
184 lines
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// Copyright © 2020 Attestant Limited.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package standard
import (
api "github.com/attestantio/go-eth2-client/api/v1"
spec "github.com/attestantio/go-eth2-client/spec/phase0"
// HandleHeadEvent handles the "head" events from the beacon node.
func (s *Service) HandleHeadEvent(event *api.Event) {
if event.Data == nil {
ctx := context.Background()
var zeroRoot spec.Root
data := event.Data.(*api.HeadEvent)
log := log.With().Uint64("slot", uint64(data.Slot)).Logger()
log.Trace().Msg("Received head event")
if data.Slot != s.chainTimeService.CurrentSlot() {
// Old versions of teku send a synthetic head event when they don't receive a block
// by a certain time after start of the slot. We only care about real block updates
// for the purposes of this function, so ignore them.
if !bytes.Equal(s.lastBlockRoot[:], zeroRoot[:]) &&
bytes.Equal(s.lastBlockRoot[:], data.Block[:]) {
log.Trace().Msg("Synthetic head event; ignoring")
s.lastBlockRoot = data.Block
epoch := s.chainTimeService.SlotToEpoch(data.Slot)
s.monitor.BlockDelay(uint(uint64(data.Slot)%s.slotsPerEpoch), time.Since(s.chainTimeService.StartOfSlot(data.Slot)))
// Check to see if there is a reorganisation that requires re-fetching duties.
if s.reorgs && s.lastBlockEpoch != 0 {
if epoch > s.lastBlockEpoch {
Str("old_previous_dependent_root", fmt.Sprintf("%#x", s.previousDutyDependentRoot)).
Str("new_previous_dependent_root", fmt.Sprintf("%#x", data.PreviousDutyDependentRoot)).
Str("old_current_dependent_root", fmt.Sprintf("%#x", s.currentDutyDependentRoot)).
Str("new_current_dependent_root", fmt.Sprintf("%#x", data.CurrentDutyDependentRoot)).
Msg("Change of epoch")
// Change of epoch. Ensure that the new previous dependent root is the same as
// the old current root.
if !bytes.Equal(s.previousDutyDependentRoot[:], zeroRoot[:]) &&
!bytes.Equal(s.currentDutyDependentRoot[:], data.PreviousDutyDependentRoot[:]) {
Str("old_current_dependent_root", fmt.Sprintf("%#x", s.currentDutyDependentRoot[:])).
Str("new_previous_dependent_root", fmt.Sprintf("%#x", data.PreviousDutyDependentRoot[:])).
Msg("Previous duty dependent root has changed on epoch transition")
go s.handlePreviousDependentRootChanged(ctx)
} else {
// Existing epoch. Ensure that the roots are the same.
if !bytes.Equal(s.previousDutyDependentRoot[:], zeroRoot[:]) &&
!bytes.Equal(s.previousDutyDependentRoot[:], data.PreviousDutyDependentRoot[:]) {
Str("old_dependent_root", fmt.Sprintf("%#x", s.previousDutyDependentRoot[:])).
Str("new_dependent_root", fmt.Sprintf("%#x", data.PreviousDutyDependentRoot[:])).
Msg("Previous duty dependent root has changed")
go s.handlePreviousDependentRootChanged(ctx)
if !bytes.Equal(s.currentDutyDependentRoot[:], zeroRoot[:]) &&
!bytes.Equal(s.currentDutyDependentRoot[:], data.CurrentDutyDependentRoot[:]) {
Str("old_dependent_root", fmt.Sprintf("%#x", s.currentDutyDependentRoot[:])).
Str("new_dependent_root", fmt.Sprintf("%#x", data.CurrentDutyDependentRoot[:])).
Msg("Current duty dependent root has changed")
go s.handleCurrentDependentRootChanged(ctx)
s.lastBlockEpoch = epoch
s.previousDutyDependentRoot = data.PreviousDutyDependentRoot
s.currentDutyDependentRoot = data.CurrentDutyDependentRoot
// We give the block half a second to propagate around the rest of the
// network before kicking off attestations for the block's slot.
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
jobName := fmt.Sprintf("Attestations for slot %d", data.Slot)
if s.scheduler.JobExists(ctx, jobName) {
log.Trace().Msg("Kicking off attestations for slot early due to receiving relevant block")
s.scheduler.RunJobIfExists(ctx, jobName)
// Remove old subscriptions if present.
delete(s.subscriptionInfos, s.chainTimeService.SlotToEpoch(data.Slot)-2)
// handlePreviousDependentRootChanged handles the situation where the previous
// dependent root changed.
func (s *Service) handlePreviousDependentRootChanged(ctx context.Context) {
// We need to refresh the attester duties for this epoch.
s.refreshAttesterDutiesForEpoch(ctx, s.chainTimeService.CurrentEpoch())
// handlePreviousDependentRootChanged handles the situation where the current
// dependent root changed.
func (s *Service) handleCurrentDependentRootChanged(ctx context.Context) {
// We need to refresh the proposer duties for this epoch.
s.refreshProposerDutiesForEpoch(ctx, s.chainTimeService.CurrentEpoch())
// We need to refresh the attester duties for the next epoch.
s.refreshAttesterDutiesForEpoch(ctx, s.chainTimeService.CurrentEpoch()+1)
func (s *Service) refreshProposerDutiesForEpoch(ctx context.Context, epoch spec.Epoch) {
// First thing we do is cancel all scheduled beacon bock proposal jobs.
s.scheduler.CancelJobs(ctx, "Beacon block proposal")
_, validatorIndices, err := s.accountsAndIndicesForEpoch(ctx, epoch)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Uint64("epoch", uint64(epoch)).Msg("Failed to obtain active validators for epoch")
// Expect at least one validator.
if len(validatorIndices) == 0 {
log.Warn().Msg("No active validators; not validating")
s.scheduleProposals(ctx, epoch, validatorIndices, true /* notCurrentSlot */)
func (s *Service) refreshAttesterDutiesForEpoch(ctx context.Context, epoch spec.Epoch) {
cancelledJobs := make(map[spec.Slot]bool)
// First thing we do is cancel all scheduled attestations jobs.
for slot := s.chainTimeService.FirstSlotOfEpoch(epoch); slot < s.chainTimeService.FirstSlotOfEpoch(epoch+1); slot++ {
if err := s.scheduler.CancelJob(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Attestations for slot %d", slot)); err == nil {
cancelledJobs[slot] = true
accounts, validatorIndices, err := s.accountsAndIndicesForEpoch(ctx, epoch)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Uint64("epoch", uint64(epoch)).Msg("Failed to obtain active validators for epoch")
// Expect at least one validator.
if len(validatorIndices) == 0 {
log.Warn().Msg("No active validators; not validating")
// Reschedule attestations.
// Only reschedule current slot if its job was cancelled.
curentSlotJobCancelled := cancelledJobs[s.chainTimeService.CurrentSlot()]
go s.scheduleAttestations(ctx, epoch, validatorIndices, !curentSlotJobCancelled)
// Update beacon committee subscriptions for the next epoch.
subscriptionInfo, err := s.beaconCommitteeSubscriber.Subscribe(ctx, epoch, accounts)
if err != nil {
log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("Failed to subscribe to beacon committees")
s.subscriptionInfos[epoch] = subscriptionInfo