentEpochProvider, } if err := s.refreshAccounts(ctx); err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to fetch accounts") } if err := s.refreshValidators(ctx); err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to fetch validator states") } return s, nil } // Refresh refreshes the accounts from local store, and account validator state from // the validators provider. // This is a relatively expensive operation, so should not be run in the validating path. func (s *Service) Refresh(ctx context.Context) { if err := s.refreshAccounts(ctx); err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to refresh accounts") } if err := s.refreshValidators(ctx); err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Failed to refresh validators") } } // refreshAccounts refreshes the accounts from local store. func (s *Service) refreshAccounts(ctx context.Context) error { // Find the relevant wallets. wallets := make(map[string]e2wtypes.Wallet) pathsByWallet := make(map[string][]string) for _, path := range s.accountPaths { pathBits := strings.Split(path, "/") var paths []string var exists bool if paths, exists = pathsByWallet[pathBits[0]]; !exists { paths = make([]string, 0) } pathsByWallet[pathBits[0]] = append(paths, path) // Try each store in turn. found := false for _, store := range s.stores { wallet, err := e2wallet.OpenWallet(pathBits[0], e2wallet.WithStore(store)) if err == nil { wallets[wallet.Name()] = wallet found = true break } } if !found { log.Warn().Str("wallet", pathBits[0]).Msg("Failed to find wallet in any store") } } verificationRegexes := accountPathsToVerificationRegexes(s.accountPaths) // Fetch accounts for each wallet. accounts := make(map[phase0.BLSPubKey]e2wtypes.Account) for _, wallet := range wallets { // if _, isProvider := wallet.(e2wtypes.WalletAccountsByPathProvider); isProvider { // fmt.Printf("TODO: fetch accounts by path") // } else { s.fetchAccountsForWallet(ctx, wallet, accounts, verificationRegexes) //} } log.Trace().Int("accounts", len(accounts)).Msg("Obtained accounts") s.mutex.Lock() s.accounts = accounts s.mutex.Unlock() return nil } // refreshValidators refreshes the validator information for our known accounts. func (s *Service) refreshValidators(ctx context.Context) error { accountPubKeys := make([]phase0.BLSPubKey, 0, len(s.accounts)) for pubKey := range s.accounts { accountPubKeys = append(accountPubKeys, pubKey) } if err := s.validatorsManager.RefreshValidatorsFromBeaconNode(ctx, accountPubKeys); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to refresh validators") } return nil } // ValidatingAccountsForEpoch obtains the validating accounts for a given epoch. func (s *Service) ValidatingAccountsForEpoch(ctx context.Context, epoch phase0.Epoch) (map[phase0.ValidatorIndex]e2wtypes.Account, error) { // stateCount is used to update metrics. stateCount := map[api.ValidatorState]uint64{ api.ValidatorStateUnknown: 0, api.ValidatorStatePendingInitialized: 0, api.ValidatorStatePendingQueued: 0, api.ValidatorStateActiveOngoing: 0, api.ValidatorStateActiveExiting: 0, api.ValidatorStateActiveSlashed: 0, api.ValidatorStateExitedUnslashed: 0, api.ValidatorStateExitedSlashed: 0, api.ValidatorStateWithdrawalPossible: 0, api.ValidatorStateWithdrawalDone: 0, } validatingAccounts := make(map[phase0.ValidatorIndex]e2wtypes.Account) pubKeys := make([]phase0.BLSPubKey, 0, len(s.accounts)) for pubKey := range s.accounts { pubKeys = append(pubKeys, pubKey) } validators := s.validatorsManager.ValidatorsByPubKey(ctx, pubKeys) for index, validator := range validators { state := api.ValidatorToState(validator, epoch, s.farFutureEpoch) stateCount[state]++ if state == api.ValidatorStateActiveOngoing || state == api.ValidatorStateActiveExiting { account := s.accounts[validator.PublicKey] log.Trace(). Str("name", account.Name()). Str("public_key", fmt.Sprintf("%x", account.PublicKey().Marshal())). Uint64("index", uint64(index)). Str("state", state.String()). Msg("Validating account") validatingAccounts[index] = account } } // Update metrics if this is the current epoch. if epoch == s.currentEpochProvider.CurrentEpoch() { stateCount[api.ValidatorStateUnknown] += uint64(len(s.accounts) - len(validators)) for state, count := range stateCount { s.monitor.Accounts(strings.ToLower(state.String()), count) } } return validatingAccounts, nil } // ValidatingAccountsForEpochByIndex obtains the specified validating accounts for a given epoch. func (s *Service) ValidatingAccountsForEpochByIndex(ctx context.Context, epoch phase0.Epoch, indices []phase0.ValidatorIndex) (map[phase0.ValidatorIndex]e2wtypes.Account, error) { validatingAccounts := make(map[phase0.ValidatorIndex]e2wtypes.Account) pubKeys := make([]phase0.BLSPubKey, 0, len(s.accounts)) for pubKey := range s.accounts { pubKeys = append(pubKeys, pubKey) } indexPresenceMap := make(map[phase0.ValidatorIndex]bool) for _, index := range indices { indexPresenceMap[index] = true } validators := s.validatorsManager.ValidatorsByPubKey(ctx, pubKeys) for index, validator := range validators { if _, present := indexPresenceMap[index]; !present { continue } state := api.ValidatorToState(validator, epoch, s.farFutureEpoch) if state == api.ValidatorStateActiveOngoing || state == api.ValidatorStateActiveExiting { validatingAccounts[index] = s.accounts[validator.PublicKey] } } return validatingAccounts, nil } // accountPathsToVerificationRegexes turns account paths in to regexes to allow verification. func accountPathsToVerificationRegexes(paths []string) []*regexp.Regexp { regexes := make([]*regexp.Regexp, 0, len(paths)) for _, path := range paths { log := log.With().Str("path", path).Logger() parts := strings.Split(path, "/") if len(parts) == 0 || len(parts[0]) == 0 { log.Debug().Msg("Invalid path") continue } if len(parts) == 1 { parts = append(parts, ".*") } parts[1] = strings.TrimPrefix(parts[1], "^") var specifier string if strings.HasSuffix(parts[1], "$") { specifier = fmt.Sprintf("^%s/%s", parts[0], parts[1]) } else { specifier = fmt.Sprintf("^%s/%s$", parts[0], parts[1]) } regex, err := regexp.Compile(specifier) if err != nil { log.Warn().Str("specifier", specifier).Err(err).Msg("Invalid path regex") continue } regexes = append(regexes, regex) } return regexes } func (s *Service) fetchAccountsForWallet(ctx context.Context, wallet e2wtypes.Wallet, accounts map[phase0.BLSPubKey]e2wtypes.Account, verificationRegexes []*regexp.Regexp) { for account := range wallet.Accounts(ctx) { // Ensure the name matches one of our account paths. name := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", wallet.Name(), account.Name()) verified := false for _, verificationRegex := range verificationRegexes { if verificationRegex.Match([]byte(name)) { verified = true break } } if !verified { log.Debug().Str("account", name).Msg("Received unwanted account from server; ignoring") continue } var pubKey []byte if provider, isProvider := account.(e2wtypes.AccountCompositePublicKeyProvider); isProvider { pubKey = provider.CompositePublicKey().Marshal() } else { pubKey = account.PublicKey().Marshal() } // Ensure we can unlock the account with a known passphrase. unlocked := false if unlocker, isUnlocker := account.(e2wtypes.AccountLocker); isUnlocker { for _, passphrase := range s.passphrases { if err := unlocker.Unlock(ctx, passphrase); err == nil { unlocked = true break } } } if !unlocked { log.Warn().Str("account", name).Msg("Failed to unlock account with any passphrase") continue } // Set up account as unknown to beacon chain. accounts[bytesutil.ToBytes48(pubKey)] = account } }